latip, zuliskandar ramli, mohd faizal musa. (2024). traditional administrative leadership in rantau bais subdistrict, rokan hilir, riau, indonesia. - revista de gestao social e ambiental. 1-16.
sri yanti mahadzir, zurina muda, siti aishah hanawi, zuliskandar ramli. (2024). content validation through expert judgement of web-based megalithic culture visualization. - geografia-malaysian journal of society & space. 128-144.
muhamad shafiq mohd ali, zuliskandar ramli, yunus sauman, mohd fauzan zuraidi, mohammad razin norman, mohd riduan mt said, mohamad sazuan sahrom. (2024). analisis fizikal & kandungan kimia tembikar tanah di gua kambing, baling, kedah. - jurnal arkeologi malaysia. 33-49.
abd latif amir, mohamad ridzwan ishak, noorfaizal yidris, mohamed yusoff mohd zuhri, m.r.m. asyraf, m.r. razman, z. ramli. (2024). full-scale evaluation of creep coefficients and viscoelastic moduli in honeycomb sandwich pultruded gfrp composite cross-arms: experimental and numerical study. - results in engineering. 1-15.
noor hafiza ismail, gregory anak kiyai @ keai, khairun nisa mustaffa halabi, maisarah abd hamid, hamdzun haron, zuliskandar ramli, salina abd. manan. (2023). mengkuang dan pandan: keindahan anyaman kelarai di terengganu. - international journal of the malay world and civilisation. 31-47.
muhammad rizal muhammad asyraf, mazlan rafidah, emrah madenci, yasin onuralp ozkilic, ceyhun aksoylu, muhammad rizal razman, zuliskandar ramli, sharifah zarina syed zakaria , tabrej khan. (2023). creep properties and analysis of cross arms materials and structures in latticed transmission towers: progress and future perspectives. - materials. 1-31.
m. r. m. asyraf; m. r. ishak; desmond daniel chin vui sheng; a. h. m. hasni; a. l. amir; m. f. abd rased; m. rafidah; m. n. f. norrrahim; m. r. razman; z. iskandar. (2023). conceptual design of a sustainable bionanocomposite bracket for a transmission tower cross arm using a hybrid concurrent engineering approach. - sustainability. 1-25.
rushdan ahmad ilyas, humaira alias aisyah, abu hassan nordin, norzita ngadi, mohamed yusoff mohd zuhri, muhammad rizal muhammad asyraf, salit mohd sapuan, edi syams zainudin, shubham sharma, hairul abral, mochamad asrofi, edi syafri, nasmi herlina sari. m. (2022). natural-fiber-reinforced chitosan, chitosan blends and their nanocomposites for various advanced applications. - polymers. 1-36.
zainab binti roslan, zuliskandar ramli, muhammad rizal razman, m. r. m. asyraf, m. r. ishak, r. a. ilyas, and n. m. nurazzi. (2021). reflections on local community identity by evaluating heritage sustainability protection in jugra, selangor, malaysia. - sustainability. 1-21.
hossein sarhaddi-dadian, hossein moradi, rouhollah shirazi, zuliskandar ramli. (2019). structure and architecture of graves in south east iran: ethnic diversity and migrations in the 3rd milennium bce. - central asiatic journal. 175-192.
ros mahwati ahmad zakaria, nurfarahhana ismail, zuliskandar ramli, muhammad shafiq mohd ali. (2019). mapping the mahkota atap masjid or decorative roof finial of traditional mosques in malacca. - environment-behaviour proceeding journal. 129-136.
nur qahirah abdul rahman, zuliskandar ramli, azimah hussin, muhammad nu'man mohd nasir, nur sarahah mohd supian, hossein sarhaddi dadian. (2019). elemental analysis by field-emission scanning electron microscope of ancient glass beads sample from pulau kalumpang archeological site, (perak, malaysia). - mediterranean archaeology and archaeometry. 93-106.
ros mahwati ahmad zakaria, zuliskandar ramli. (2018). nondestructive analysis tests to evaluate the property of quran bindings. - al-shajarah. .
vahid pourzarghan, hossein sarhaddi-dadian & zuliskandar ramli. (2017). morphology of ancient potteries using x-ray diffraction analysis and x-ray fluorescence in sistan plain, eastern iran. - mediterranean archaeology and archaeometry. 175-186.
latip, zuliskandar ramli, mohd faizal musa. (2024). traditional administrative leadership in rantau bais subdistrict, rokan hilir, riau, indonesia. - revista de gestao social e ambiental. 1-16.
sri yanti mahadzir, zurina muda, siti aishah hanawi, zuliskandar ramli. (2024). content validation through expert judgement of web-based megalithic culture visualization. - geografia-malaysian journal of society & space. 128-144.
abd latif amir, mohamad ridzwan ishak, noorfaizal yidris, mohamed yusoff mohd zuhri, m.r.m. asyraf, m.r. razman, z. ramli. (2024). full-scale evaluation of creep coefficients and viscoelastic moduli in honeycomb sandwich pultruded gfrp composite cross-arms: experimental and numerical study. - results in engineering. 1-15.
muhamad shafiq mohd ali, zuliskandar ramli, nur farriehah azizan. (2023). geochemistry and mineralogy of prehistoric pottery shards found at gua kelew, nenggiri valley, kelantan, malaysia. - bulletin of the geological society of malaysia. 85-99.
norazilawati abd wahab, zuliskandar ramli, mohd firdaus abdullah. (2023). sultan sulaiman badrul alam syah on the socio-economy of terengganu, 1920-1942. - global journal al-thaqafah (gjat). 46-61.
zuliskandar ramli, muhammad nu'man mohd nasir , muhamad shafiq mohd ali. (2022). pottery sherds of kampung baru archaeological site, kedah, malaysia: a geochemical and physical analysis. - aip conference proceedings. 1-7.
mohd fauzan zuraidi, zuliskandar ramli, yunus sauman, muhammad nu'man mohd nasir. (2022). prehistoric archeology in baling, kedah: a review of chronology, cultural evolution and environment. - proceedings of the 9th asbam international conference (archeology, history, & culture in the nature of malay) (asbam 2021). 110-116.
muhamad shafiq mohd ali & zuliskandar ramli. (2022). analysis on the composition of ancient brick in telagajaya village, batujaya temple complex, west java, indonesia. - proceedings of the 9th asbam international conference (archeology, history, & culture in the nature of malay) (asbam 2021). 126-133.
nur farriehah azizan, zuliskandar ramli, shamsuddin ahmad, daeng haliza daeng jamal. (2022). megalithic culture in luak jempol. - proceedings of the 9th asbam international conference (archeology, history, & culture in the nature of malay) (asbam 2021). 162-168.
muhammad nu'man mohd nasir, zuliskandar ramli, hamdzun haron, muhamad shafiq mohd ali & mohd fauzan zuraidi. (2022). the influence of the environment on the construction of candi: a study on several of ancient kedah candis. - proceedings of the 9th asbam international conference (archeology, history, & culture in the nature of malay) (asbam 2021). 134-139.
zuliskandar ramli. (2022). unraveling the mysteries of bone health in ancient humans from the malay peninsula. - . 17.
ima nirwana soelaiman, zuliskandar ramli, wong sok kuan. (2022). unraveling the mysteries of bone health in ancient humans from the malay peninsula. - . 183.
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hasanuddin yusof, zuliskandar ramli & abdul latif samian. (2021). teknologi warisan alam melayu. - . 13.
ros mahwati ahmad zakaria, zuliskandar ramli, adnan mohd jusoh. (2023). arkeologi malaysia-indonesia: tumpuan di semenanjung malaysia dan sulawesi. - . 14.
zuliskandar ramli, mohd rohaizat abdul wahab, yunus sauman. (2023). arkeologi malaysia-indonesia: tumpuan di semenanjung malaysia dan sulawesi. - . 27.
iwan sumantri, asri jaya, amrullah amir,andi muhammad akhmar, zuliskandar ramli, dian cahyadi,adhi agus oktaviana, shinatria adhityatama, satriadi, burhan kadir. (2023). arkeologi malaysia-indonesia: tumpuan di semenanjung malaysia dan sulawesi. - . 23.
siti salina binti masdey, zuliskandar ramli. (2023). arkeologi malaysia-indonesia: tumpuan di semenanjung malaysia dan sulawesi. - . 11.
zuraidah hassan, zuliskandar ramli. (2023). arkeologi malaysia-indonesia: tumpuan di semenanjung malaysia dan sulawesi. - . 23.
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ros mahwati ahmad zakaria, nurfarahhana ismail, zuliskandar ramli. (2021). seni islam alam melayu reka bentuk mahkota atap masjid warisan negeri melaka. - . 163.
zuliskandar ramli. (2018). ketokohan panglima awang: orang pertama mengelilingi dunia. - . 196.
mohd rohaizat abdul wahab, ros mahwati ahmad zakaria, muhlis hadrawi & zuliskandar ramli. (2018). selected topics on archaeology, history and culture in the malay world. - . 243.
zuliskandar ramli, amir ridhuan ahmad, ima nirwana soelaiman, nor atika md ashar. (2023). researchers say prehistoric human skeleton, artefacts unearthed at kelantan nenggiri valley date back 14,000 years. - malay mail. 1-5.
zuliskandar ramli. (2023). penemuan rangka manusia wanita pra-neolitik. - sinar harian. 1-2.
ima nirwana soelaiman. (2023). rangka manusia prasejarah nenggiri dihantar ke makmal untuk dianalisis. - buletin bernama tv; laporan khas. .
ima nirwana soelaiman, zuliskandar ramli, elvy suhana mohd ramli. (2023). "alat solek rungkai jantina manusia purba". "merungkai manusia lembah nenggiri". - harian metro. 25.
ima nirwana soelaiman, zuliskandar ramli, norakmal shareela ismail. (2023). rangka manusia prasejarah berjaya dibawa keluar dalam proses ekskavasi penyelamatan. - buletin bernama. .
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