pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian teknologi kecerdasan buatan (cait)
Prof Dr Masri Ayob is a lecturer in the Faculty of Information Science and Technology at the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) since 1997. She has obtained her PhD in Computer Science at The University of Nottingham in 2005. Her main research areas include meta-heuristics, hyper-heuristics, scheduling and timetabling, especially educational timetabling, healthcare scheduling and routing problems. She has published more than 150 papers at international journals and at peer-reviewed international conferences. She has been served as a programme committee for more than 50 international conferences and reviewers for high impact journals. She was a member of ASAP research group at the The University of Nottingham. Currently, she is a principle researcher in Data Mining and Optimisation Research Group (DMO), Centre for Artificial Intelligent (CAIT), UKM.
dahlila putri binti dahnil sikumbang;masri binti ayob;salwani binti abdullah. (2024). integrating adaptive radio resource allocation and energy harvesting technique for future green communication systems. - . .
zulaiha binti ali othman;masri binti ayob;nor samsiah binti sani. (2024). a deep learning prune based algorithm with compression to optimise iot capability and communication.. - . .
mohamad khairulamirin md razali, abdul hadi abd rahman, masri ayob, razman jarmin, liu chian yong, muhammad maaya, azarinah izaham, raha abdul rahman. (2024). an improved saturation degree-based constructive heuristic for master surgery scheduling problem: case study. - ieee access. 44748-44772.
hossam m. j. mustafa, masri ayob, hisham a. shehadeh, abd sawsan abu-taleb. (2023). multi-objective memetic differential evolution optimization algorithm for text clustering problems. - neural computing and applications. 1711-1731.
musatafa abbas abbood albadr, masri ayob, sabrina tiun, fahad taha al-dhief, anas arram and sura khalaf. (2023). breast cancer diagnosis using the fast learning network algorithm. - frontiers in oncology. 1-16.
mohamad khairulamirin md razali, abdul hadi abd rahman, masri ayob, razman jarmin, liu chian yong, muhammad maaya, azarinah izaham, raha abdul rahman. (2024). an improved saturation degree-based constructive heuristic for master surgery scheduling problem: case study. - ieee access. 44748-44772.
su, zhihao, afzan adam, mohammad faidzul nasrudin, masri ayob, and gauthamen punganan. (2023). skeletal fracture detection with deep learning: a comprehensive review. - diagnostics. 3245.
musatafa abbas abbood albadr, sabrina tiun, masri ayob, mohd zakree ahmad nazri, fahad taha al-dhief. (2023). grey wolf optimization-extreme learning machine for automatic spoken language identification. - multimedia tools and applications. 27165-27191.
narjes khatoon naseri, elankovan sundararajan, masri ayob. (2023). smart root search (srs) in solving service time-cost optimization in cloud computing service composition (stcoccsc) problems. - symmetry. 1-21.
hossam m. j. mustafa, masri ayob, hisham a. shehadeh, abd sawsan abu-taleb. (2023). multi-objective memetic differential evolution optimization algorithm for text clustering problems. - neural computing and applications. 1711-1731.
anahita ghazvini, siti norul huda sheikh abdullah, masri ayob. (2019). a recent trend in individual counting approach using deep network. - international journal of interactive multimedia and artificial intelligence. 5-14.
hossam m. j. mustafa, masri ayob, mohd zakree ahmad nazri, sawsan abu-taleb. (2019). multi-objectives memetic discrete differential evolution algorithm for solving the container pre-marshalling problem. - journal of information and communication technology. 77-96.
musatafa abbas abbood albadr, sabrina tiun, masri ayob, fahad taha al-dhief. (2019). spoken language identification based on optimised genetic algorithm extreme learning machine approach. - international journal of speech technology. 711-727.
samar kamil, masri ayob, siti norul huda sheikh abdullah, zulkifli ahmad. (2018). lightweight and optimized multi-layer data hiding using video steganography paper. - international journal of advanced computer science and applications. .
esam taha yassen, anas arram, masri ayob, mohd zakree ahmad nazri. (2017). a constructive heuristic for police patrol routing problems. - pertanika journal science and technology. 87-96.
mohamad khairulamirin md razali, abdul hadi abd rahman, masri ayob, razman jarmin, liu chian yong, muhammad maaya, azarinah izaham, raha abdul rahman. (2024). an improved saturation degree-based constructive heuristic for master surgery scheduling problem: case study. - ieee access. 44748-44772.
su, zhihao, afzan adam, mohammad faidzul nasrudin, masri ayob, and gauthamen punganan. (2023). skeletal fracture detection with deep learning: a comprehensive review. - diagnostics. 3245.
narjes khatoon naseri, elankovan sundararajan, masri ayob. (2023). smart root search (srs) in solving service time-cost optimization in cloud computing service composition (stcoccsc) problems. - symmetry. 1-21.
musatafa abbas abbood albadr, masri ayob, sabrina tiun, fahad taha al-dhief, anas arram and sura khalaf. (2023). breast cancer diagnosis using the fast learning network algorithm. - frontiers in oncology. 1-16.
musatafa abbas abbood albadr, sabrina tiun, masri ayob, mohd zakree ahmad nazri, fahad taha al-dhief. (2023). grey wolf optimization-extreme learning machine for automatic spoken language identification. - multimedia tools and applications. 27165-27191.
masri ayob and dewan mahmuda zaman. (2023). elitism-based genetic algorithm hyper-heuristic for solving real-life surgical scheduling problem. - 15th asian conference, aciids 2023. 510-523.
mohamad khairulamirin md razali, abdul hadi abd rahman, masri ayob, razman jarmin, liu chian yong, muhammad maaya, azarinah izaham, raha abdul rahman. (2023). saturation degree based constructive heuristic for master surgery scheduling problem. - 2023 ieee international conference on artificial intelligence in engineering and technology (iicaiet). 27-32.
mohammed hadwan, masri ayob, mohammed al-hagery & bassam naji al-tamimi. (2019). climbing harmony search algorithm for nurse rostering problems. - proceedings of the 3rd international conference of reliable information and communication technology irict 2018. 74-83.
xiao fei yang, masri ayob & mohd zakree ahmad nazri. (2018). an investigation of timetable satisfaction factors for a practical university course timetabling problem. - proceedings of the 2017 6th international conference on electrical engineering and informatics. .
s.n.h.s. abdullah, w.f. fauzi, m.n. sudin, n.n. zahari, z. a. rahman, a.ismail, n. r. m. suradi, a.s. rambely, n. sarnon, a. h. shaari, s. samrun, n. arsad, m.h.m. saad, m. mohd, m. ayob, k.v. jyn, k. a. z. nazri, r. yaakub, ariffin, (2018). assessment of self-identity among teens towards self-crime prevention program. - cyber resilience conference 2018. .
masri ayob, mohd hariszam khamis. (2018). sains data penerokaan pengetahuan dari data raya. - . 12.
masri ayob, mohd hariszam khamis. (2018). sains data penerokaan pengetahuan dari data raya. - . 12.
zulaiha binti ali othman;masri binti ayob;nor samsiah binti sani. (2024). a deep learning prune based algorithm with compression to optimise iot capability and communication.. - . .
dahlila putri binti dahnil sikumbang;masri binti ayob;salwani binti abdullah. (2024). integrating adaptive radio resource allocation and energy harvesting technique for future green communication systems. - . .
siti norul huda sheikh abdullah, masri ayob, mohd syazwan baharuddin. (2023). laporan sitasi ftsm sehingga 2022 (unit p&i). - lp-ftsm-2023-001. 1-15.
masri binti ayob;raha binti abdul rahman;mohd zakree bin ahmad nazri;razman bin jarmin;muhammad bin maaya;nor samsiah binti sani;liu chian yong;sabrina binti tiun. (2022). discrete differential evolution algorithm enhancement using self-adaptive learning mechanism for solving surgery scheduling problems. - . .
mohamad norizal abdullah, masri ayob, and raja nur natasha raja ahmad anuar. (2021). anaesthetist rostering mobile application for hospital canselor tuanku muhriz. - lp-cait-ftsm-2021-003. 1-5.