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Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Hassimi Abu Hasan is the Head of the Centre for Sustainable Process Technology (CESPRO) in the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). He has led the way in developing innovative and cutting-edge methods for cost-effective treatment and resource recovery from water and wastewater. These methods include coagulation/flocculation, phytoremediation, phycoremediation, and biofiltration. He represented South Asia as a Young Water Professional (YWP) for the Small Water and Wastewater System (SWWS) specialized group under the International Water Association (IWA) from 2019 to 2023. Currently, he serves as Editorial Board Member for Journal of Water Process Engineering (Elsevier: Top 10% journal) and Water Journal (MDPI). He was honoured as one of the World`s Top 2% Scientists in 2022 and 2023 by Elsevier BV, Stanford University, for his work in water and wastewater treatment technologies. He was awarded the National Young Engineering Icon Award 2024 by the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM), UKM Young Excellence Academician 2019, the UKM Young Excellence Researcher Excellence Award 2017, the Top Reviewer Award 2017- Bioresource Technology, and the Malaysian Toray Science Foundation Award 2015. He is a principal researcher for 15 projects and co-researcher for more than 35 projects in the field of water and wastewater engineering. In addition, he has published more than 190 scientific articles, 5 books, 9 chapters in the book as well as articles in Berita Harian, Utusan Malaysia, and Dewan Kosmik. He has collaborated with many nations, including the United Kingdom, China, India, Thailand, Indonesia, and Iraq.
taskeen reza, nur izzati ismail, zahratul huda mohamad riza, siti rozaimah sheikh abdullah, hassimi abu hasan, ahmad razi othman. (2024). microplastic removal in wastewater treatment plants (wwtps) by natural coagulation: a literature review. - toxics. 1-17.
c. e. n. c. e. chik, s. b. kurniawan, z. n. a. shukri, i. b. terkula, f. wahab, a. endut, f. lananan, h. a. hasan, s. r. s. abdullah & n. a. kasan. (2024). chitosan coagulant: coagulation/flocculation studies on turbidity removal from aquaculture wastewater by response surface methodology. - international journal of environmental science and technology. 805-816.
mohammad mohammad alnawajha, siti rozaimah sheikh abdullah, hassimi abu hasan, ahmad razi othman, setyo budi kurniawan. (2024). effectiveness of using water-extracted leucaena leucocephala seeds as a coagulant for turbid water treatment: effects of dosage, ph, mixing speed, mixing time, and settling time. - biomass conversion and biorefinery. 11203-11216.
azmi ahmad, siti rozaimah sheikh abdullah, hassimi abu hasan, ahmad razi othman, setyo budi kurniawan. (2024). aquaculture wastewater treatment using plant-based coagulants: evaluating removal efficiency through coagulation-flocculation process. - results in chemistry. 1-9.
jamilah ahmad, nuratiqah marsidi, siti rozaimah sheikh abdullah, hassimi abu hasan, ahmad razi othman, nur izzati ismail, setyo budi kurniawan. (2024). integrating phytoremediation and mycoremediation with biosurfactant-producing fungi for hydrocarbon removal and the potential production of secondary resources. - chemosphere. 1-24.
s. sayanthan, hassimi abu hasan, siti rozaimah sheikh abdullah. (2024). floating aquatic macrophytes in wastewater treatment: toward a circular economy. - water. 1-32.
jamilah ahmad, siti rozaimah sheikh abdullah, hassimi abu hasan, ahmad razi othman, setyo budi kurniawan. (2024). effect biomass ratio of ludwigia octovalvis on phytotoxicity of hydrocarbons. - journal of water process engineering. 1-9.
muhammad fauzul imron, wa ode ayu hestianingsi, trisnadi widyaleksono catur putranto, nita citrasari, siti rozaimah sheikh abdullah, hassimi abu hasan, setyo budi kurniawan. (2024). effect of the number of cyperus rotundus and medium height on the performance of batch-constructed wetland in treating aquaculture effluent. - chemosphere. 1-9.
mohammad mohammad alnawajha, siti rozaimah sheikh abdullah, hassimi abu hasan, ahmad razi othman, setyo budi kurniawan. (2024). effectiveness of using water-extracted leucaena leucocephala seeds as a coagulant for turbid water treatment: effects of dosage, ph, mixing speed, mixing time, and settling time. - biomass conversion and biorefinery. 11203-11216.
jamilah ahmad, nuratiqah marsidi, siti rozaimah sheikh abdullah, hassimi abu hasan, ahmad razi othman, nur izzati ismail, setyo budi kurniawan. (2024). integrating phytoremediation and mycoremediation with biosurfactant-producing fungi for hydrocarbon removal and the potential production of secondary resources. - chemosphere. 1-24.
c. e. n. c. e. chik, s. b. kurniawan, z. n. a. shukri, i. b. terkula, f. wahab, a. endut, f. lananan, h. a. hasan, s. r. s. abdullah & n. a. kasan. (2024). chitosan coagulant: coagulation/flocculation studies on turbidity removal from aquaculture wastewater by response surface methodology. - international journal of environmental science and technology. 805-816.
hasanain saad alhares, mohammed ali a. shaban, mohammed sadeq salman, mohanad j. m-ridha, sabah j. mohammed, khalid m. abed, mohammed a. ibrahim, ali k. al-banaa & hassimi abu hasan. (2023). sunflower husks coated with copper oxide nanoparticles for reactive blue 49 and reactive red 195 removals: adsorption mechanisms, thermodynamic, kinetic, and isotherm studies. - water air and soil pollution. 1-20.
hasanain saad alhares, qahtan adnan ali, mohammed ali a. shaban, mohanad j. m-ridha, hawraa r. bohan, sabah j. mohammed, khalid m. abed, hassimi abu hasan. (2023). rice husk coated with copper oxide nanoparticles for 17(alpha)-ethinylestradiol removal from an aqueous solution: adsorption mechanisms and kinetics. - environmental monitoring and assessment. 1-20.
mohammad mohammad alnawajha, setyo budi kurniawan, siti rozaimah sheikh abdullah, hassimi abu hasan, ahmad razi othman. (2023). performance of leucaena leucocephala and alum in treating aquaculture: effect of dosage, rapid speed and settling time. - international journal of environmental science and technology. 9981-9994.
setyo budi kurniawan, azmi ahmad, muhammad fauzul imron, siti rozaimah sheikh abdullah, ahmad razi othman, hassimi abu hasan. (2023). performance of chemical-based vs bio-based coagulants in treating aquaculture wastewater and cost-benefit analysis. - polish journal of environmental studies. 1177-1187.
s. sayanthan, hassimi abu hasan, siti rozaimah sheikh abdullah. (2024). floating aquatic macrophytes in wastewater treatment: toward a circular economy. - water. 1-32.
muhammad fauzul imron, wa ode ayu hestianingsi, trisnadi widyaleksono catur putranto, nita citrasari, siti rozaimah sheikh abdullah, hassimi abu hasan, setyo budi kurniawan. (2024). effect of the number of cyperus rotundus and medium height on the performance of batch-constructed wetland in treating aquaculture effluent. - chemosphere. 1-9.
jamilah ahmad, siti rozaimah sheikh abdullah, hassimi abu hasan, ahmad razi othman, setyo budi kurniawan. (2024). effect biomass ratio of ludwigia octovalvis on phytotoxicity of hydrocarbons. - journal of water process engineering. 1-9.
azmi ahmad, siti rozaimah sheikh abdullah, hassimi abu hasan, ahmad razi othman, setyo budi kurniawan. (2024). aquaculture wastewater treatment using plant-based coagulants: evaluating removal efficiency through coagulation-flocculation process. - results in chemistry. 1-9.
mohammad mohammad alnawajha, siti rozaimah sheikh abdullah, hassimi abu hasan, ahmad razi othman, setyo budi kurniawan. (2024). effectiveness of using water-extracted leucaena leucocephala seeds as a coagulant for turbid water treatment: effects of dosage, ph, mixing speed, mixing time, and settling time. - biomass conversion and biorefinery. 11203-11216.
siti shilatul najwa sharuddin, siti rozaimah sheikh abdullah, hassimi abu hasan, ahmad razi othman, & israa abdulwahab al-baldawi. (2024). enhanced removal of hydrocarbons from crude oil sludge through phytoremediation with biosurfactant-producing rhizobacteria. - iop conf. series: earth and environmental science. 1-9.
badiea s. babaqi, mohd s. takriff, nur tantiyani a.othman, hassimi abu hasan, ebrahim mahmoudi. (2021). modeling and simulation for integrating four reactors in the continuous catalytic regeneration reforming process using matlab. - 1st international conference on engineering and technology (icoengtech). 1-14.
z m hanafiah , w h m wan mohtar, h a hasan , h s jensen , m z abdullah and h husain. (2019). diversification of temporal sewage loading concentration in tropical climates. - iop conf. series: earth and environmental science. 1-11.
ainil farhan mohd udaiyappan, hassimi abu hasan, mohd sobri takriff. (2022). mikroalga: agen biorawatan efluen sawit. - . 121.
hassimi abu hasan, fathiyyah mohd zainuddin, junaidah buhari. (2022). bakteria: agen biodegradasi bahan sampingan disinfeksi dalam air. - . 205.
nur izzati ismail, siti rozaimah sheikh abdullah, hassimi abu hasan. (2021). fitoremediasi: teknologi semula jadi bagi rawatan air sisa perlombongan. - . 146.
hassimi abu hasan, siti nur hatika abu bakar and mohd sobri takriff. (2021). microalgae: cultivation, recovery of compounds and applications. - . 441.
mohd hafizuddin muhamad, hassimi abu hasan, siti rozaimah sheikh abdullah. (2021). rawatan sisa kilang kertas. - . 181.
hassimi abu hasan, siti nur hatika abu bakar and mohd sobri takriff. (2021). microalgae: cultivation, recovery of compounds and applications. - . 441.
abudukeremu kadier, najeeb k. n. al-shorgani, dipak a. jadhav, jayesh m. sonawane, abhilasha s. mathuriya, mohd s. kalil, hassimi a. hasan, khulood fahad saud alabbosh. (2020). bioelectrosynthesis: principles and technologies for value-added products. - . 34.
abudukeremu kadier, amit kumar chaurasia, s. m. sapuan, r. a. ilyas, peng cheng ma, khulood fahad saud alabbosh, pankaj kumar rai, washington logroņo, aidil abdul hamid, hassimi abu hasan. (2020). bioelectrochemical systems: vol.1 principles and processes. - . 29.
abudukeremu kadier, mohd sahaid kalil, pankaj kumar rai, smita s. kumar, peyman abdeshahian, periyasamy sivagurunathan, hassimi abu hasan, aidil abdul hamid, azah mohamed. (2020). bioelectrochemical interface engineering. - . 25.
abudukeremu kadier, rustiana yuliasni, s. m. sapuan, r. a. ilyas, pankaj kumar rai, peng cheng ma, aruliah rajasekar, khulood fahad saud alabbosh, aidil abdul hamid, hassimi abu hasan. (2020). bioelectrochemical systems: vol. 2 current and emerging applications. - . 20.
ainil farhan mohd udaiyappan, hassimi abu hasan, mohd sobri takriff. (2022). mikroalga: agen biorawatan efluen sawit. - . 121.
hassimi abu hasan, fathiyyah mohd zainuddin, junaidah buhari. (2022). bakteria: agen biodegradasi bahan sampingan disinfeksi dalam air. - . 205.
nur izzati ismail, siti rozaimah sheikh abdullah, hassimi abu hasan. (2021). fitoremediasi: teknologi semula jadi bagi rawatan air sisa perlombongan. - . 146.
mohd hafizuddin muhamad, hassimi abu hasan, siti rozaimah sheikh abdullah. (2021). rawatan sisa kilang kertas. - . 181.
siti nur hatika abu bakar, hassimi abu hasan, abdul wahab mohammad. (2019). pengurusan sisa kilang sawit. - . 106.
islam j k elhabil, siti rozaimah sheikh abdullah, hassimi abu hasan, ahmad razi othman, nur izzati ismail. (2024). potential of phytoremediation in alleviating microplastic pollution in wastewater. - 2024 13th international conference on chemistry and chemical process. xx.
hassimi abu hasan, s. sayanthan. (2024). tumbuhan makrofit: cabaran sebagai agen biorawatan air sisa. - majalah sains. 1.
hassimi bin abu hasan;noorhisham bin tan kofli;siti rozaimah bt. sheikh abdullah;ahmad razi bin othman. (2023). analisis sifat fiziko-kimia dan kinetik penghasilan bioflokulan polimerik oleh bakteria penghasil-bioflokulan asli sebagai alternatif kepada flokulan kimia dalam rawatan air. - . .
siti rozaimah bt. sheikh abdullah;nurina bt. anuar;hassimi bin abu hasan;noorashikin binti md saleh;ahmad razi bin othman;nur `izzati binti ismail. (2023). interaction of mycorrhizal fungi and native emergent plants in co-phytoremediation of hydrocarbon contaminated sludge. - . .
abdullah amru bin indera luthfi;jamaliah binti md jahim;nurul aqilah binti mohd zaini;hassimi bin abu hasan;peer mohamed;muhammad zulhaziman bin mat salleh. (2023). lactic acid production by actinobacillus succinogenes using palm kernel cake as novel substrate. - . .
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