saiful irwan zubairi, winnie ngui shy yi, zalifah kassim, noraziani zainal abidin. (2024). exploring the therapeutic potential: malaysian channa striatus water extract enriched with arachidonic acid for wound healing in human foetal lung cells (imr-90). - jurnal sains kesihatan malaysia. 68-84.
iliya zakirah izhar, saiful irwan zubairi, zainun nurzahim, harisun yaakob & zalifah mohd kasim. (2024). investigating potential sources of sore throat: physico-chemical attributes and microbial contamination in rambutan from fresh harvests and retail stores. - sains malaysiana. 1105-118.
sahilah binti abd. mutalib;mohamad yusof maskat;norrakiah binti abdullah sani;mohammad zaini bin yahaya;ma`aruf bin abd. ghani;zalifah binti mohd kasim;nasharuddin bin zainal;rizafizah binti othaman;muhammad adib bin samsudin;mohd al adib bin samuri;arnid. (2024). pembangunan modul diet halalan toyyiban mengikut perspektif islam dan sains. - . .
norashikin mohd zain, ma'aruf abdul ghani, zalifah mohd kasim. (2023). effects of water addition level on physical properties, rheological profile and sensory evaluation of gluten-free bread: a preliminary approach. - sains malaysiana. 487-499.
anita sasue, zalifah mohd kasim, saiful irwan zubairi. (2023). evaluation of phytochemical, nutritional and sensory properties of high fibre bun developed by utilization of kappaphycus alvarezii seaweed powder as a functional ingredient. - arabian journal of chemistry. 1-12.
anita sasue, zalifah mohd kasim, saiful irwan zubairi. (2023). evaluation of phytochemical, nutritional and sensory properties of high fibre bun developed by utilization of kappaphycus alvarezii seaweed powder as a functional ingredient. - arabian journal of chemistry. 1-12.
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saiful irwan zubairi, nursyazwanie ishak, zalifah mohd kasim, zainun nurzahim. (2021). yogurt drink spoilage profiles: characterization of physico-chemical properties and coliform potability analysis. - arabian journal of chemistry. 1-10.
mohamad faizulhelmi fadzilah, saiful irwan zubairi, noraziani zainal abidin, zalifah mohd kasim, azwan lazim. (2020). physico-chemical and sensory acceptance of carica papaya leaves extract edible o/w emulsion as prospective natural remedies. - arabian journal of chemistry. 7829-7842.
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norashikin mohd zain, ma'aruf abdul ghani, zalifah mohd kasim. (2023). effects of water addition level on physical properties, rheological profile and sensory evaluation of gluten-free bread: a preliminary approach. - sains malaysiana. 487-499.
saiful irwan zubairi, nur arif syamimi md zabidi, zoey zeffrey azman, siti noor diana mohd kamaruddin, zalifah mohd kasim, azwan mat lazim, zainun nurzahim, mohd suzeren md jamil. (2022). pleurotus ostreatus cultivation: physico-chemical characteristics of a robust pre-blocks oyster mushroom substrate with absorptive starch binders. - sains malaysiana. 329-343.
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nazira sulaiman, saiful irwan zubairi, norrakiah abdullah sani, zalifah mohd kasim. (2020). the efficacy of treated water from water filtration machines for safe drinking water supply in bandar baru bangi and kajang, selangor. - journal of food quality. 1-9.
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anita sasue, zalifah mohd kasim, saiful irwan zubairi. (2023). evaluation of phytochemical, nutritional and sensory properties of high fibre bun developed by utilization of kappaphycus alvarezii seaweed powder as a functional ingredient. - arabian journal of chemistry. 1-12.
saiful irwan zubairi, zalifah mohd kasim, muhammad harith afifi muhamad zahiri and nur huda-faujan. (2023). health concern of phenomenally premium boba milk tea and pearls beverages in kuala lumpur: sugary content and physico-chemical profiles analysis. - current research in nutrition and food science. 2-11.
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sahilah binti abd. mutalib;mohamad yusof maskat;norrakiah binti abdullah sani;mohammad zaini bin yahaya;ma`aruf bin abd. ghani;zalifah binti mohd kasim;nasharuddin bin zainal;rizafizah binti othaman;muhammad adib bin samsudin;mohd al adib bin samuri;arnid. (2024). pembangunan modul diet halalan toyyiban mengikut perspektif islam dan sains. - . .
saiful irwan zubairi, zalifah kassim, winnie ngui shy yi, zainun nurzahim. (2023). evaluation of malaysian channa striatus water extract containing arachidonic acid as wound healing potential on human foetal lung cell (imr-90). - international conference on agriculture, animal sciences and food technology. 1.
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Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
FORMULATION OF ENGINEERED BAKER`S YEAST WITH RECOMBINANT NEPROSIN FOR GLUTEN-SAFE BAKERY | biosyntech malaysia group sdn. bhd. (0419740a) | 17.7% (2024-11-01 sehingga 2026-10-31) |