Received her Bachelor Degree in Science (Industrial Chemistry) from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in 2009, Master of Engineering (Chemical) from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in 2011, and Doctor of Philosophy (Chemical Engineering) from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in 2015. Since 2009, she has been actively involved in materials research for various applications, such as the modification of titanium dioxide anatase for benzoic acid photocatalytic degradation, modification of electrochemically synthesized zinc-platinum-beta zeolite for catalytic isomerization of pentane, and modification of mesoporous silica nanoparticles for adsorption and release of drugs for drug delivery application. Since 2015, her research focused on the enhancement of the mesoporous silica using carbon and polymer materials for the adsorption and release of anti-cancer drugs. Her latest research involvement is the development of antimicrobial loaded silica and titanium based materials for dental implants application.
mrinal gaurav srivastava, nur hidayatul nazirah kamarudin, merve kübra aktan, kai zheng, naiera zayed, derick yongabi, patrick wagner, wim teughels, aldo r. boccaccini, annabel braem. (2024). ph-triggered controlled release of chlorhexidine using chitosan-coated titanium silica composite for dental infection prevention. - pharmaceutics. 1-16.
wan nor roslam bin wan isahak;mohd shahbudin bin mastar @ masdar;nur hidayatul nazirah binti kamarudin. (2024). pengaruh sifat-sifat struktur dan permukaan mangkin berpenyokong hibrid 2 dimensi (2d) mos2-mcn dalam penukaran terus gas karbon dioksida kepada etanol. - . .
steven de soir, hortence parée, nur hidayatul nazirah kamarudin, jeroen wagemans, rob lavigne, annabel braem, maya merabishvili, daniel de vos, jean-paul pirnay, françoise van bambeke. (2024). exploiting phage-antibiotic synergies to disrupt pseudomonas aeruginosa pao1 biofilms in the context of orthopedic infections. - microbiology spectrum. 1-18.
nur shamimie nadzwin hasnan, manoj pudukudy, zahira yaakob, nur hidayatul nazirah kamarudin, kean long lim, sharifah najiha timmiati. (2023). promoting effects of copper and iron on ni/msn catalysts for methane decomposition. - catalysts. 1-18.
l.w. lai, l.p. teh, s.n. timmiati, n.h.n. kamarudin, h.d. setiabudi. (2023). a sustainable solution for diclofenac adsorption: chitosan-modified fibrous silica kcc-1 adsorbent. - journal of environmental chemical engineering. 1-12.
steven de soir, hortence parée, nur hidayatul nazirah kamarudin, jeroen wagemans, rob lavigne, annabel braem, maya merabishvili, daniel de vos, jean-paul pirnay, françoise van bambeke. (2024). exploiting phage-antibiotic synergies to disrupt pseudomonas aeruginosa pao1 biofilms in the context of orthopedic infections. - microbiology spectrum. 1-18.
mrinal gaurav srivastava, nur hidayatul nazirah kamarudin, merve kübra aktan, kai zheng, naiera zayed, derick yongabi, patrick wagner, wim teughels, aldo r. boccaccini, annabel braem. (2024). ph-triggered controlled release of chlorhexidine using chitosan-coated titanium silica composite for dental infection prevention. - pharmaceutics. 1-16.
l.w. lai, l.p. teh, s.n. timmiati, n.h.n. kamarudin, h.d. setiabudi. (2023). a sustainable solution for diclofenac adsorption: chitosan-modified fibrous silica kcc-1 adsorbent. - journal of environmental chemical engineering. 1-12.
nur shamimie nadzwin hasnan, manoj pudukudy, zahira yaakob, nur hidayatul nazirah kamarudin, kean long lim, sharifah najiha timmiati. (2023). promoting effects of copper and iron on ni/msn catalysts for methane decomposition. - catalysts. 1-18.
albert ruiz-sorribas, hervé poilvache, nur hidayatul nazirah kamarudin, annabel braem, françoise van bambeke. (2023). erratum: hydrolytic enzymes as potentiators of antimicrobials against an inter-kingdom biofilm model. - microbiology spectrum. 9.
muhammad zikri aiman zulkifli, nur hidayatul nazirah kamarudin, darman nordin. (2019). polycaprolactone/chlorophyllin sodium copper salt nanofibrous mats prepared by electrospinning for soft tissue engineering. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 69-76.
jafreena adira jaafar, nur hidayatul nazirah kamarudin, herma dina setiabudi, sharifah najiha timmiati, teh lee peng. (2019). mesoporous silica nanoparticles and waste derived-siliceous materials for doxorubicin adsorption and release. - materials today: proceedings. 1420-1425.
nur hidayatul nazirah kamarudin, herma dina setiabudi, aishah abdul jalil, siti hazirah adam, nur fatien muhamad salleh. (2019). utilization of lapindo volcanic mud for enhanced sonosorption removal of acid orange 52. - bulletin of chemical reaction engineering & catalysis. 189-195.
rabiatul adawiyyah arifin, hassimi abu hasan, nur hidayatul nazirah kamarudin, and nur izzati ismail. (2018). synthesis of mesoporous silica for ammonia adsorption in aqueous solution. - jurnal kejuruteraan. .
muliani mansor,sharifah najiha timmiati, kean long lim, azran mohd zainoodin , nur hidayatul nazirah kamarudin. (2018). ni-based catalyst supported on mesostructured silica nanoparticles (msn) for methanol oxidation reaction (mor). - jurnal kejuruteran. .
mrinal gaurav srivastava, nur hidayatul nazirah kamarudin, merve kübra aktan, kai zheng, naiera zayed, derick yongabi, patrick wagner, wim teughels, aldo r. boccaccini, annabel braem. (2024). ph-triggered controlled release of chlorhexidine using chitosan-coated titanium silica composite for dental infection prevention. - pharmaceutics. 1-16.
steven de soir, hortence parée, nur hidayatul nazirah kamarudin, jeroen wagemans, rob lavigne, annabel braem, maya merabishvili, daniel de vos, jean-paul pirnay, françoise van bambeke. (2024). exploiting phage-antibiotic synergies to disrupt pseudomonas aeruginosa pao1 biofilms in the context of orthopedic infections. - microbiology spectrum. 1-18.
l.w. lai, l.p. teh, s.n. timmiati, n.h.n. kamarudin, h.d. setiabudi. (2023). a sustainable solution for diclofenac adsorption: chitosan-modified fibrous silica kcc-1 adsorbent. - journal of environmental chemical engineering. 1-12.
annabel braem, nur hidayatul nazirah kamarudin, nitu bhaskar, zoya hadzhieva, andrea mele, jérémy soulié, denver p. linklater, linda bonillagameros, aldo r. boccaccini, ipsita roy, christophe drouet, elena p. ivanova, diego mantovani, bikramjit basu. (2023). biomaterial strategies to combat implant infections: new perspectives to old challenges. - international materials review. 1-39.
tanusha devi, noorashikin md saleh, nur hidayatul nazirah kamarudin, nursyafiqah jori roslan, rafidah jalil, husna abdul hamid. (2023). efficient adsorption of organic pollutants phthalates and bisphenol a (bpa) utilizing magnetite functionalized covalent organic frameworks (mcofs): a promising future material for industrial applications. - ecotoxicology and environmental safety. 1-11.
ainul rasyidah abdul rahim, nur hidayatul nazirah kamarudin, sharifah najiha timmiati, rohayu jusoh, nur fatien muhamad salleh. (2019). polyethylene oxide functionalized mesoporous silica nanoparticles for ph- responsive quercetin release. - materials today: proceedings. 1673-1681.
nur syazaliyana azali, nur hidayatul nazirah kamarudin, ainul rasyidah abdul rahim, norzaidhatul syifaa jamal nasir, sharifah najiha timmiati, nur farhana jaafar. (2019). adsorption and release of 5-fluorouracil (5fu) from mesoporous silica nanoparticles. - materials today: proceedings. 1722-1729.
wan nor roslam bin wan isahak;mohd shahbudin bin mastar @ masdar;nur hidayatul nazirah binti kamarudin. (2024). pengaruh sifat-sifat struktur dan permukaan mangkin berpenyokong hibrid 2 dimensi (2d) mos2-mcn dalam penukaran terus gas karbon dioksida kepada etanol. - . .
nor yuliana binti yuhana;sahrim bin hj. ahmad;abu bakar bin sulong;nur hidayatul nazirah binti kamarudin. (2022). the role and mechanism of non-reactive organics acids as recycled e-waste particles surface modifier . - . .
ang wei lun;abdul wahab bin mohammad;mohd sobri bin takriff;nur hidayatul nazirah binti kamarudin. (2022). formation mechanism of photoluminescent carbon dots from oil palm biomass via microwave-assisted synthesis . - . .
nur hidayatul nazirah binti kamarudin;mohd shaiful bin sajab;noorashikin binti md saleh. (2021). enhancing the mesoporous silica nanoparticles by modification with poly(methylacrylic acid)(pmaa) for a greater stimuli responsive anti-cancer drug carrier. - . .
mohd shaiful bin sajab;chia chin hua;nur hidayatul nazirah binti kamarudin. (2021). telescoping synthesis of cellulose-calcium carbonate as hybrid nanocrystals for ph responsive-controlled uptake and release application. - . .
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