pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian diagnostik, teraputik & penyiasatan (codtis)
noorazrul yahya, siti athiyah mohamad salleh, nurul faiqah mohd nasir, hanani abdul manan. (2024). toxicity profile of patients treated with proton and carbon-ion therapy for primary nasopharyngeal carcinoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis. - asia-pacific journal of clinical oncology. 240-250.
zainab alsaihaty , hanani abdul manan , akmal sabarudin , noorazrul yahya. (2024). hybrid treatment planning for chest wall irradiation utilizing three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3dcrt), intensity- modulated radiation therapy (imrt), and volumetric modulated arc therapy (vmat): a systematic review. - cureus. 1-12.
umi nabilah ismail, noorazrul yahya dan hanani abdul manan. (2024). investigating functional connectivity related to stroke recovery: a systematic review. - brain research. 1-10.
norlinah binti mohamed ibrahim;shahrul azmin bin md. rani;norfazilah binti ahmad;mohd hanafi bin ahmad damanhuri;noorazrul azmie bin yahya;hanani binti abdul manan. (2024). clinical efficacy of oral trehalose in spinocerebellar ataxia 3: correlation with fmri findings . - . .
syeda humayra, noorazrul yahya, chai jia ning, mohd asyiq raffali, imtiyaz ali mir, abdul latiff mohamed dan hanani abdul manan. (2024). relationship between carotid intima-media thickness and white matter hyperintensities in non-stroke adults: a systematic review. - frontiers in neuroanatomy. 1-14.
syeda humayra, noorazrul yahya, chai jia ning, imtiyaz ali mir, abdul latiff mohamed, hanani abdul manan. (2024). systematic review of cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging t1 and t2 mapping in patients with takotsubo syndrome. - heliyon. 12-23.
syeda humayra, noorazrul yahya, chai jia ning, mohd asyiq raffali, imtiyaz ali mir, abdul latiff mohamed dan hanani abdul manan. (2024). relationship between carotid intima-media thickness and white matter hyperintensities in non-stroke adults: a systematic review. - frontiers in neuroanatomy. 1-14.
dania zulkifli , hanani abdul manan, noorazrul yahya and hamzaini abdul hamid. (2023). the applications of high-intensity focused ultrasound (hifu) ablative therapy in the treatment of primary breast cancer: a systematic review. - diagnostics. 1-18.
siti nur akmal ghazali, caryn mei hsien chan, marfuah nik eezamuddeen, hanani abdul manan dan noorazrul yahya. (2023). quality of life for head and neck cancer patients: a 10 year bibliographic analysis. - cancers. 1-13.
hun yee tan, yin how wong, azahari kasbollah, mohammad nazri md shah, noorazrul yahya, basri johan jeet abdullah and chai hong yeong. (2023). evaluation of therapeutic efficacy and imaging capabilities of 153sm2o3-loaded polystyrene microspheres for intra-tumoural radionuclide therapy of liver cancer using sprague-dawley rat model. - pharmaceutics. 1-14.
umi nabilah ismail, noorazrul yahya dan hanani abdul manan. (2024). investigating functional connectivity related to stroke recovery: a systematic review. - brain research. 1-10.
noorazrul yahya, siti athiyah mohamad salleh, nurul faiqah mohd nasir, hanani abdul manan. (2024). toxicity profile of patients treated with proton and carbon-ion therapy for primary nasopharyngeal carcinoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis. - asia-pacific journal of clinical oncology. 240-250.
daryl tan, siti athiyah mohamad salleh, hanani abdul manan, noorazrul yahya. (2023). delta-radiomics-based models for toxicity prediction in radiotherapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. - journal of medical imaging and radiation oncology. 564-579.
d. tan, n.f. mohd nasir, h. abdul manan, n. yahya. (2023). prediction of toxicity outcomes following radiotherapy using deep learning-based models: a systematic review. - cancer radiotherapie. 398-406.
noorazrul yahya, annett linge, karoline leger, till maile, max kemper, dominik haim, korinna jöhrens, esther g. c. troost, mechthild krause, steffen löck. (2022). assessment of gene expressions from squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck to predict radiochemotherapy-related xerostomia and dysphagia. - acta oncologica. 856-863.
noorazrul yahya, siti athiyah mohamad salleh, nurul faiqah mohd nasir, hanani abdul manan. (2024). toxicity profile of patients treated with proton and carbon-ion therapy for primary nasopharyngeal carcinoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis. - asia-pacific journal of clinical oncology. 240-250.
zainab alsaihaty , hanani abdul manan , akmal sabarudin , noorazrul yahya. (2024). hybrid treatment planning for chest wall irradiation utilizing three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3dcrt), intensity- modulated radiation therapy (imrt), and volumetric modulated arc therapy (vmat): a systematic review. - cureus. 1-12.
syeda humayra, noorazrul yahya, chai jia ning, mohd asyiq raffali, imtiyaz ali mir, abdul latiff mohamed dan hanani abdul manan. (2024). relationship between carotid intima-media thickness and white matter hyperintensities in non-stroke adults: a systematic review. - frontiers in neuroanatomy. 1-14.
umi nabilah ismail, noorazrul yahya dan hanani abdul manan. (2024). investigating functional connectivity related to stroke recovery: a systematic review. - brain research. 1-10.
syeda humayra, noorazrul yahya, chai jia ning, imtiyaz ali mir, abdul latiff mohamed, hanani abdul manan. (2024). systematic review of cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging t1 and t2 mapping in patients with takotsubo syndrome. - heliyon. 12-23.
hanani abdul manan dan noorazrul yahya. (2022). the covid 19 pandemic the experiences of htcm. - . 11.
hanani abdul manan, noorazrul azmie yahya, ahmad nazlim yusoff. (2021). factors affecting neurological aging. - . 11.
ahmad syahmiuddin shamsuddin, nor aniza azmi, rozilawati ahmad, noorazrul yahya, nani adilah suhaimi, noraini ahmad wahid & muhammad fairuz abdul hadi. (2023). koleksi penyelidikan pra siswazah fakulti sains kesihatan ukm edisi 2022 : mendepani penyelidikan sains kesihatan. - . 9.
hanani abdul manan dan noorazrul yahya. (2022). the covid 19 pandemic the experiences of htcm. - . 11.
hanani abdul manan, noorazrul azmie yahya, ahmad nazlim yusoff. (2021). factors affecting neurological aging. - . 11.
norlinah binti mohamed ibrahim;shahrul azmin bin md. rani;norfazilah binti ahmad;mohd hanafi bin ahmad damanhuri;noorazrul azmie bin yahya;hanani binti abdul manan. (2024). clinical efficacy of oral trehalose in spinocerebellar ataxia 3: correlation with fmri findings . - . .
nor aniza binti azmi;norjana binti abdul rahman;rozilawati binti ahmad;noorazrul azmie bin yahya;nani adilah binti suhaimi;saiful izzuan bin hussain;nurul husna binti nor mohammad;noraini binti ahmad wahid;muhammad safwan bin ahmad fadzil. (2023). modul simulasi klinikal pesakit maya untuk pengajaran radioterapi (scimort). - . .
azmi nor aniza , mohd sukri nur afiqah , mustafa kamal muhamad ikhwan , ahmad rozilawati , yahya noorazrul azmie , ahmad fadzil muhammad safwan , suhaimi nani adilah , ahmad wahid noraini , hussin saiful izzuan , shuib liyana. (2023). scimort: revolutionizing radiotherapy communication skills training: an innovative chatbot-based prototype. - 24th asia-australasia conference of radiological technologists (aacrt) 2023. 1-9.
noorazrul yahya & hanani abdul manan. (2023). kebolehcapaian mesin radioterapi untuk rawatan kanser. - impak - kluster transformasi sosial & ekonomi. 34-35.
siti salasiah binti mokri;fuad bin ismail;shahizon azura binti mohamed mukari;ashrani aizzuddin bin abd rahni;noorazrul azmie bin yahya. (2023). convolutional neural and capsule networks prognosis model for brain glioma patients from mri images. - . .
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