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jabatan pendidikan kejuruteraan
Anies Faziehan is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Engineering Education at the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, specializing engineering education. Holding a Ph.D. and Master of Education in Technical and Vocational Education, Anies`s academic journey has been devoted to the intersection of engineering knowledge and technical skills. Her research spans engineering management, design informatics, instructional design and development, and technical and vocational education, reflecting a commitment to enhancing engineering education through innovative teaching methodologies and curriculum development.
ummu sakinah subri, ramlee mustapha, ridzwan che rus, anies faziehan zakaria, mohd syafiq syazwan mustafa, amir abdullah muhammad damanhuri. (2024). you'll be happy: career satisfaction model for female engineers using pls-sem approach. - the seyboard report. 308-319.
muhammad i. n. maarof, anies f. zakaria, girma t. chala, riang liang, nurzaki ikhsan, mohamad f. m. nasir. (2024). static analysis of new lightweight racing wheel for formula society of automotive engineers (fsae) race car for product innovation. - scienggj. 148-154.
nurul aini binti mohd yunus, anies faziehan zakaria. (2024). pendekatan formula: strategi peningkatan kemahiran penulisan karangan bahasa melayu pelajar kolej vokasional. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 965-971.
muhammad izzat nor ma'arof, anies faziehen zakaria, riang liang, girma tadesse chala, nurzaki ikhsan, mohamad fariz mohamed nasir. (2024). dynamic cornering fatigue test of new lightweight racing wheel for formula society of automotive engineers (fsae) race car. - journal of advanced research in applied mechanics. 13-23.
anies faziehan zakaria, soon chong johnson lim, muhammad aamir. (2024). a pricing optimization modelling for assisted decision making in telecommunication product-service bundling. - international journal of information management data insights. 1-14.
a. f. zakaria, s. c. johnson lim. (2022). data analytics skill development for design education: a case study in optimal product-service bundle design. - thinking skills and creativity. 1-12.
nur nabilah mohamad sahimi,mohd syafiq syazwan mustafa, rahmat muslim, nurul hidayah roslan, fatimah yusop, azian hariri, anies faziehan zakaria, muhamad faiz abd latif, hashim kabrein, faizal amin nur yunus. (2024). thermal comfort in a tropical climate: case study of the cafeteria in student residential college, uthm pagoh branch campus. - journal of advanced research in fluid mechanics and thermal sciences. 165-187.
muhammad izzat nor ma'arof, anies faziehen zakaria, riang liang, girma tadesse chala, nurzaki ikhsan, mohamad fariz mohamed nasir. (2024). dynamic cornering fatigue test of new lightweight racing wheel for formula society of automotive engineers (fsae) race car. - journal of advanced research in applied mechanics. 13-23.
anies faziehan zakaria, soon chong johnson lim, muhammad aamir. (2024). a pricing optimization modelling for assisted decision making in telecommunication product-service bundling. - international journal of information management data insights. 1-14.
muhammad i. n. maarof, anies f. zakaria, girma t. chala, riang liang, nurzaki ikhsan, mohamad f. m. nasir. (2024). static analysis of new lightweight racing wheel for formula society of automotive engineers (fsae) race car for product innovation. - scienggj. 148-154.
amirul hafizi mohd midhal, mohd syafiq syazwan mustafa, anies faziehan zakaria, fatimah yusof, kamaruzaman musa, ashraf abdul rahman, muhamad faiz abd latif, maranatha wijayaningtyas, ahmad rusyaidi jum. (2024). enhancing maintenance services quality: a study of student satisfaction and maintenance strategies in student's residential college. - journal of advanced research in applied sciences and engineering technology. 56-70.
a. f. zakaria, m.f. mohamed nasir, m. s. s. mustafa, u.s. subri. (2022). 10.1109/ieem55944.2022.9989954. - 2022 ieee international conference on industrial engineering and engineering management (ieem). 42-46.
anies faziehan zakaria. (2023). optimizing product-service bundle design: a guide to design analysis and decision making. - . 125.
anies faziehan zakaria. (2023). optimizing product-service bundle design: a guide to design analysis and decision making. - . 125.
ekhwan toriman, haryanti mohd affandi, anies farziehan zakaria, effendi@ewan matore, sofwan mahmud, afifudin husairi mat jusoh, mohd firdaus mustaffa kamal, ridzwan che rus, ummu sakinah mohamad subri. (2022). laporan akhir : cabaran dan impak pensijilan profesional industri dan antarabangsa di malaysia. - . 1-286.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
A SKILL ACQUISITION PERIODISATION FRAMEWORK FOR DRONE SOCCER PERFORMANCE | malaysia sports aviation federation msaf | 20.3% (2024-11-01 sehingga 2026-10-31) |