pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian sejarah, politik & hal ehwal antarabangsa (sphea)
I am a senior lecturer at the National University of Malaysia (UKM). My research interests are economic history and global history (imperialism, colonialism, environment). I hold a PhD from UKM in history, focusing on the influence and implementation of imperial economic policies in Malaya, particularly in the Federated Malay States (FMS) during the interwar period.
My current research examines the standard of living in Malaya during the interwar period, funded by the GGPM UKM Research Grant (2024-2026). Additionally, I am in the final phase of research on colonial meteorological models in Malaya. This study investigates weather pattern changes and their impact on commercial crop activities, funded by the FRGS Grant from the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education (2022-2025).
I am a lifetime member of the Malaysian Historical Society. Currently, I am also an Associate Fellowship of Royal Historical Society, UK and a member of the Economic History Society, the Economic History Association, and the Cliometric Society. Previously, I served as a Student Ambassador for the Economic History Society.
In Malaysia, the field of economic history has received limited attention from local researchers. I warmly welcome collaborations, both domestic and international, to explore this field, especially to advance the study of economic history in Malaysia.
mohd shazwan mokhtar. (2024). amalkan kesopanan dan kesusilaan demi kestabilan negara. - fokus bernama. 1-4.
mohd shazwan mokhtar. (2024). sekuriti, keterjaminan makanan negara berisiko. - berita harian. 5.
noor syamimi mohamad nazri, mohd shazwan mokhtar. (2024). konflik kongsi gelap cina di perak, 1861-1874. - jurnal wacana sarjana. 1-14.
mohd shazwan mokhtar. (2024). zaman meleset dan pembangunan kolonial di negeri-negeri melayu bersekutu, 1929-1938. - jebat: malaysian journal of history, politics & strategic studies. 54-77.
siti nur afifah roznan, mohd shazwan mokhtar. (2024). kesan teknologi terhadap perkembangan kelapa sawit di tanah melayu, 1917-1941. - jurnal wacana sarjana. 1-18.
mohd shazwan mokhtar. (2019). agenda imperialis dalam krisis pentadbiran kolonial di negeri-negeri melayu bersekutu, 1921-1925. - jebat: malaysian journal of history, politics & strategic studies,. 28-55.
mohd shazwan mokhtar. (2019). di sebalik krisis kewangan negeri-negeri melayu bersekutu, 1920-1924. - kajian malaysia. 95-119.
mohd shazwan mokhtar, muhammad aslah akmal azmi, mohd samsudin. (2017). perkembangan sistem perdagangan merkantilisme negeri-negeri melayu bersekutu (1909-1913). - jebat: malaysian journal of history, politics & strategic studies,. 1-26.
mohd shazwan mokhtar, mohd samsudin. (2017). trade war sekatan perdagangan jerman di negeri-negeri melayu bersekutu, 1914-1918. - akademika. 75-89.
norfarahzatul asikin zahari, fathiyah mohd kamaruzaman, marlissa omar, nur shakila mazalan, wan ahmad munsif wan pa, mohd shazwan mokhtar, nadia izura ibarahim, abdul latiff abdul rahman. (2023). exploring the challenges faced by secondary students while using google meet during home-based teaching and learning. - international journal of academic research in progressive education & development. 250-258.
azlizan mat enh, muhamad khaider bustami, hasrina mustafa, mohd shazwan mokhtar, nur solehah mohd ashri. (2022). isu sawit malaysia dalam laporan akhbar kesatuan eropah. - jurnal komunikasi: malaysian journal of communication. 118-142.
mohd shazwan mokhtar, mohd samsudin, suffian mansor. (2021). strategi imperialisme british dalam dasar desentralisasi negeri-negeri melayu bersekutu 1927 - 1934. - kemanusiaan the asian journal of humanities. 99-126.
mohd shazwan mokhtar. (2019). di sebalik krisis kewangan negeri-negeri melayu bersekutu, 1920-1924. - kajian malaysia. 95-119.
mohd samsudin, mohd shazwan mokhtar, suffian mansur. (2022). malaysia dalam jendela masa. - . 211.
mohd shazwan mokhtar, muhammad aslah akmal azmi, suffian mansor. (2022). majlis raja-raja melayu: perkembangan dan cabaran. - . 12.
mohd shazwan mokhtar. (2022). malaysia dalam jendela masa. - . 18.
mohd shazwan mokhtar. (2020). tujuh hari panjang saga sheraton. - . 21.
mohd shazwan mokhtar, mohd jamil mukmin. (2019). tun perak dalam pemerintahan dan pentadbiran kesultanan melayu melaka. - . 20.
mohd samsudin, mohd shazwan mokhtar, suffian mansur. (2022). malaysia dalam jendela masa. - . 211.
mohd shukry abdullah, mohd shazwan mokhtar & muhammad aslah akmal azmi. (2018). 65 tahun muzium melaka : sejarah, cabaran & pencapaian 1954-2018. - . 100.
mohd shazwan mokhtar. (2024). amalkan kesopanan dan kesusilaan demi kestabilan negara. - fokus bernama. 1-4.
mohd shazwan mokhtar. (2024). sekuriti, keterjaminan makanan negara berisiko. - berita harian. 5.
mohd shazwan mokhtar, suffian mansor, mohd. samsudin. (2023). perkhidmatan meteorologi malaya, 1927-1941: penghubung klimatologi empayar di timur. - prosiding persidangan antarabangsa sejarah dan warisan budaya di alam melayu (paswam). 300-313.
mohd shazwan mokhtar. (2022). memulihara warisan/bahan sejarah negara. - fokus pagi: buletin fm. .
mohd shazwan mokhtar. (2022). subjek sejarah semakin diketepikan oleh generasi kini?. - fokus pagi bersama ally iskandar. .
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