pensyarah universiti
institut kejuruteraan mikro & nanoelektronik (imen)
P Susthitha Menon completed her B. Eng (Hons) degree at the National University of Malaysia or Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Bangi, Malaysia specializing in Electric, Electronics and System Engineering in 1998 under the sponsorship of Intel Products Malaysia Pte. Ltd. After that, she worked at Intel Malaysia as a Product Engineer for mobile modules and motherboard systems until 2002. In 2005, she completed her M.Sc. degree specializing in Microelectronics at UKM where she developed a silicon lateral p-i-n photodiode (LPP) under the sponsorship of the Malaysian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI). Later, in 2008, she completed her Ph.D. degree with Distinction at the Institute of Microengineering & Nanoelectronics (IMEN), UKM where she developed an InGaAs-based interdigitated lateral p-i-n photodiode (ILPP). She joined IMEN, UKM as a postdoctoral fellow in 2008 and worked on the development of GaAs/InP-based long-wavelength vertical cavity surface-emitting lasers (LW-VCSEL). Since 2009, she is a research fellow at IMEN, UKM specializing in the field of nanophotonics, optoelectronics, III-V materials, optical communications and robust engineering optimization.
kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran;jalifah binti latip;p. susthitha menon a/p n v visvanathan;afifuddin husairi bin mat jusoh @ hussain. (2024). exploring the association of metals in making polyester complexes for the origins of life. - . .
p susthitha menon, atiqah mohd afdzaluddin, ahmad razif muhammad, jumril yunas, ahmad ghadafi ismail, nur hidayah azeman, hafzaliza erny zainal abidin, burhanuddin yeop majlis, shafii abd wahab, ramdzan buyong, ahmad rifqi md zain. (2024). buletin alumni imen (bil 3) 2023. - buletin alumni imen (bil 3) 2023. 1-12.
rabin paul; shweta shukla; trupti ranjan lenka; fazal ahmed talukdar; vishal goyal; nour el islam boukortt; p. susthitha menon. (2024). recent progress in czts cuznsn sulfde thin film solar cells a review. - journal of materials science: materials in electronics. 1-21.
p. susthitha menon a/p n v visvanathan. (2024). snap circuit stem training in malaysian schools. - . .
fadlan arif natashah, amirul ashraf md sabri, azzuliani supangat, p. susthitha menon, m. faisal khyasudeen, nur akmar jamil, siti nasuha mustaffa, vatsala pithaih, raymond ooi c.h.. (2024). kretschmann based plasmonic excitation of 2d organic semiconductor at visible wavelengths. - materials letters. 1-5.
fadlan arif natashah, amirul ashraf md sabri, azzuliani supangat, p. susthitha menon, m. faisal khyasudeen, nur akmar jamil, siti nasuha mustaffa, vatsala pithaih, raymond ooi c.h.. (2024). kretschmann based plasmonic excitation of 2d organic semiconductor at visible wavelengths. - materials letters. 1-5.
rabin paul; shweta shukla; trupti ranjan lenka; fazal ahmed talukdar; vishal goyal; nour el islam boukortt; p. susthitha menon. (2024). recent progress in czts cuznsn sulfde thin film solar cells a review. - journal of materials science: materials in electronics. 1-21.
siti nasuha mustaffa, nadhrah md yatim, affa rozana abdul rashid, vatsala pithaih , nur shahirah sha'ari, ahmad razif muhammad, azaham abdul rahman, nur akmar jamil, p. susthitha menon, nadrah md yatim. (2023). visible and angular interrogation of kretschmann based spr using hybrid au zno optical sensor for hyperuricemia detection. - heliyon. 1-11.
vikneswary ravi kumar, nirmala chandralega kampan, nor haslinda abd aziz, chew kah teik, mohamad nasir shafiee and p. susthitha menon. (2023). recent advances in surface plasmon resonance (spr) technology for detecting ovarian cancer biomarkers. - cancers. 5607-5633.
siti nasuha mustaffa, affa rozana abdul rashid, tan sin jin, p. susthitha menon, mohd zulhakimi ab razak, arni munira markom, hazlihan haris, ismail saad, ahmad razif muhammad. (2023). metal oxide coated optical fiber for humidity sensing application: a review. - ieee access. 1-33.
harshvardhan kumar, tanisha bohra, aproorv sharma, p susthitha menon, agus hatta. (2023). polarization diversity schemes for gas sensing applications: a comprehensive analysis and optimal design of high-performance si1-xgex mid-infrared asymmetric rib cross-slot waveguides. - journal of optical society of america b. 3246-3254.
m. shahrul arif, p. susthitha menon, c. h. raymond ooi. (2022). enhanced resonances by waveguide wrapping of a bulbed microring resonator. - applied optics. 3279-3287.
n. b. khairulazdan, p. s. menon, a. r. md. zain, d. d. berhanuddin. (2022). optimization of photonic crystal structure by fdtd method to improve the light extraction efficiency in silicon. - chalcogenide letter. 493-501.
n. f. razak, r. a. m. yusoff, f. d. muhamad, p. s. menon, h. w. you, n. daud, n. kasim, s. w. harun. (2021). a comparative study of the performance of narrow linewidth erbium-doped fiber laser by incorporating different selective elements. - optoelectronics and advanced materials rapid communications. 1-10.
a. srivastava, s. k. tripathy, t. r. lenka, p. s. menon, f. lin, a. g. aberle. (2021). an ab-initio investigation of mechanical and thermodynamic properties of ag2mgsn (s/se) 4 in kesterite and stannite phases. - applied physics a - materials science & processing. 1-12.
rabin paul; shweta shukla; trupti ranjan lenka; fazal ahmed talukdar; vishal goyal; nour el islam boukortt; p. susthitha menon. (2024). recent progress in czts cuznsn sulfde thin film solar cells a review. - journal of materials science: materials in electronics. 1-21.
fadlan arif natashah, amirul ashraf md sabri, azzuliani supangat, p. susthitha menon, m. faisal khyasudeen, nur akmar jamil, siti nasuha mustaffa, vatsala pithaih, raymond ooi c.h.. (2024). kretschmann based plasmonic excitation of 2d organic semiconductor at visible wavelengths. - materials letters. 1-5.
anis amirah alim, roharsyafinaz roslan, sh. nadzirah, lina khalida saidi, p. susthitha menon, ismail aziah, dee chang fu, siti aishah sulaiman, nor azian abdul murad, azrul azlan hamzah. (2023). geometrical characterisation of tio2-rgo field-effect transistor as a platform for biosensing applications. - micromachines, mdpi. 1-18.
harshvardhan kumar, tanisha bohra, aproorv sharma, p susthitha menon, agus hatta. (2023). polarization diversity schemes for gas sensing applications: a comprehensive analysis and optimal design of high-performance si1-xgex mid-infrared asymmetric rib cross-slot waveguides. - journal of optical society of america b. 3246-3254.
siti nasuha mustaffa, nadhrah md yatim, affa rozana abdul rashid, vatsala pithaih , nur shahirah sha'ari, ahmad razif muhammad, azaham abdul rahman, nur akmar jamil, p. susthitha menon, nadrah md yatim. (2023). visible and angular interrogation of kretschmann based spr using hybrid au zno optical sensor for hyperuricemia detection. - heliyon. 1-11.
p susthitha menon, nur shahirah shaári, vatsala pithaih, siti nasuha mustaffa, affa rozana abdul rashid, vikneswary ravi kumar, nor haslinda abd aziz, nirmala kampan. (2023). graphene-based hybrid sensor for the detection of cancer cells using k-spr technology. - 2023 ieee regional symposium on micro and nanoelectronics (rsm). 58-61.
umahwathy sundararaju, muhammad aniq shazni mohammad haniff, p susthitha menon. (2023). impact of design parameters on the performance of mos2/h-bn/graphene photodetector model for self-powering applications. - 2023 ieee international conference on sensors and nanotechnology (sennano). 97-100.
umahwathy sundararaju, muhammad aniq shazni mohammad haniff, p. susthitha menon. (2022). dark current suppression in mos2/h-bn/graphene photodetector for self-powering applications. - ieee international conference on semiconductor electronics (icse). 77-80.
ps menon, k loganathan, na jamil, nr mohamad, cf dee, mfmr wee, ma mohamed, h soleimani, by majlis, aa hamzah. (2022). plasmonic biosensing of kidney wastes using carbon-based derivatives. - 4th ieee international flexible electronics technology conference (ifetc). 29-30.
p susthitha menon. (2022). keynote 3: plasmonics in biosensors and electronic devices. - 2022 ieee international conference on semiconductor electronics (icse 2022). xi.
p susthitha menon, fairus atida said, nur akmar jamil, sahbudin shaari, burhanuddin yeop majlis. (2018). sensor dan aktuator mems perkembangan dan kegunaan. - . 25.
hesham abdullah bakarman, sahbudin shaari & p. s. menon. (2012). digital communication. - . Bab 5: 79-92.
p.susthitha menon, abang annuar ehsan, sahbudin shaari. (2011). advances in photodiodes. - . 4: 69-94.
p susthitha menon, fairus atida said, nur akmar jamil, sahbudin shaari, burhanuddin yeop majlis. (2018). sensor dan aktuator mems perkembangan dan kegunaan. - . 25.
hesham abdullah bakarman, sahbudin shaari & p. s. menon. (2012). digital communication. - . Bab 5: 79-92.
p.susthitha menon, abang annuar ehsan, sahbudin shaari. (2011). advances in photodiodes. - . 4: 69-94.
p susthitha menon, atiqah mohd afdzaluddin, ahmad razif muhammad, jumril yunas, ahmad ghadafi ismail, nur hidayah azeman, hafzaliza erny zainal abidin, burhanuddin yeop majlis, shafii abd wahab, ramdzan buyong, ahmad rifqi md zain. (2024). buletin alumni imen (bil 3) 2023. - buletin alumni imen (bil 3) 2023. 1-12.
p. susthitha menon a/p n v visvanathan. (2024). snap circuit stem training in malaysian schools. - . .
kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran;jalifah binti latip;p. susthitha menon a/p n v visvanathan;afifuddin husairi bin mat jusoh @ hussain. (2024). exploring the association of metals in making polyester complexes for the origins of life. - . .
nirmala @ chandralega a/p kampan;mohamad nasir bin shafiee;nor haslinda binti abd aziz;p. susthitha menon a/p n v visvanathan;chew kah teik. (2024). developing a multi-biomarker signature panel for diagnosis of epithelial ovarian cancer using surface plasmon resonance (spr) technology and validation with multiplex immunobead assay and single cell sequencing.. - . .
p susthitha menon, hasnizah idris, ahmad sabirin zoolfakar, maizatul zolkapli, azrif manut, norhayati soin, rozina abdul rani, iskandar yahya, lee xiao xian, and ahmad rifqi md zain. (2023). ed malaysia kuala lumpur chapter stem programs funded by ieee eds educational activities in malaysia. - ieee electron devices society (eds) newsletter april 2023. 41-42.
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