soo suet yeo;tuti ningseh binti mohd dom;nurul asyikin binti yahya;tew in meei. (2024). development of index for prosthodontic treatment needs (iptn) for enhanced and personalised treatment outcomes . - . .
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reinhard chun wang chau, guan-hua li, in meei tew, khaing myat thu, colman mcgrath, wai-lun lo, wing-kuen ling, richard tai-chiu hsung, walter yu hang lam. (2023). accuracy of artificial intelligence-based photographic detection of gingivitis. - international dental journal. 724-730.
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reinhard chun wang chau, guan-hua li, in meei tew, khaing myat thu, colman mcgrath, wai-lun lo, wing-kuen ling, richard tai-chiu hsung, walter yu hang lam. (2023). accuracy of artificial intelligence-based photographic detection of gingivitis. - international dental journal. 724-730.
suet yeo soo, wei sze ang, chen hooi chong, in meei tew, nurul asyikin yahya. (2023). occupational ergonomics and related musculoskeletal disorders among dentists: a systematic review. - work-a journal of prevention assessment & rehabilitation. 469-476.
in meei tew, edmond ho nang pow, shahira erishah suhaimi, peter shern wei tan, najwa shaharuddin, suet yeo soo, shahida mohd said, lishen wong. (2023). accuracy and reliability of smartphone virtual shade matching technique: an in vitro study. - the international journal of prosthodontics. 331-337.
soo suet yeo;tuti ningseh binti mohd dom;nurul asyikin binti yahya;tew in meei. (2024). development of index for prosthodontic treatment needs (iptn) for enhanced and personalised treatment outcomes . - . .
chunxu liu, in meei tew, xin-fang leong, shahida mohd-said. (2024). accuracy evaluation of 3d data alignment for computer-assisted implant planning in the presence of cbct artefacts. - 3rd medan international prosthodontics scientific meeting in conjunction with 1st indonesian prosthodontics annual meeting inpro. 119.
soo suet yeo, siw may lee, in meei tew, tuti ningseh mohd dom, nurul asyikin yahya. (2024). a study on patients' perceived prosthodontic treatment needs. - 3rd medan international prosthodontics scientific meeting in conjunction with the first indonesian prosthodontics annual meeting. 1.
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