pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian pembangunan inklusif & lestari (sid)
Dr. Norlin is an Associate Professor at the Centre for Sustainable and Inclusive Development Studies (SID), Faculty of Economics and Management, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. She holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Essex, United Kingdom, and received both her Bachelor`s and Master`s degrees from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. In addition to her academic responsibilities, she serves as the Manager of the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) - UKM`s Endowment Chair. Previously, she held positions as Assistant Dean/Head of Student Affairs & Alumni (HESA) and Cluster Head in the Faculty of Economics and Management, UKM.
Dr. Norlin`s research primarily focuses on applied macroeconomics, with a particular emphasis on public economics, development economics, and international economics. She has contributed to over 50 articles in refereed journals, with several featured in SSCI Q1/Q2 impact journals. Her research interests have expanded to include sustainability and environmental economics, as evident in her recent publications.
Throughout her tenure as a lecturer, Dr. Norlin has been frequently sought by government agencies and the private sector for the formulation of economic-related policies. She has also been a speaker for economics and econometrics modules at various institutions. She leads nine major research grants and is a member of over 20 additional grants, all awarded by international, industry, or local organizations.
abdul hafizh bin mohd azam;norlin binti khalid. (2025). evolution of transmission channel of monetary policy in malaysia. - . .
noradiva hamzah, norlida hanim mohd salleh, norlin khalid, kamalrudin mohamed salleh. (2024). sosioekonomi pekebun kecil industri sawit malaysia. - . 12.
hakimah nur ahmad hamidi, norlin khalid, zulkefly abdul karim. (2024). palm oil trade restrictiveness index and its impact on world palm oil exports. - agricultural economics-czech. 101-111.
norlin binti khalid;mohamat sabri bin hassan;rafidah binti abdul aziz. (2024). modul nilai diri graduan (ndgad): pembangunan manual sistem mesra pengguna. - . .
zulkefly abdul karim, ahmad yusmadi yusoff, bakri abdul karim, norlin khalid. (2024). contemporary issues in finance, investment and banking in malaysia. - . 22.
hakimah nur ahmad hamidi, norlin khalid, zulkefly abdul karim. (2024). palm oil trade restrictiveness index and its impact on world palm oil exports. - agricultural economics-czech. 101-111.
lovina yogarajan, mohammad masukujjaman, mohd helmi ali, norlin khalid, lokhman hakim osman, syed shah alam. (2023). exploring the hype of blockchain adoption in agri-food supply chain: a systematic literature review. - agriculture. 1-24.
chee loong lee, riayati ahmad, zulkefly abdul karim, norlin khalid. (2023). institutional quality, income level, and debt sustainability: new evidence using dynamic panel threshold regression. - technological and economic development of economy. 1520-1538.
norlin khalid, mohd helmi ali, nur hilfa awatif mohamad ridzuan, minglang tseng, mohd shahrul mohd nadzir, shifa md nor. (2023). symmetric and asymmetric impacts of the palm oil industry on carbon dioxide emissions in malaysia based on linear and nonlinear autoregressive distributed lag models. - clean technologies and environmental policy. 173-194.
nada amer abdulhafedh al-kubati, zulkefly abdul karim, norlin khalid, mohammad kabir hassan. (2022). the impact of sub-sector of economic activity and financial development on environmental degradation: new evidence using dynamic heterogeneous panel. - mathematics. 1-23.
mahmoud kraim, tamat sarmidi, fathin faizah, norlin khalid. (2023). a sectoral specification of okuns law in oil producing countries: evidence from panel ardl model. - economic change and restructuring. 2385-2404.
ying liu, zulkefly abdul karim, norlin khalid, fathin faizah said. (2022). benefit modeling and analysis of wind power generation under social energy economy and public health. - journal of environmental and public health. 1-9.
afza asyura mohd hisham, zulkefly abdul karim, norlin khalid. (2019). determinants of capital expenditure spending in malaysian palm oil industries: a dynamic panel data analysis. - economic journal of emerging markets. 223-233.
atif awad, ishak yussof, norlin khalid. (2018). output growth of the malaysia's manufacturing sector - do foreign workers matter?. - journal of economic studies. .
abdul rahman nizamani, zulkefly abdul karim, mohd azlan shah zaidi, norlin khalid. (2017). trade balance response to shocks in monetary policy and exchange rate: evidence from pakistan using svecm approach. - international journal of business and society. 579-594.
hakimah nur ahmad hamidi, norlin khalid, zulkefly abdul karim. (2024). palm oil trade restrictiveness index and its impact on world palm oil exports. - agricultural economics-czech. 101-111.
chee loong lee, riayati ahmad, zulkefly abdul karim, norlin khalid. (2023). institutional quality, income level, and debt sustainability: new evidence using dynamic panel threshold regression. - technological and economic development of economy. 1520-1538.
lovina yogarajan, mohammad masukujjaman, mohd helmi ali, norlin khalid, lokhman hakim osman, syed shah alam. (2023). exploring the hype of blockchain adoption in agri-food supply chain: a systematic literature review. - agriculture. 1-24.
malik cahyadin, tamat sarmidi, norlin khalid, siong hook law. (2023). the effectiveness of debt rule on fiscal sustainability:do macroeconomic data matter?. - international journal of business and society. 677-689.
nurul hidayah ahamad nawawi, rosiati ramli, norlin khalid, siti fatimah abdul rashid. (2023). understanding the present of the gig economy in malaysia. - malaysian journal of consumer and family economics. 274-293.
zulkefly abdul karim, ahmad yusmadi yusoff, bakri abdul karim, norlin khalid. (2024). contemporary issues in finance, investment and banking in malaysia. - . 22.
sharmila thinagar, norlin khalid, zulkefly abdul karim. (2023). kadar pulangan dan kemeruapan saham amanah pelaburan hartanah. - . 141.
nurul atiqah mohd suib, norlida hanim mohd salleh, noradiva hamzah, md shafiin shukor, khairuman hashim, kamalrudin mohamed salleh, norlin khalid. (2023). sosioekonomi pekebun kecil industri sawit malaysia. - . 21.
norlin khalid, mohd helmi ali, novel lyndon, muhammmad faliq abd razak. (2022). pengurusan kelestarian minyak sawit malaysia. - . 11.
mohd hafizuddin syah bangaan abdullah, shahida shahimi, norlin khalid, muhammad faliq abd razak. (2022). pengurusan kelestarian minyak sawit malaysia. - . 10.
noradiva hamzah, norlida hanim mohd salleh, norlin khalid, kamalrudin mohamed salleh. (2024). sosioekonomi pekebun kecil industri sawit malaysia. - . 12.
zulkefly abdul karim, ahmad yusmadi yusoff, bakri abdul karim, norlin khalid. (2024). contemporary issues in finance, investment and banking in malaysia. - . 22.
nurul atiqah mohd suib, norlida hanim mohd salleh, noradiva hamzah, md shafiin shukor, khairuman hashim, kamalrudin mohamed salleh, norlin khalid. (2023). sosioekonomi pekebun kecil industri sawit malaysia. - . 21.
noradiva hamzah, norlida hanim mohd salleh, norlin khalid, kamalrudin mohamed salleh. (2023). sosioekonomi pekebun kecil industri sawit malaysia. - . 12.
bakri abdul karim, aisyah abdul rahman, syajarul imna mohd amin, norlin khalid. (2022). shifting economic, financial and banking paradigm: new systems to encounter covid-19. - . 12.
sharmila thinagar, norlin khalid, zulkefly abdul karim. (2023). kadar pulangan dan kemeruapan saham amanah pelaburan hartanah. - . 141.
noradiva hamzah, norlida hanim mohd salleh, norlin khalid, kamalrudin mohamed salleh. (2023). sosioekonomi pekebun kecil industri sawit malaysia. - . 225.
norlin khalid, mohd helmi ali, novel lyndon, muhammad faliq abd razak. (2022). pengurusan kelestarian minyak sawit malaysia. - . 253.
aminudin mokhtar, azrina abdullah al-hadi, siti hajar mohd idris, hazrul izuan shahiri, norlin khalid. (2022). matematik untuk ekonomi dan perniagaan. - . 265.
muhamad rias kv zainuddin, tamat sarmidi, norlin khalid. (2021). perkongsian ekonomi komprehensif serantau: halangan dan potensi perdagangan. - . 108.
abdul hafizh bin mohd azam;norlin binti khalid. (2025). evolution of transmission channel of monetary policy in malaysia. - . .
azura binti ishak;norlin binti khalid;noor faridatul ainun binti zainal;masura binti rahmat;shahrina binti shahrani;rohizah binti abd. rahman. (2024). aplikasi mudah alih pembajaan sawit (baja sawit) berasaskan infografik. - . .
tamat bin sarmidi;norlin binti khalid. (2024). interactive dashboard on non-tariff measures for palm oil sector. - . .
mohamat sabri bin hassan;norlin binti khalid;shifa binti mohd nor;rafidah binti abdul aziz. (2024). pembentukan kerangka kerja konseptual modul nilai diri graduan: menangani isu kebolehpasaran graduan fep.. - . .
norlin binti khalid;mohamat sabri bin hassan;rafidah binti abdul aziz. (2024). modul nilai diri graduan (ndgad): pembangunan manual sistem mesra pengguna. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
TRANSFORMASI PENGELUARAN PERTANIAN DAN KOMODITI BERASASKAN MAKANAN DALAM MENGHADAPI KEJUTAN-KEJUTAN EKONOMI DAN LUARAN | bahagian dasar dan perancangan strategik, kementerian pertanian dan keterjaminan makanan | 72.1% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |