pensyarah universiti
jabatan kejuruteraan mekanikal & pembuatan
MinatBeliau telah mengikuti pengajian Bahasa Jepun di Tokyo pada tahun 1991 sebelum melanjutkan pengajian dalam bidang Kejuruteraan Mekanikal peringkat Diploma di Ishikawa National College of Technology dan Ijazah Sarjana Muda di Nagaoka University of Technology, Jepun dari tahun 1992 hingga 1997. Setelah taman pengajian, beliau mendapat peluang bekerja di sebuah syarikat semikonduktor Jepun sebagai jurutera dalam bidang teknologi pembuatan termaju. Minat belajar diteruskan dengan melanjutkan pengajian ke peringkat Master dan Ph.D. dalam bidang sains bahan di bawah tajaan biasiswa Monbusho daripada kerajaan Jepun dari tahun 2000 hingga 2005. Kini beliau bekerja sebagai pensyarah dan penyelidik di Fakulti Kejuruteraan dan Alam Bina, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia sejak tahun 2005. Di antara pengalaman pentadbirannya adalah sebagai Ketua Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanik dan Bahan, Pengerusi Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal dan Pembuatan,Pengerusi Pusat Kejuruteraan Bahan dan Pembuatan Pintar (MERCU) dan Timbalan Dekan (Pascasiswazah) dan Timbalan Pengarah di Pusat Pengurusan Akademik UKM. Beliau aktif menerbitkan makalah penyelidikan dalam bidang sifat mekanik bahan kejuruteraan termaju terutama mengenai kekuatan sambungan logam, sifat tegangan dan rayapan pada suhu tinggi, dan sifat lesu. Juga giat terlibat dalam kolaborasi dan kerjasama penyelidikan dengan pihak industri dan komuniti bagi meningkatkan sumbangan melalui penyelidikan.
I have enjoHe studied Japanese in Tokyo in 1991 before pursuing a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering at Ishikawa National College of Technology and a Bachelor`s Degree at Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan from 1992 to 1997. After graduating, he got the opportunity to work in a Japanese semiconductor company as an engineer in the field of advanced manufacturing technology. After 3 years of work, he continued his studies to the Master`s level and Ph.D. in the field of materials science under the sponsorship of the Monbusho scholarship from the Japanese government from 2000 to 2005. He has been working as a lecturer and researcher at the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia since 2005. Among his administrative experiences are as Head of the Mechanical and Materials Engineering Department, Chairman of the Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Department, Chairman of the Materials Engineering and Smart Manufacturing Center (MERCU), Deputy Dean (Postgraduate) and Deputy Director at the UKM Centre for Academic Management. He actively publishes research papers in the field of mechanical properties of advanced engineering materials, especially on the strength of metal joints, tensile and creep properties at high temperatures, and fatigue properties. Also actively involved in research collaboration and cooperation with the industry and community to increase contributions through research.
mohammadamin bakhtiarian, hamid omidvar, amirhossein mashhuriazar, zainuddin sajuri, c. hakan gur. (2024). the effects of slm process parameters on the relative density and hardness of austenitic stainless steel 316l. - journal of materials research and technology. 1616-1629.
n.s. suhaimi, m.i.m. ahmad, m.z. nuawi, z.m. hafiz, z. sajuri, a.z.m. abdullah. (2024). the effect of railways speed on the rail track structure strain behaviour using fibre optical sensor. - aip conference proceedings / the 5th international conference on automotive innovation and green energy vehicle. 1-11.
ahmad muhammad aziz, intan fadhlina mohamed, zenji horita, mohd zaidi omar, zainuddin sajuri, norinsan kamil othman, junaidi syarif, mohamed abdelgawad gebril, farhad ostovan, seungwon lee, kenji matsuda, manabu yumoto, yoichi takizawa, ammar abdulkareem. (2024). strengthening of a5052 aluminum alloy by high-pressure sliding process. - journal of materials science. 5754-5770.
ahmad kamal ariffin bin mohd ihsan;shahrum bin abdullah;dzuraidah binti abd wahab;rizauddin bin ramli;zainuddin bin sajuri;hawa binti hishamuddin;mohammad rasidi bin mohammad rasani;wan fathul hakim bin w. zamri;wan aizon bin w ghopa;abdul hadi bin azman;. (2023). reliability and safety engineering and technology for large maritime engineering systems (reset). - . .
mohd. zaidi bin omar;abu bakar bin sulong;zainuddin bin sajuri;intan fadhlina binti mohamed. (2023). mechanical properties and microstructural evolution of thixoformed graphene nanosheets reinforced aluminium alloy matrix composites. - . .
ahmad muhammad aziz, intan fadhlina mohamed, zenji horita, mohd zaidi omar, zainuddin sajuri, norinsan kamil othman, junaidi syarif, mohamed abdelgawad gebril, farhad ostovan, seungwon lee, kenji matsuda, manabu yumoto, yoichi takizawa, ammar abdulkareem. (2024). strengthening of a5052 aluminum alloy by high-pressure sliding process. - journal of materials science. 5754-5770.
mohammadamin bakhtiarian, hamid omidvar, amirhossein mashhuriazar, zainuddin sajuri, c. hakan gur. (2024). the effects of slm process parameters on the relative density and hardness of austenitic stainless steel 316l. - journal of materials research and technology. 1616-1629.
matin vafaei, amirhossein mashhuriazar, hamid omidvar, zainuddin sajuri. (2023). in-service welding of x70 steel gas pipeline: numerical and experimental investigations. - journal of materials research and technology. 6907-6918.
m. a. m. arif, m. z. omar, s. samat, z. sajuri. (2023). microstructural and mechanical properties of thixoformed al-si-cu-mg alloy: effect of partial remelting treatment. - international journal of metalcasting. 3155-3166.
mohammad azlan aripin, zainuddin sajuri, nashrah hani jamadon, amir hossein baghdadi, junaidi syarif, intan fadhlina mohamed and ahmad muhammad aziz. (2022). effects of build orientations on microstructure evolution, porosity formation, and mechanical performance of selective laser melted 17-4 ph stainless steel. - metals. 1-24.
mohammad azlan aripin, zainuddin sajuri, nashrah hani jamadon, amir hossein baghdadi, intan fadhlina mohamed, junaidi syarif, ahmad muhammad aziz, fathin iliana jamhari. (2023). microstructure and mechanical properties of selective laser melted 17-4 ph stainless steel; build direction and heat treatment processes. - materials today communications. 1-13.
m.n. mohammed, m.z. omar, z. sajuri, and salah al-zubaidi. (2020). characterization of metallurgical and mechanical properties of thixowelded aisi d2 and aisi 304 steels. - journal of materials engineering and performance. 739-749.
amirhossein mashhuriazar, hamid omidvar, c. hakan gur, zainuddin sajuri. (2020). effect of welding parameters on the liquation cracking behavior of high-chromium ni-based superalloy. - journal of materials engineering and performance. 7843-7852.
m.a.m arif, m.z. omar & z. sajuri. (2020). kebolehbentukan-tikso aloi 2014 dengan penambahan si dan pengurangan cu. - sains malaysiana. 179-188.
fadzilah adnan, zainuddin sajuri, mohd zaidi omar. (2019). effect of uniaxial load on microstructure and mechanical properties of thixo-joint aisi d2 tool steel. - journal of mechanical engineering and sciences. 5006-5020.
mohammadamin bakhtiarian, hamid omidvar, amirhossein mashhuriazar, zainuddin sajuri, c. hakan gur. (2024). the effects of slm process parameters on the relative density and hardness of austenitic stainless steel 316l. - journal of materials research and technology. 1616-1629.
ahmad muhammad aziz, intan fadhlina mohamed, zenji horita, mohd zaidi omar, zainuddin sajuri, norinsan kamil othman, junaidi syarif, mohamed abdelgawad gebril, farhad ostovan, seungwon lee, kenji matsuda, manabu yumoto, yoichi takizawa, ammar abdulkareem. (2024). strengthening of a5052 aluminum alloy by high-pressure sliding process. - journal of materials science. 5754-5770.
m. a. m. arif, m. z. omar, s. samat, z. sajuri. (2023). microstructural and mechanical properties of thixoformed al-si-cu-mg alloy: effect of partial remelting treatment. - international journal of metalcasting. 3155-3166.
mohammad azlan aripin, zainuddin sajuri, nashrah hani jamadon, amir hossein baghdadi, intan fadhlina mohamed, junaidi syarif, ahmad muhammad aziz, fathin iliana jamhari. (2023). microstructure and mechanical properties of selective laser melted 17-4 ph stainless steel; build direction and heat treatment processes. - materials today communications. 1-13.
matin vafaei, amirhossein mashhuriazar, hamid omidvar, zainuddin sajuri. (2023). in-service welding of x70 steel gas pipeline: numerical and experimental investigations. - journal of materials research and technology. 6907-6918.
n.s. suhaimi, m.i.m. ahmad, m.z. nuawi, z.m. hafiz, z. sajuri, a.z.m. abdullah. (2024). the effect of railways speed on the rail track structure strain behaviour using fibre optical sensor. - aip conference proceedings / the 5th international conference on automotive innovation and green energy vehicle. 1-11.
m.a. aripin, z. sajuri, j. syarif, a.h. baghdadi and i.f. mohamed. (2022). evaluation of microstructure and porosity for 3d printed stainless steel. - materials today: proceedings. 3082-3086.
amir hossein baghdadi, nor fazilah mohamad selamat, zainuddin sajuri. (2017). effect of tool offsetting on microstructure and mechanical properties dissimilar friction stir welded mg-al alloys. - joining and welding symposium 2017 (iop conf. series: materials science and engineering). 1-9.
ukwueze bonaventure emeka, abu bakar sulong, norhamidi muhamad & zainuddin sajuri. (2016). rheological investigation of powder injection molding materials using polyethylene with palm stearin binder system. - proceedings of international conference on advanced processes and systems in manufacturing (apsim 2016). .
reza m., sajuri z., yunas j., syarif j.. (2016). effect of sputtering target`s grain size on the sputtering yield, particle size and coercivity (hc) of ni and ni20al thin films. - iop conference series: materials science and engineering. 1-6.
zainuddin sajuri, nor fazilah mohamad selamat. (2022). kimpalan kacau geseran aloi aluminium. - . 261.
hend ali omar, nur izzi md yusoff, zainuddin sajuri, halil ceylan, fauzan mohd jakarni, amiruddin ismail. (2017). advances in materials processing and integrity: non metals and hybrids. - . 22.
hend ali omar, nur izzi md yusoff, zainuddin sajuri, halil ceylan, fauzan mohd jakarni, amiruddin ismail. (2017). advances in materials processing and integrity: non metals and hybrids. - . 22.
zainuddin sajuri, nor fazilah mohamad selamat. (2022). kimpalan kacau geseran aloi aluminium. - . 261.
meor iqram meor ahmad*, zainuddin sajuri, zambri harun, rizauddin ramli, wan fathul hakim wan zamri, abdul hadi azman, nor kamaliana khamis, mohd faizal mat tahir dan mohd anas mohd sabri. (2023). pemantauan prestasi akademik pelajar bagi jkmp ukm berdasarkan sistem ihpp. - persidangan pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina (peka) 2023. 1-13.
mohd. zaidi bin omar;abu bakar bin sulong;zainuddin bin sajuri;intan fadhlina binti mohamed. (2023). mechanical properties and microstructural evolution of thixoformed graphene nanosheets reinforced aluminium alloy matrix composites. - . .
abu bakar bin sulong;norhamidi bin muhamad;mohd. zaidi bin omar;zainuddin bin sajuri;nabilah afiqah binti mohd radzuan;mohd ikram bin ramli. (2023). mechanism in processability of copper-aluminium-manganese shape memory alloys (smas) through powder injection moulding (pim). - . .
ahmad kamal ariffin bin mohd ihsan;shahrum bin abdullah;dzuraidah binti abd wahab;rizauddin bin ramli;zainuddin bin sajuri;hawa binti hishamuddin;mohammad rasidi bin mohammad rasani;wan fathul hakim bin w. zamri;wan aizon bin w ghopa;abdul hadi bin azman;. (2023). reliability and safety engineering and technology for large maritime engineering systems (reset). - . .
intan fadhlina binti mohamed;mohd. zaidi bin omar;shahrum bin abdullah;zainuddin bin sajuri;wan fathul hakim bin w. zamri;nashrah hani binti jamadon. (2022). giant straining of highly commercial aluminum alloys via high-pressure torsion process for vehicle applications. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
HIGH-TEMPERATURE EPOXY GROUT IN HELICOID EPOXY SLEEVE APPLICATION | merit technologies sdn bhd | 6.8% (2025-02-13 sehingga 2026-02-13) |