noraziani zainal abidin, haslaniza hashim, saiful irwan zubairi, mohamad yusof maskat, noorain purhanudin, rozidawati awang, jarinah mohd ali, harisun yaakob. (2024). enhancing polytetrafluoroethylene (ptfe) coated film for food processing: unveiling surface transformations through oxygenated plasma treatment and parameter optimization using response surface methodology. - plos one. 1-21.
nik farhan nazmi nik abd rahman, haslaniza hashim, saiful irwan zubairi, mohamad yusof maskat. (2024). modification on drying chamber wall of spray dryer towards better yield. - sains malaysiana. 135-148.
sahilah binti abd. mutalib;mohamad yusof maskat;norrakiah binti abdullah sani;mohammad zaini bin yahaya;ma`aruf bin abd. ghani;zalifah binti mohd kasim;nasharuddin bin zainal;rizafizah binti othaman;muhammad adib bin samsudin;mohd al adib bin samuri;arnid. (2024). pembangunan modul diet halalan toyyiban mengikut perspektif islam dan sains. - . .
hasnah haron, yusof maskat, you yee xing, aida farzana mohamad taib, hamdan mohamad, siti farrah zaidah mohd yazid, zaliha harun, noor shahida sukiman, syazwani mastor, suzana shahar. (2023). modul latihan strategi pengurangan garam di malaysia: industri makanan. - . 1-41.
khalida khalil, wan syaidatul aqma, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, mohamad yusof maskat, ishak ahmad. (2023). biodegradation of polyethylene terephthalate (pet) using bacterial isolates from landfill. - 11th international symposium on applied engineering and sciences (saes2023). 41-42.
noraziani zainal abidin, haslaniza hashim, saiful irwan zubairi, mohamad yusof maskat, noorain purhanudin, rozidawati awang, jarinah mohd ali, harisun yaakob. (2024). enhancing polytetrafluoroethylene (ptfe) coated film for food processing: unveiling surface transformations through oxygenated plasma treatment and parameter optimization using response surface methodology. - plos one. 1-21.
zetty shafiqa othman, mohamad yusof maskat, nadhratun naiim mobarak, rozida mohd khalid, shikh mohd shahrul nizan shikh zahari, nur hasyareeda hassan. (2023). utilization of triethylammonium hydrogen sulphate mediated solvent for optimization of asiaticoside extraction and antioxidant capacity of centella asiatica (l.). - journal of king saud university science. 1-6.
nur akmal solehah din, seng joe lim, mohamad yusof maskat, nurul aqilah mohd zaini. (2022). microbial d-lactic acid production, in situ separation and recovery from mature and young coconut husk hydrolysate fermentation broth. - biochemical engineering journal. 1-13.
nadiah ramlan, saiful irwan zubairi, mohamad yusof maskat. (2022). response surface optimisation of polydimethylsiloxane (pdms) on borosilicate glass and stainless steel (ss316) to increase hydrophobicity. - molecules. 1-20.
yee xing you, suzana shahar, nor fadilah rajab, hasnah haron, hanis mastura yahya, mazlyfarina mohamad, normah che din and mohamad yusof maskat. (2021). effects of 12 weeks cosmos caudatus supplement among older adults with mild cognitive impairment: a randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled trial. - nutrients. 1-16.
nik farhan nazmi nik abd rahman, haslaniza hashim, saiful irwan zubairi, mohamad yusof maskat. (2024). modification on drying chamber wall of spray dryer towards better yield. - sains malaysiana. 135-148.
hamad mohamad salah hamad ahalil, shahrul razid sarbini, sahilah abdul mutalib, aminah abdullah, mohamad yusof maskat. (2023). effect of acid and oxidation degradation of gum arabic on the growth of lactobacillus strains. - sains malaysiana. 2803-2813.
christine tee mei quin, muhammad afwan aidil abdul jamil, nurul aqilah mohd zaini, mohamad yusof maskat. (2023). kesan penyahpahitan menggunakan asid terhadap ciri jus peria (momordica charantia). - sains malaysiana. 477-485.
khalida khalil, wan syaidatul aqma, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, mohamad yusof maskat, ishak ahmad. (2022). potensi bioremediasi plastik polietilena tereftalat (pet). - sains malaysiana. 3081-3094.
seng joe lim, sharifah habibah syed khalafu, stefan böhmdorfer, thomas rosenau, mohamad yusof maskat, noor soffalina sofian seng, noorul syuhada mohd razali, wan aida wan mustapha. (2022). monosaccharide profile and antioxidant activities of sulphated polysaccharide extracted from indonesian brown seaweed (sargassum sp.). - sains malaysiana. 3195-3202.
nik farhan nazmi nik abd rahman, haslaniza hashim, saiful irwan zubairi, mohamad yusof maskat. (2024). modification on drying chamber wall of spray dryer towards better yield. - sains malaysiana. 135-148.
noraziani zainal abidin, haslaniza hashim, saiful irwan zubairi, mohamad yusof maskat, noorain purhanudin, rozidawati awang, jarinah mohd ali, harisun yaakob. (2024). enhancing polytetrafluoroethylene (ptfe) coated film for food processing: unveiling surface transformations through oxygenated plasma treatment and parameter optimization using response surface methodology. - plos one. 1-21.
hamad mohamad salah hamad ahalil, shahrul razid sarbini, sahilah abdul mutalib, aminah abdullah, mohamad yusof maskat. (2023). effect of acid and oxidation degradation of gum arabic on the growth of lactobacillus strains. - sains malaysiana. 2803-2813.
christine tee mei quin, muhammad afwan aidil abdul jamil, nurul aqilah mohd zaini, mohamad yusof maskat. (2023). kesan penyahpahitan menggunakan asid terhadap ciri jus peria (momordica charantia). - sains malaysiana. 477-485.
zetty shafiqa othman, mohamad yusof maskat, nadhratun naiim mobarak, rozida mohd khalid, shikh mohd shahrul nizan shikh zahari, nur hasyareeda hassan. (2023). utilization of triethylammonium hydrogen sulphate mediated solvent for optimization of asiaticoside extraction and antioxidant capacity of centella asiatica (l.). - journal of king saud university science. 1-6.
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abdul munir hj. abdul murad, choong chee yen, eddie shahril ismail, mohamad yusof maskat, mohd salmi md noorani, nazlina ibrahim, nurul huda bt abdul karim, redzuan yahya, rozida mohd khalid, wan r. (2013). the 2013 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium. - proceedings of the universiti kebangsaan malaysia, faculty of science and technology 2013 postgraduate colloquium/aip publishing. .
saiful irwan zubairi, mohamad yusof maskat, haslaniza hashim, nadiah ramlan, noraziani zainal abidin. (2022). peningkatan hasil pengeringan semburan menggunakan rawatan permukaan. - . 129.
satriani aga pasma, rusli daik, mohamad yusof maskat. (2021). polimer terbiodegradasi dari tandan kosong buah kelapa sawit. - . 175.
haslaniza hashim, mohamad yusof maskat, saiful irwan zubairi. (2020). penyahbauan jus mengkudu menggunakan resin penukar ion. - . 195.
lim seng joe, wan aida wan mustapha, mohamad yusof maskat. (2020). fukoidan: ingredien bioaktif rumpai laut. - . 137.
saiful irwan zubairi, mohamad yusof maskat, maaruf abd ghani, haslaniza hashim. (2019). panduan amali pengawetan makanan. - . 70.
siti nur ainie sidamat, ainaa aqila mohd fadzil, haslaniza hashim & mohammad yusof maskat. (2017). siri penyelidikan sains makanan. - . 5.
saiful irwan zubairi, mohamad yusof maskat, haslaniza hashim, nadiah ramlan, noraziani zainal abidin. (2022). peningkatan hasil pengeringan semburan menggunakan rawatan permukaan. - . 129.
satriani aga pasma, rusli daik, mohamad yusof maskat. (2021). polimer terbiodegradasi dari tandan kosong buah kelapa sawit. - . 175.
haslaniza hashim, mohamad yusof maskat, saiful irwan zubairi. (2020). penyahbauan jus mengkudu menggunakan resin penukar ion. - . 195.
lim seng joe, wan aida wan mustapha, mohamad yusof maskat. (2020). fukoidan: ingredien bioaktif rumpai laut. - . 137.
saiful irwan zubairi, mohamad yusof maskat, maaruf abd ghani, haslaniza hashim. (2019). panduan amali pengawetan makanan. - . 70.
sahilah binti abd. mutalib;mohamad yusof maskat;norrakiah binti abdullah sani;mohammad zaini bin yahaya;ma`aruf bin abd. ghani;zalifah binti mohd kasim;nasharuddin bin zainal;rizafizah binti othaman;muhammad adib bin samsudin;mohd al adib bin samuri;arnid. (2024). pembangunan modul diet halalan toyyiban mengikut perspektif islam dan sains. - . .
nik farhan nazmi nik abd rahman, haslaniza hashim, saiful irwan zubairi, mohamad yusof maskat, jarinah mohd ali. (2023). response surface optimization of polytetrafluoroethylene (ptfe) coating on drying chamber wall of spray dryer. - the 17th asean food conference 2023 (afc2023). 187.
hasnah haron, yusof maskat, you yee xing, aida farzana mohamad taib, hamdan mohamad, siti farrah zaidah mohd yazid, zaliha harun, noor shahida sukiman, syazwani mastor, suzana shahar. (2023). modul latihan strategi pengurangan garam di malaysia: industri makanan. - . 1-41.
suzana bt. shahar;nor fadilah bt. rajab;mohamad yusof maskat;normah bt. che din;mazlyfarina binti mohamad;hasnah binti haron;hanis mastura binti yahya. (2022). revealing the neuroprotective effects of cosmos caudatus aqueous extract in animal and human models. - . .
haslaniza binti hashim;mohamad yusof maskat;saiful irwan zubairi;jarinah binti mohd ali. (2022). optimization of spray drying operating parameters on noni (morinda citrifolia l.) juice using methane/ helium plasma. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
BACTERIAL CELLULOSE CONTAINING ANTIMICROBIAL AGENT AS SUSTAINABLE FOOD PAD ABSORBENT | institut penyelidikan dan kemajuan pertanian malaysia (mardi) | 96.2% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-03-31) |
BACTERIAL CELLULOSE CONTAINING ANTIMICROBIAL AGENT AS SUSTAINABLE FOOD PAD ABSORBENT | sri nona food manufacturing sdn. bhd. (snfm) | 96.2% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-03-31) |