pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian perniagaan global & ekonomi digital (globde)
Aini Aman (Dr.) is a Professor of Accounting Information System at the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Her main research interest include Accounting Information System and Global Business Services.
dahlia fernandez, omkar dastane, hafizah omar zaki, aini aman. (2024). robotic process automation: bibliometric reflection and future opportunities. - european journal of innovation management. 692-712.
shuifang li, aini binti aman, dahlia fernandez , soliha sanusi, shasha dong, yuqiong fan, zhenwei liao. (2024). value identification and its creation mechanism of digital transformation at enterprises. - ieee access. 55976-55997.
ahmad monir abdullah, aini aman. (2024). energy prices and their impact on us stock indices: a waveletbased quantile-on-quantile regression approach. - international journal of energy economics and policy. 216-234.
hafizah binti omar zaki;aini binti aman;ruzita binti abdul rahim;siti ngayesah binti ab. hamid. (2023). hi-tech jobs creation through advertisement to support the growth of blockchain in malaysia. - . .
aini aman, muhammad rafiq, omkar dastane. (2023). a cross-cultural comparison of work engagement in the relationships between trust climate-job performance and turnover intention: focusing china and pakistan. - heliyon. 1-11.
dahlia fernandez, omkar dastane, hafizah omar zaki, aini aman. (2024). robotic process automation: bibliometric reflection and future opportunities. - european journal of innovation management. 692-712.
shuifang li, aini binti aman, dahlia fernandez , soliha sanusi, shasha dong, yuqiong fan, zhenwei liao. (2024). value identification and its creation mechanism of digital transformation at enterprises. - ieee access. 55976-55997.
aini aman, muhammad rafiq, omkar dastane. (2023). a cross-cultural comparison of work engagement in the relationships between trust climate-job performance and turnover intention: focusing china and pakistan. - heliyon. 1-11.
ruzita abdul-rahim, siti aisah bohari, aini aman, zainudin awang. (2022). benefit-risk perceptions of fintech adoption for sustainability from bank consumers' perspective: the moderating role of fear of covid-19. - sustainability. 1-24.
aini aman, muhammad rafiq, omkar dastane, asrar ahmed sabir. (2022). green corridor: a critical perspective and development of research agenda. - frontiers in environmental science. 1-6.
hafizah omar zaki, dahlia fernandez, omkar dastane, aini aman, soliha sanusi. (2023). virtual reality in digital marketing: research agenda based on bibliometric reflection. - marketing intelligence and planning. 1-20.
yusasniza mohd yunus, aini aman, kamarul baraini keliwon. (2019). the role of business leaders in information technology innovation in the new era of disruptive technology. - asian journal of accounting and governance. 1-14.
yusasniza mohd yunus, kamarul baraini keliwon, aini aman. (2019). the role of business leaders in information technology innovation in the new era of disruptive technology. - asian journal of accounting and governance. 1-11.
yusasniza mohd yunus, mohd zaher mohd zain, aini aman. (2018). tehnological mindfulness and work-life balance. - asian journal of accounting and governance. .
hamsidah abu hassan, aini aman, khairul azman aziz, syahbudin senin. (2018). cabaran aplikasi perisian perakaunan dalam pengurusan kewangan koperasi sekolah. - asian journal of accounting and governance. .
ahmad monir abdullah, aini aman. (2024). energy prices and their impact on us stock indices: a waveletbased quantile-on-quantile regression approach. - international journal of energy economics and policy. 216-234.
dahlia fernandez, omkar dastane, hafizah omar zaki, aini aman. (2024). robotic process automation: bibliometric reflection and future opportunities. - european journal of innovation management. 692-712.
shuifang li, aini binti aman, dahlia fernandez , soliha sanusi, shasha dong, yuqiong fan, zhenwei liao. (2024). value identification and its creation mechanism of digital transformation at enterprises. - ieee access. 55976-55997.
aini aman, muhammad rafiq, omkar dastane. (2023). a cross-cultural comparison of work engagement in the relationships between trust climate-job performance and turnover intention: focusing china and pakistan. - heliyon. 1-11.
hafizah omar zaki, dahlia fernandez, omkar dastane, aini aman, soliha sanusi. (2023). virtual reality in digital marketing: research agenda based on bibliometric reflection. - marketing intelligence and planning. 1-20.
shahifol arbi ismail, aini aman. (2018). impact sourcing initiatives in malaysia : an insight through porter's diamond framework. - 6th international conference of governance, fraud, ethics and social responsibility. .
shahifol arbi ismai, lrichard heeks, brian nicholson & aini aman. (2016). an institutional logics perspective on it impact sourcing: case study of a developing country public-private partnership. - twenty-fourth european conference on information systems (ecis). 1-16.
bhuiyan m.h., aman a., siwar c., ismail s.m., mohd-jani m.f.. (2015). homestay accommodation for tourism development in kelantan, malaysia. - theory and practice in hospitality and tourism research - proceedings of the 2nd international hospitality and tourism conference 2014. 239-242.
aini aman. (2013). clinical information systems in private hospitals. - the 15th international conference on advanced communications technology (ieee icact 2013). 1032-1035.
rosilah hassan, muhammad syahrin ab. rahaman, mohd rosmadi mokhtar, aini aman. (2013). mobile accounting version 1 : design of mobile costing application for msmes using android. - the 15th international conference on advanced communications technology (ieee icact 2013. .
omkar dastane, aini aman, nurhizam safie mohd satar. (2023). digital natives as a disruptive force in asian businesses and societies. - . 322.
aini aman, nur jannah mohaidin, michael warren. (2021). digital securities: the future of malaysian capital markets. - . 14.
ruzita abdul rahim, aini aman, muhammad airil syafiq mohd khalid. (2021). digital securities: the future of malaysian capital markets. - . 12.
ruzita abdul rahim, aini aman. (2021). digital securities: the future of malaysian capital markets. - . 123.
aini aman. (2020). healthcare industry in malaysia: understanding the needs of small medium enterprise. - . 101.
ruzita abdul rahim, aini aman, muhammad airil syafiq mohd khalid. (2021). digital securities: the future of malaysian capital markets. - . 12.
aini aman, nur jannah mohaidin, michael warren. (2021). digital securities: the future of malaysian capital markets. - . 14.
aini aman. (2019). integrated case study for accounting. - . 6.
aini aman. (2019). integrated case studies for accounting. - . 17.
aini aman. (2019). integrated case studies for accounting. - . 12.
omkar dastane, aini aman, nurhizam safie mohd satar. (2023). digital natives as a disruptive force in asian businesses and societies. - . 322.
ruzita abdul rahim, aini aman. (2021). digital securities: the future of malaysian capital markets. - . 123.
aini aman. (2020). healthcare industry in malaysia: understanding the needs of small medium enterprise. - . 101.
zubir azhar, ruzainun abd aziz, indra devi rajamanoharan, aini aman. (2019). integrated case studies for accounting. - . 207.
tariq abdullah al-shbail, aini aman. (2019). e-government & accountability. - . 100.
omkar dastane, aini aman, nurhizam safie mohd satar. (2023). digital natives as a disruptive force in asian businesses and societies. - . xiv-xviii.
hafizah binti omar zaki;aini binti aman;ruzita binti abdul rahim;siti ngayesah binti ab. hamid. (2023). hi-tech jobs creation through advertisement to support the growth of blockchain in malaysia. - . .
aini aman, zulkefly abdul karim, md daud ismail, ruzita abdul rahim, suzana muhammad said. (2023). perak industrial plan. - . 1-199.
kew si roei;aini binti aman;mohd. shukri bin haji noor;norazila binti mat;khairul azman aziz;ruzita binti abdul rahim;noor azryani binti auzairy;tee lain tze. (2022). merchants` readiness in adopting e-wallet services. - . .
fauziah md taib, amirul shah md shahbudin, zubir azhar, susela devi k. suppiah, norli ali, dayana jalaludin, roshaiza taha, rosliza mat zin, norashikin ismail, mariati norhashim, siti seri delima abdul malak, che ruhana isa@ mohamed isa, nor aziah abdul m. (2022). accounting ht4: aadab infused curriculum for malaysian universities. - . 223.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
PENGARUH AUTOMASI PROSES ROBOTIK (APR) TERHADAP UNIT PERAKAUNAN DAN KEWANGAN DI INDUSTRI SEKTOR AWAM | cognitive consulting sdn bhd | 81.4% (2022-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |