ghufran aqeel asif, nur hazliza ariffin, norazreen ab aziz, mohd hadri hafiz mokhtar, norhana arsad. (2024). true north measurement: a comprehensive review of carouseling and maytagging methods of gyrocompassing. - measurement. 1-16.
mahmoud m. fadhel, razali muda, abdulwahhab e. hamzah, suhairi saharudin, mohd s. d. zan, norazreen a. aziz, norhana arsad. (2024). actively q switching an all polarization maintaining erbium doped fiber laser using an intracavity electro optic modulator. - microwave and optical technology letters. 1-5.
badariah binti bais;norbahiah binti misran;norazreen binti abd aziz;mohammad tariqul islam. (2023). pixelated metasurface rectenna based on symmetric resonator for electromagnetic energy harvesting. - . .
norazreen binti abd aziz;noorfazila binti kamal;norhana binti arsad;sawal hamid bin md ali;noor liyana binti sukiran;muhamad ramdzan bin buyong. (2023). development of mems ultrasonic transducer for plant cell transformation applications. - . .
muhammad al fikhri abdullah, norazreen abd aziz, mohd farhanulhakim abd razip wee. (2023). investigation on elastic behavior of metallic micropillar structure. - 11th international conference on applied science and technology 2022, 11th icast 2022. 1-7.
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mahmoud muhanad fadhel, haroon rashid, abdulwahhab essa hamzah, mohd saiful dzulkefly zan, norazreen abd aziz dan norhana arsad. (2021). flat frequency comb generation employing cascaded single-drive mach zehnder modulators with a simple analogue driving signal. - journal of modern optics. 536-541.
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mahmoud m. fadhel, razali muda, abdulwahhab e. hamzah, suhairi saharudin, mohd s. d. zan, norazreen a. aziz, norhana arsad. (2024). actively q switching an all polarization maintaining erbium doped fiber laser using an intracavity electro optic modulator. - microwave and optical technology letters. 1-5.
mahmoud muhanad fadhel, abdulwahhab essa hamzah, norazreen abd aziz, mohd saiful dzulkefly zan, norhana arsad. (2023). passively q-switching an all polarization-maintaining erbium-doped fiber laser with a rhenium disulfide (res2) saturable absorber. - heliyon elsevier. 1-10.
nor aishah mohd tahir, badariah bais, norazreen abd aziz. (2023). simulation and optimization of hifu transducer for liver tumor ablation. - journal of engineering science and technology. 1184-1198.
mohd faizol abdullah nur julia nazim bulya nazim norazreen abd aziz mohd rofei mat hussin. (2022). conversion of vertical-to-planar graphene by morphing of copper nanostructure during a moderate temperature plasma process. - vacuum. 1-5.
muhammad al fikhri abdullah, norazreen abd aziz, mohd farhanulhakim abd razip wee. (2023). investigation on elastic behavior of metallic micropillar structure. - 11th international conference on applied science and technology 2022, 11th icast 2022. 1-7.
mahmoud muhanad fadhel, mohd saiful dzulkefly zan, norazreen abd aziz, abdulwahhab essa hamzah, and norhana arsad. (2020). simulation of a simple scheme to generate flat frequency comb using cascaded single-drive mach-zehnder modulators. - 2020 ieee 8th international conference on photonics (icp). 82-83.
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badariah binti bais;norbahiah binti misran;norazreen binti abd aziz;mohammad tariqul islam. (2023). pixelated metasurface rectenna based on symmetric resonator for electromagnetic energy harvesting. - . .
nur isyakierah mohd afizal, puteri nur aisyah abd rahim, abdul rahman rahmat, mohd faizol abdullah, firzalaila syarina md yakin, norazreen abd aziz. (2023). unique responses in graphene sensor to predict temperature and humidity using ann model. - . 1-20.
muhamad ramdzan bin buyong;norazreen binti abd aziz;azrul azlan bin hamzah;mohd ambri bin mohamed;nadiah binti abu. (2023). dielectrophoretic lab-on-a-chip platform for exosomes detection and characterization.. - . .
puteri nur aisyah abd rahim, nur isyakierah mohd afizal, abdul rahman rahmat, mohd faizol abdullah, mohd rofei mat husin, norazreen abd aziz. (2023). low-concentration acetone and toluene sensors utilizing tiox-rgo and niox-rgo nanocomposites. - . 1-20.
norazreen binti abd aziz;noorfazila binti kamal;norhana binti arsad;sawal hamid bin md ali;noor liyana binti sukiran;muhamad ramdzan bin buyong. (2023). development of mems ultrasonic transducer for plant cell transformation applications. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
DEVELOPMENT OF A COMMERCIALIZE CUTTING-EDGE SOLUTION FOR SELF-ADJUSTING QIBLA DIRECTION FINDER INNOQIBLA® | advtech venture sdn. bhd (1321171-d) | 32.4% (2024-12-01 sehingga 2025-11-30) |