Professor Dr Azizan Ahmad merupakan graduan UKM diperingkat sarjana muda (1996) dan doktor falsafah (2004). Sepanjang kerjaya beliau sebagai tenaga akademik di UKM, beliau berjaya melahirkan 18 orang graduan cemerlang peringkat PhD dan 23 orang peringkat sarjana. Beliau turut menerima pelbagai anugerah antaranya Anugerah Penerbitan (2011), Anugerah Khidmat Masyarakat (2011), Anugerah Tenaga Pengajar Cemerlang (2012), Anugrah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang (2016), Anugerah Penyelia Siswazah Cemerlang (2017) dan Anugerah Bitara UKM Pendanaan Kategori Individu (2018). Beliau berjaya menjalinkan penyelidikan bersama dengan Universiti Terkemuka di Dunia antaranya Osaka University, Uppsala University dan Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology.
mohamad azuwa bin mohamed;mohammad bin kassim;azizan bin ahmad;muhammad rahimi bin yusop;mohamad saufi rosmi. (2025). polymer phase-inversion mediated porous c-doped graphitic carbon nitride-based heterojunction photoelectrode for photoelectrocatalytic hydrogen generation. - . .
rawdah whba, mohd sukor su'ait, azizan ahmad. (2024). an affordable and easily accessible approach for acrylonitrile monomer purification through a simple column technique. - journal of materials science and chemical engineering. 18-28.
chai kai ling, afiena nurizyan, mohd sukor su`ait, siti aminah mohd noor, lee tian khoon, azizan ahmad. (2024). kesan masa prarawatan terma bagi penghasilan karbon keras berasaskan sekam padi untuk aplikasi bateri ion natrium. - journal of polymer science and technology. 24-35.
n. m. mustafa, f.n. jumaah, , y. masahiro-fujita, n.a. ludin, m. akhtaruzzaman, n.h. hassan, a. ahmad, k.m. chan, m.s. su'ait. (2024). impacts of synthesis variables on spectroscopics evaluation of biobased fatty amide as alkylammonium salt's precursor for perovskite. - construction and building materials. 1-18.
n.m. mustafa, f.n. jumaah, n.a. ludin, m. akhtaruzzaman, n.h. hassan, a. ahmad, k.m. chan, m.s. su'ait. (2024). tetraalkylammonium salts (tas) in solar energy applications - a review on in vitro and in vivo toxicity. - heliyon. 1-22.
rawdah whba, mohd sukor su'ait, sevda sahinbay, fathyah whba, azizan ahmad. (2024). natural rubber-based polymer electrolytes for electrochemical devices: modification, challenges, advances, and perspectives. - journal of energy storage. 1-34.
r. whba, m.s. su'ait, f. whba, a. ahmad. (2024). research progress on polyacrylonitrile-based polymer electrolytes for electrochemical devices: insight into electrochemical performance. - journal of power sources. 1-31.
n. m. mustafa, f.n. jumaah, , y. masahiro-fujita, n.a. ludin, m. akhtaruzzaman, n.h. hassan, a. ahmad, k.m. chan, m.s. su'ait. (2024). impacts of synthesis variables on spectroscopics evaluation of biobased fatty amide as alkylammonium salt's precursor for perovskite. - construction and building materials. 1-18.
theng choon ooi, azizan ahmad, nor fadilah rajab, razinah sharif. (2024). effects of 12 weeks colostrum milk supplement among older adults: a randomised, double-blind and placebo-controlled trial. - international dairy journal. 1-9.
n.m. mustafa, f.n. jumaah, n.a. ludin, m. akhtaruzzaman, n.h. hassan, a. ahmad, k.m. chan, m.s. su'ait. (2024). tetraalkylammonium salts (tas) in solar energy applications - a review on in vitro and in vivo toxicity. - heliyon. 1-22.
nurul iffah ismail, saiyidah nafisah saidin, nur hani rail, azizan ahmad, nadhratun naiim mobarak. (2022). the effects of monosaccharides on the physico electrochemical properties of chitosan based solid polymer electrolytes (spes). - sains malaysiana. 2461-2472.
ms su'ait, piz syed mahadzir, kh badri, a ahmad. (2022). effects of isocyanate-to-polyols (nco/oh) ratio on bio-based polyurethane film from palm kernel oil based monoester polyols (pko-p) for polymer electrolytes application. - materials science (medziagotyra). 322-332.
nur azlina abdul ghani, farah hannan anuar, azizan ahmad, nadhratun naiim mobarak, intan juliana shamsudin, mariah zuliana dzulkipli, nur hasyareeda hassan. (2020). incorporating 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride ionic liquid into iota carrageenan solid biopolymer electrolyte for electrochemical devices application. - sains malaysiana. 305-313.
jun xing leong, wilson agerico diño, azizan ahmad, wan ramli wan daud, and hideaki kasai. (2018). increasing the proton conductivity of sulfonated polyether ether ketone by incorporating graphene oxide: morphology effect on proton dynamics.. - japanese journal of applied physics. .
n.n. mobarak, f.n. jantan, n.a. dzulkurnain, a. ahmad & m.p. abdullah. (2018). kesan garam litium nitrat terhadap sifat elektrokimia karboksimetil kitosan. - sains malaysiana. .
n.m. mustafa, f.n. jumaah, n.a. ludin, m. akhtaruzzaman, n.h. hassan, a. ahmad, k.m. chan, m.s. su'ait. (2024). tetraalkylammonium salts (tas) in solar energy applications - a review on in vitro and in vivo toxicity. - heliyon. 1-22.
r. whba, m.s. su'ait, f. whba, a. ahmad. (2024). research progress on polyacrylonitrile-based polymer electrolytes for electrochemical devices: insight into electrochemical performance. - journal of power sources. 1-31.
theng choon ooi, azizan ahmad, nor fadilah rajab, razinah sharif. (2024). effects of 12 weeks colostrum milk supplement among older adults: a randomised, double-blind and placebo-controlled trial. - international dairy journal. 1-9.
rawdah whba, mohd sukor su'ait, sevda sahinbay, fathyah whba, azizan ahmad. (2024). natural rubber-based polymer electrolytes for electrochemical devices: modification, challenges, advances, and perspectives. - journal of energy storage. 1-34.
n. m. mustafa, f.n. jumaah, , y. masahiro-fujita, n.a. ludin, m. akhtaruzzaman, n.h. hassan, a. ahmad, k.m. chan, m.s. su'ait. (2024). impacts of synthesis variables on spectroscopics evaluation of biobased fatty amide as alkylammonium salt's precursor for perovskite. - construction and building materials. 1-18.
siti aminah mohd noor, lee tian khoon, mohd sukor suait, siow yook peng, loh kee shyuan, azizan ahmad. (2021). poly(vinyl alcohol) /n-methylene phosphonic chitosan /2-hydroxyethylammonium formate (pva-nmpc/2-heaf) membrane for fuel cell application. - 7th international conference on solid state science and technology - solid state phenomena. 440-446.
m. z. dzulkipli, a. ahmad, m. s. su'ait, s. a. m. noor, n. a. dzulkurnain, j. karim, n. h. hassan. (2019). studies on electrochemical behaviour of pvdf-hfp based ionic liquid gel polymer electrolyte. - the 2018 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium: proceedings of the universiti kebangsaan malaysia, faculty of science and technology 2018 postgraduate colloquium. 1-7.
siti munirah manap, azizan ahmad, farah hannan anuar. (2016). characterization of poly(l-lactide/propylene glycol) based polyurethane films using atr-ftir spectroscopy. - aip conference proceeding / the 2016 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium. 1-7.
lee t.k., a.ahmad and nur hasyareeda hassan. (2014). preparation and characterization on nano-hybrid composite solid polymer electrolyte of pvdf-hfp/mg49-zro2 for battery application. - aip conference proceedings - the 2014 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium. 404-409.
intan juliana shamsudin, azizan ahmad, and nur hasyareeda hassan. (2014). gree polymer electrolytes based on chitosan and 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate. - aip conference proceedings - the 2014 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium. 393-398.
siti munirah manap, farah hannan anuar, azizan ahmad. (2021). elektrolit pepejal berasaskan polimer taut silang. - . 96.
lee tian khoon, azizan ahmad, nur hasyareeda hassan. (2020). bateri ion litium: zirkonia dalam elektrolit polimer nanokomposit. - . 116.
mark lee wun fui, lee tian khoon, ng kim hang, lorna jeffery minggu, azizan ahmad and mohammad b. kassim. (2013). progress in photoelectrochemical research 2013. - . 53-59.
nur atiqah abdullah, nik mutasim hj. nik abd rahman, azizan ahmad. (2009). menjana modal insan cemerlang. - . 163-184.
lee tian khoon, nurul akmaliah dzulkurnain, azizan ahmad. (2023). synthetic and natural nanofillers in polymer composites: properities and application. - . 15.
mohd sukor su'ait, marwah rayung, salmiah ibrahim, azizan ahmad. (2023). polyurethanes: preparation, properties, and applications volume 3: emerging applications. - . 25.
mark lee wun fui, lee tian khoon, ng kim hang, lorna jeffery minggu, azizan ahmad and mohammad b. kassim. (2013). progress in photoelectrochemical research 2013. - . 53-59.
nur atiqah abdullah, nik mutasim hj. nik abd rahman, azizan ahmad. (2009). menjana modal insan cemerlang. - . 163-184.
siti munirah manap, farah hannan anuar, azizan ahmad. (2021). elektrolit pepejal berasaskan polimer taut silang. - . 96.
lee tian khoon, azizan ahmad, nur hasyareeda hassan. (2020). bateri ion litium: zirkonia dalam elektrolit polimer nanokomposit. - . 116.
mohamad azuwa bin mohamed;mohammad bin kassim;azizan bin ahmad;muhammad rahimi bin yusop;mohamad saufi rosmi. (2025). polymer phase-inversion mediated porous c-doped graphitic carbon nitride-based heterojunction photoelectrode for photoelectrocatalytic hydrogen generation. - . .
nadhratun naiim binti mobarak;azizan bin ahmad;mohd sukor bin su`ait;lee tian khoon. (2023). thermally stable substrate based on polyimide for flexible dye sensitized solar cell (dssc) application. - . .
mohd sukor bin su`ait;azizan bin ahmad;suhaila binti sepeai. (2022). investigation of poly(spiro-ometad) as hole transport materials for perovskite solar cells. - . .
mohd sukor bin su`ait;azizan bin ahmad;puvaneswaran a/l chelvanathan;lee tian khoon. (2022). investigation of poly(acrylonitrile-g-epoxidized natural rubber) polymer electrolyte for rechargeable lithium-sulfur battery using cu2znsns4 electrode. - . .
piz syed-mahadzir, ms su'ait, s sepeai, na ludin, ma mat-teridi, k sopian, a ahmad, k jumbri, ad jodlowski, k rakstys, mk nazeeruddin. (2021). polymerization of spiro-ometad for emerging solar cells. - 7th malaysia polymer international conference 2021. 46.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
EFFICIENCY OF NANO-SILICA ENRICHED MARINE DIATOM IN THE REMOVAL OF MICROPLASTICS FROM SEAWATER. | nuaim corporation (m) sdn bhd | 72.1% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |
RUBBER BASED BINDER FOR LI-ION BATTERY APPLICATION | petronas research sdn. bhd. | 19.2% (2024-11-25 sehingga 2026-05-25) |