pensyarah universiti
jabatan kejuruteraan mekanikal & pembuatan
Mohd Zaki Nuawi currently works at the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, National University of Malaysia. Mohd Zaki does research in Statistical Signal Analysis and Instrumentation Engineering, Acoustic Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. Their current project is mechanical signal analysis for material characterisation.
n.s. suhaimi, m.i.m. ahmad, m.z. nuawi, z.m. hafiz, z. sajuri, a.z.m. abdullah. (2024). the effect of railways speed on the rail track structure strain behaviour using fibre optical sensor. - aip conference proceedings / the 5th international conference on automotive innovation and green energy vehicle. 1-11.
zaliha wahid, mohd faizal mat tahir, lutfil hadi hendri dwisatrya, nor kamaliana khamis, muhamad arif fadli ahmad, mohd zaki nuawi. (2024). 3d printed nature pattern metastructure for the sound absorption coefficient. - 7th international conference on noise, vibration and comfort (nvc 2023). 1-12.
agus danish hakim agosmustaram, meor iqram meor ahmad, nur shufinah suhaimi, mohd zaki nuawi, mohd hafizi zohari, ahmad kamal ariffin, aidie zeid muhammad abdullah. (2024). monitoring for strain-based railway structure assessment approach using optical fibre sensor. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 793-799.
nur shufinah suhaimi, meor iqram meor ahmad, mohd zaki nuawi, mohd hafizi zohari, ahmad kamal ariffin, aidie zeid muhammad abdullah. (2024). determination of train vehicle speed using fibre bragg grating sensors for railway application. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 785-792.
lutfil hadi hendri dwisatrya, zaliha wahid, mohd faizal mat tahir, nor kamaliana khamis, muhamad arif fadli ahmad & mohd zaki nuawi. (2023). 3d printed nature pattern metamaterial for the sound absorption coefficient. - 7th international conference on noise, vibration and comfort (nvc2023). 1-14.
muhammad imran sadiq, wan aizon w. ghopa, mohd zaki nuawi, mohammad rasidi rasani and mohd anas mohd sabri. (2022). experimental and numerical investigation of static and dynamic characteristics of bio-oils and sae40 in fluid film journal bearing. - materials. 1-14.
muhammad imran sadiq, wan aizon ghopa, mohd zaki nuawi, mohammad rasidi rasani and sofian ibrahim. (2022). an experimental investigation of static properties of bio-oils and sae40 oil in journal bearing applications. - materials. 1-14.
muhammad imran sadiq, wan aizon w. ghopa, mohd. zaki nuawi, mohammad rasidi rasani, nor kamaliana khamis, mohd radzi abu mansor. (2022). investigation of stiffness and damping coefficients in fluid film bearing with bio oils and mineral based oil. - energy report. 419-429.
a.a.a. rahim, s. abdullah, s.s.k. singh, m.z. nuawi. (2021). fatigue strain signal reconstruction technique based on selected wavelet decomposition levels of an automobile coil spring. - engineering failure analysis. 1-14.
j.a. ghani, m.n.a.m. dali, h.a. rahman, c.h.c. haron, w.m.f. wan mahmood,m.r.m. rasani, m.z. nuawi. (2019). analysis of dimple structure fabricated using turning process and subsequent reduction in friction. - wear. 1280-1285.
n. a. kasim, m. z. nuawi, j. a. ghani, muhammad rizal, n. a. ngatiman & c. h. c. haron. (2021). enhancing clustering algorithm with initial centroids in tool wear region recognition. - international journal of precision engineering and manufacturing. 843-863.
airee afiq abd rahim, shahrum abdullah, salvinder singh karam singh and mohammad zaki nuawi. (2021). fatigue life analysis using wavelet-based signal decomposition. - international journal of materials and product technology. 138-147.
airee afiq abd rahim, shahrum abdullah, salvinder singh karam singh and mohammad zaki nuawi. (2020). selection of the optimum decomposition level using the discrete wavelet transform for automobile suspension system. - journal of mechanical science and technology. 137-142.
nor azizi ngatiman, mohd. zaki nuawi, mohd irman ramli. (2019). pattern recognition for hev engine diagnostic using an improved statistical analysis. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 287-294.
airee afiq abd rahim, shahrum abdullah, salvinder singh karam singh and mohd. zaki nuawi. (2019). reliability assessment on automobile suspension system using wavelet analysis. - international journal of structural integrity. 602-611.
n.s. suhaimi, m.i.m. ahmad, m.z. nuawi, a.k. ariffin, a.z.m. abdullah. (2023). structural condition assessment based strain-stress behaviour for railway welded rail joint using rosette fibre bragg grating optical sensor. - results in engineering. 1-12.
a. othman, h. hamid, m.a.f. ahmad and m.z. nuawi. (2023). comparison study on pinch-hitting vibration signal analysis for automotive bearing: i-kaztm and i-kaz 3d. - the international journal of integrated engineering. 253-262.
muhammad imran sadiq, wan aizon w. ghopa, mohd zaki nuawi, mohammad rasidi rasani and mohd anas mohd sabri. (2022). experimental and numerical investigation of static and dynamic characteristics of bio-oils and sae40 in fluid film journal bearing. - materials. 1-14.
haniff abdul rahman, muhammad rizal, jaharah a. ghani, muhammad amirul syahfikri mazlan, mohd zaki nuawi1, che hassan che haron, mohd nur alfath suliman, abdul hadi mehamud zelun. (2022). semiconductor strain gauges as potential replacement to metal foil for cutting force measurement in machining process. - jurnal tribologi. 137-147.
muhammad imran sadiq, wan aizon ghopa, mohd zaki nuawi, mohammad rasidi rasani and sofian ibrahim. (2022). an experimental investigation of static properties of bio-oils and sae40 oil in journal bearing applications. - materials. 1-14.
zaliha wahid, mohd faizal mat tahir, lutfil hadi hendri dwisatrya, nor kamaliana khamis, muhamad arif fadli ahmad, mohd zaki nuawi. (2024). 3d printed nature pattern metastructure for the sound absorption coefficient. - 7th international conference on noise, vibration and comfort (nvc 2023). 1-12.
n.s. suhaimi, m.i.m. ahmad, m.z. nuawi, z.m. hafiz, z. sajuri, a.z.m. abdullah. (2024). the effect of railways speed on the rail track structure strain behaviour using fibre optical sensor. - aip conference proceedings / the 5th international conference on automotive innovation and green energy vehicle. 1-11.
m.n.f.m. kazim, y.j. zhe, z. harun, m.z. nuawi, m.r. rasani, m.n. rahman y. (2023). a comparative study of dual cylinders and triangle bluff bodies for piezoelectric energy harvesting. - journal of physics: conference series. 1-6.
muhammad imran sadiq, wan aizon wan ghopa, mohd zaki nuawi, mohammad rasidi mohammad rasani & tajammal imran. (2022). effect of bio lubricants on the dynamic performance of rotor bearing system: a mathematical model. - 5th symposium on damage mechanism in materials and structures (sdmms 20·21). 195-207.
mnfm kazim, mrm rasani, a a abd rahman, m z nuawi, z harun and nam amin. (2019). triangular separation distance effects on wave electrical energy harvester performance. - 5th international conference on man machine systems. 20-23.
lennie abdullah, zulkifli mohd nopiah, mohd zaki nuawi. (2021). lesu pengecaman dan penyelesaian dalam automotif. - . 213.
ab. samad kechot, mohamed anwar omar din, azhar abdul latif, huda abdullah & mohd zaki nuawi. (2016). teknologi di alam melayu. - . Bab 1 : 23 - 34.
abdul samad kechot, daeng haliza daeng jamal, huda abdullah & mohd zaki nuawi. (2015). ensiklopedia kejuruteraan alam melayu. - . 211-215.
jaharah a. ghani, muhammad rizal, mohd zaki nuawi, che hasan che haron, and rizauddin ramlia. (2010). iaeng transactions on engineering technologies volume 5. - . 249-260.
ab. samad kechot, mohamed anwar omar din, azhar abdul latiff, huda abdullah & mohd zaki nuawi. (2016). teknologi di alam melayu. - . 11.
ab. samad kechot, mohamed anwar omar din, azhar abdul latif, huda abdullah & mohd zaki nuawi. (2016). teknologi di alam melayu. - . Bab 1 : 23 - 34.
abdul samad kechot, daeng haliza daeng jamal, huda abdullah & mohd zaki nuawi. (2015). ensiklopedia kejuruteraan alam melayu. - . 211-215.
jaharah a. ghani, muhammad rizal, mohd zaki nuawi, che hasan che haron, and rizauddin ramlia. (2010). iaeng transactions on engineering technologies volume 5. - . 249-260.
lennie abdullah, zulkifli mohd nopiah, mohd zaki nuawi. (2021). lesu pengecaman dan penyelesaian dalam automotif. - . 213.
mohd zaki nuawi, shahrum abdullah, shahrir abdullah, s.m haris, azli arifin. (2009). matlab: a comprehensive reference for engineers. - . 210.
mohd faizal bin mat tahir;rozli bin zulkifli;mohd. zaki bin nuawi;nor kamaliana binti khamis. (2023). studies on acoustics properties of local wood material use in traditional malaysian house. - . .
lutfil hadi hendri dwisatrya, zaliha wahid, mohd faizal mat tahir, nor kamaliana khamis, muhamad arif fadli ahmad & mohd zaki nuawi. (2023). 3d printed nature pattern metamaterial for the sound absorption coefficient. - 7th international conference on noise, vibration and comfort (nvc2023). 1-14.
mohammad rasidi bin mohammad rasani;mohd. zaki bin nuawi;mohd faizal bin mat tahir. (2023). effect of stenosis and wall-hardening on carotid artery acoustics - a computational multiphysics study using realistic model. . - . .
meor iqram meor ahmad, nur shufinah suhaimi, mohd zaki nuawi, mohd anas mohd sabri and nor kamaliana kamis. (2023). life prediction in palmgren miner rule using fibre bragg grating shifting wavelength for rail track integrity assessment. - 11th international symposium on applied engineering and sciences. 1-23.
n a mohamad razak, mohd faizal mat tahir, mohd. zaki nuawi, mohd khairul azhar mat sulaiman, akh ahmad kamal, b a ramli. (2023). preliminary study on acoustic effect of vertical arrangement configuration for kailan and pak choi vegetable as a potential nature sound barrier. - 7th international conference on noise, vibration and comfort (nvc 2023). 1-16.
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