pensyarah universiti
institut kejuruteraan mikro & nanoelektronik (imen)
A. Atiqah is Senior Lecturer/Research Fellow at Institute of Microengineering and Nanoelectronics (IMEN), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. She received her BSc and MSc in Materials Engineering from International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) in 2011 and 2014, respectively, and her PhD in Biocomposites Technology and Design from Universiti Putra Malaysia in 2018. Her research interests are hybrid composites, biomaterials, electronic packaging and MEMS packaging. To date, she has authored/co-authored 80 publications which are mainly in the hybrid composites area. Recently, she has been recognized as the Top 2% Scientists in the World in the respective fields in a Single Year (2023) by Stanford University.
atiqah binti mohd afdzaluddin;azman bin jalar @ jalil;maria binti abu bakar;lim kar keng. (2024). study on fiber treatment process of oil-palm based nanocellulose reinforced thermoplastic polyurethane for plastic encapsulation of biomedical sensor devices. - . .
mohamad solehin mohamed sunar, maria abu bakar, atiqah a., azman jalar, muhamed abdul fatah muhamed mukhtar, fakhrozi che ani. (2024). effect of pvd-coated wall aperture roughness on the life span of fine-pitch stencil printing. - soldering & surface mount technology. 51-59.
p susthitha menon, atiqah mohd afdzaluddin, ahmad razif muhammad, jumril yunas, ahmad ghadafi ismail, nur hidayah azeman, hafzaliza erny zainal abidin, burhanuddin yeop majlis, shafii abd wahab, ramdzan buyong, ahmad rifqi md zain. (2024). buletin alumni imen (bil 3) 2023. - buletin alumni imen (bil 3) 2023. 1-12.
nik athirah azzra, atiqah afdzaluddin, azman jalar, ahmad ghadafi ismail, zahra dashtizadeh. (2024). physical and electrical properties of sustainable substrate thermoplastic starch/nanocellulose fibre/stannous oxide. - journal of advanced research in applied sciences and engineering technology. 93-101.
abm supian, mrm asyraf, agusril syamsir, mi najeeb, abdulrahman alhayek, rayeh nasr al-dalaien, gunasilan manar, a atiqah. (2024). thermochromic polymer nanocomposites for the heat detection system: recent progress on properties, applications, and challenges. - polymers. 1-42.
mohamad solehin mohamed sunar, maria abu bakar, atiqah a., azman jalar, muhamed abdul fatah muhamed mukhtar, fakhrozi che ani. (2024). effect of pvd-coated wall aperture roughness on the life span of fine-pitch stencil printing. - soldering & surface mount technology. 51-59.
noor fadhilah rahmat, mohd shaiful sajab, atiqah mohd afdzaluddin, gongtao ding, chin hua chia. (2024). thermoplastic sugar palm starch reinforced graphene nanoplatelets for sustainable biocomposite films. - bioresources. 1526-1541.
abm supian, mrm asyraf, agusril syamsir, mi najeeb, abdulrahman alhayek, rayeh nasr al-dalaien, gunasilan manar, a atiqah. (2024). thermochromic polymer nanocomposites for the heat detection system: recent progress on properties, applications, and challenges. - polymers. 1-42.
n.a. azra, a. atiqah, a. jalar, g. manar, a.b.m. supian, r.a. ilyas. (2023). sustainable substrate tin oxide/nanofibril cellulose/thermoplastic starch: dimensional stability and tensile properties. - journal of materials research and technology. 99-108.
t.t. dele-afolabi, m.n.m. ansari, m.a. azmah hanim, a.a. oyekanmi, o.j. ojo-kupoluyi, a. atiqah. (2023). recent advances in sn-based lead free solder interconnects for microelectronics packaging: materials and technologies. - journal of materials research and technology. 4231-4263.
haziqah fadhlina, a. atiqah, zalita zainuddin, nur shakila othman, solehah ali, nor amalina. (2024). kesan penggantian litium ke atas struktur, sifat fizikal dan sifat elektrik terhadap seramik bczt. - sains malaysiana. 421-432.
maria abu bakar, mohamad solehin mohamed sunar, azman jalar, a atiqah, fakhrozi che ani, ibrahym ahmad, zol effendi zolkefli. (2023). effect of sn plating thickness on wettability, solderability, and electrical connections of electronic lead connectors for surface mount technology applications. - sains malaysiana. 3247-3258.
haziqah fadhlina, a. atiqah, zalita zainuddin. (2022). a review on lithium doped lead-free piezoelectric materials. - materials today communications. 1-16.
norliza ismail, azman jalar, atiqah afdzaluddin, maria abu bakar. (2021). electrical resistivity of sn 3.0 ag 0.5cu solder joint with the incorporation of carbon nanotubes. - nanomaterials and nanotechnology. 1-9.
atiqah mohd afdzaluddin, maria abu bakar. (2020). effect of coating element on joining stability of sn-0.3ag-0.7cu solder joint due to aging test. - sains malaysiana. 3029-3036.
mohamad solehin mohamed sunar, maria abu bakar, atiqah a., azman jalar, muhamed abdul fatah muhamed mukhtar, fakhrozi che ani. (2024). effect of pvd-coated wall aperture roughness on the life span of fine-pitch stencil printing. - soldering & surface mount technology. 51-59.
noor fadhilah rahmat, mohd shaiful sajab, atiqah mohd afdzaluddin, gongtao ding, chin hua chia. (2024). thermoplastic sugar palm starch reinforced graphene nanoplatelets for sustainable biocomposite films. - bioresources. 1526-1541.
abm supian, mrm asyraf, agusril syamsir, mi najeeb, abdulrahman alhayek, rayeh nasr al-dalaien, gunasilan manar, a atiqah. (2024). thermochromic polymer nanocomposites for the heat detection system: recent progress on properties, applications, and challenges. - polymers. 1-42.
nik athirah azzra, atiqah afdzaluddin, azman jalar, ahmad ghadafi ismail, zahra dashtizadeh. (2024). physical and electrical properties of sustainable substrate thermoplastic starch/nanocellulose fibre/stannous oxide. - journal of advanced research in applied sciences and engineering technology. 93-101.
haziqah fadhlina, a. atiqah, zalita zainuddin, nur shakila othman, solehah ali, nor amalina. (2024). kesan penggantian litium ke atas struktur, sifat fizikal dan sifat elektrik terhadap seramik bczt. - sains malaysiana. 421-432.
p. vijayakumaran, m. h. m. ramli, m. selvam, k. hamid, a. atiqah, a. jalar, m. a. bakar. (2022). reduce wafer remnants through pre-assembly process optimization. - international conference on electronic and advanced materials (iceam 2021). 1-5.
a. atiqah, r.a.a.a. rahim, a. jalar, k. s. siow. (2022). influence of copper substrate roughness on the growth of intermetallic compounds layer in sac305 solder joints. - international conference on electronic and advanced materials (iceam 2021). 1-6.
joon shyan tan, wai wai lee, a. atiqah, khirullah abdul hamid, azman jalar, maria abu bakar. (2021). the effect of electrolytic deflash current on delamination of epoxy mold compound during tin plating process. - 2021 ieee regional symposium on micro and noelectronics (rsm). 73-75.
a atiqah, fa sabaruddin, n ismail, a jalar, ma bakar, aa hamzah, ra ilyas, m asrofi. (2022). industrial applications of nanocellulose and its nanocomposites. - . 22.
m.a. bakar, a. jalar, a. atiqah, n. ismail. (2022). recent progress in lead-free solder technology. - . 332.
a atiqah, a. jalar, m.a. bakar, n. ismail. (2022). recent progress in lead-free solder technology. - . 332.
n. ismail, a. jalar, m.a. bakar, a. atiqah. (2022). recent progress in lead-free solder technology. - . 21.
r.a. ilyas, s.m. sapuan, a. atiqah, m.r.m. asyraf, n.m. nurazzi, mohd n. f. norrrahim, mohd a. jenol, m.m. harussani, r. ibrahim, m.s.n. atikah, chandrasekar muthukumar. (2022). natural fiber reinforced composites: thermal properties and applications. - . 30.
a. atiqah, n. ismail, k.k. lim, a. jalar, m.a. bakar, m.a. maleque, r.a. ilyas, a.b.m. supian. (2022). recycling of plastics, metals, and their composites. - . 15.
n. ismail, a. jalar, m.a. bakar, a. atiqah. (2022). recent progress in lead-free solder technology. - . 21.
a atiqah, fa sabaruddin, n ismail, a jalar, ma bakar, aa hamzah, ra ilyas, m asrofi. (2022). industrial applications of nanocellulose and its nanocomposites. - . 22.
a atiqah, a. jalar, m.a. bakar, n. ismail. (2022). recent progress in lead-free solder technology. - . 332.
atiqah binti mohd afdzaluddin;azman bin jalar @ jalil;maria binti abu bakar;lim kar keng. (2024). study on fiber treatment process of oil-palm based nanocellulose reinforced thermoplastic polyurethane for plastic encapsulation of biomedical sensor devices. - . .
p susthitha menon, atiqah mohd afdzaluddin, ahmad razif muhammad, jumril yunas, ahmad ghadafi ismail, nur hidayah azeman, hafzaliza erny zainal abidin, burhanuddin yeop majlis, shafii abd wahab, ramdzan buyong, ahmad rifqi md zain. (2024). buletin alumni imen (bil 3) 2023. - buletin alumni imen (bil 3) 2023. 1-12.
p susthitha menon, atiqah mohd afdzaluddin, ahmad razif muhammad, jumril yunas, ahmad ghadafi ismail, nur hidayah azeman, hafzaliza erny zainal abidin, burhanuddin yeop majlis, shafii abd wahab, ramdzan buyong, ahmad rifqi md zain. (2023). buletin alumni imen (bil 1) 2023. - buletin alumni imen (bil 1) 2023. 1-20.
p susthitha menon, atiqah mohd afdzaluddin, ahmad razif muhammad, jumril yunas, ahmad ghadafi ismail, nur hidayah azeman, hafzaliza erny zainal abidin, burhanuddin yeop majlis, shafii abd wahab, ramdzan buyong, ahmad rifqi md zain. (2023). buletin alumni imen (bil 2) 2023. - buletin alumni imen (bil 2) 2023. 1-10.
ahmad ghadafi ismail, yusniza yunus, nurul adlin mahadzir, m.n.m. ansari, tengku hasnan tengku abdul aziz, a. atiqah, hafeez anwar, mingqing wang. (2022). pentacene and its derivatives deposition methods. - scholarly community encyclopedia. 1-16.
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