pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian rehabilitasi & keperluan khas (icarehab)
Dr. Susheel`s research area focus mainly on children with complex communication needs. More specifically, her research focuses on the introduction to and use of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) by these children. Her research involves children with various types of developmental disabilities. In addition to focusing on the children, she also looks into the involvement of families and other professionals in the introduction and use of AAC. Dr Susheel also has an interest in speech-language clinical supervision and service delivery to children.
fatimah hani binti hassan, grace zhi hui lee, rogayah a razak, mohd azmarul a aziz & susheel joginder singh. (2024). the management of multilingual adults with aphasia in malaysia: current practices, needs, and challenges. - aphasiology. 487-509.
fauzunnasirah fazil, noordeyana tambi, susheel joginder singh. (2023). video pertandingan tourism for autism : a blueprint. - sdg innovation@ibsd: building a resilience country. 1-11.
ong yq, ahmad ghazali nn, chu sy, joginder singh skd, unicomb r. (2023). i feel sorry to him: experiences of fluent siblings living with children who stutter in malaysia. - royal college of speech & language therapists conference. 1.
fatimah hani hassan, pei whey heng, susheel joginder singh, rahayu mustaffa kamal. (2023). assessments of aphasia: practices and challenges faced by malaysian speech language therapists. - jurnal sains kesihatan malaysia. 51-63.
shin ying chu, adlina binti mohamed rafi, jaehoon lee, veronica fierro, chun hong gan, susheel joginder singh, deborah hersh, ling-yi lin. (2023). the relationship between affiliate stigma, stress, and quality of life for parents of individuals with cerebral palsy in malaysia. - disability and rehabilitation. 4035-4047.
fatimah hani binti hassan, grace zhi hui lee, rogayah a razak, mohd azmarul a aziz & susheel joginder singh. (2024). the management of multilingual adults with aphasia in malaysia: current practices, needs, and challenges. - aphasiology. 487-509.
shin ying chu, adlina binti mohamed rafi, jaehoon lee, veronica fierro, chun hong gan, susheel joginder singh, deborah hersh, ling-yi lin. (2023). the relationship between affiliate stigma, stress, and quality of life for parents of individuals with cerebral palsy in malaysia. - disability and rehabilitation. 4035-4047.
susheel joginder singh, liora veralyn suhumaran, kati skulski, yazmin ahmad rusli. (2022). malaysian speech language pathology students reflections about their participation in an aac training program. - augmentative and alternative communication. 1-9.
susheel joginder singh, brenda gan, shin ying chu. (2021). association between symbolic play and language: a comparison between typically developing children and children with down syndrome. - journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics. 146-151.
susheel joginder singh, zhi zhi diong, rahayu mustaffa kamal. (2020). malaysian teachers experience using augmentative and alternative communication with students. - augmentative and alternative communication. 107-117.
susheel joginder singh, norayzuazwin mohd ayob, fatimah hani hassan. (2023). parents' perception on the use of augmentative and alternative communication by children with complex communication needs in malaysia. - disability & rehabilitation: assistive technology. 118-126.
susheel joginder singh, zhu li loo. (2023). the use of augmentative and alternative communication by children with developmental disability in the classroom: a case study. - disability & rehabilitation: assistive technology. 1281-1289.
susheel joginder singh, fatin nur syakirah mohd azman, shobha sharma & rogayah abdul razak. (2021). malaysian parents perception of how screen time affects their childrens language. - journal of children and media. 1-10.
susheel joginder singh, teresa iacono, kylie m. gray. (2015). interactions of pre-symbolic children with developmental disabilities with their mothers and siblings. - international journal of language and communication disorders. 202-214.
joginder singh s., iacono t., gray k.m.. (2014). an investigation of the intentional communication and symbolic play skills of children with down syndrome and cerebral palsy in malaysia. - journal of early intervention. 71 - 89.
fatimah hani binti hassan, grace zhi hui lee, rogayah a razak, mohd azmarul a aziz & susheel joginder singh. (2024). the management of multilingual adults with aphasia in malaysia: current practices, needs, and challenges. - aphasiology. 487-509.
susheel joginder singh, norayzuazwin mohd ayob, fatimah hani hassan. (2023). parents' perception on the use of augmentative and alternative communication by children with complex communication needs in malaysia. - disability & rehabilitation: assistive technology. 118-126.
susheel joginder singh, zhu li loo. (2023). the use of augmentative and alternative communication by children with developmental disability in the classroom: a case study. - disability & rehabilitation: assistive technology. 1281-1289.
shin ying chu, adlina binti mohamed rafi, jaehoon lee, veronica fierro, chun hong gan, susheel joginder singh, deborah hersh, ling-yi lin. (2023). the relationship between affiliate stigma, stress, and quality of life for parents of individuals with cerebral palsy in malaysia. - disability and rehabilitation. 4035-4047.
fauzunnasirah fazil, er ah choy, habibah ahmad, susheel joginder singh, noordeyana tambi, hamzah jusoh. (2022). preventive measures for family vacation during covid-19. - international journal of academic research in business and social sciences. 1519-1533.
fauzunnasirah fazil, noordeyana tambi, susheel joginder singh. (2023). video pertandingan tourism for autism : a blueprint. - sdg innovation@ibsd: building a resilience country. 1-11.
fauzunnasirah fazil, noordeyana tambi & susheel joginder singh. (2023). tourism for autism: a blueprint. - sdg innovation@ibsd: building a resilient nation. 118.
ong yq, ahmad ghazali nn, chu sy, joginder singh skd, unicomb r. (2023). i feel sorry to him: experiences of fluent siblings living with children who stutter in malaysia. - royal college of speech & language therapists conference. 1.
vigneswaran krishna; sumaiyah mat; akmaliza ali; susheel kaur dhillon joginder singh; farahiyah wan yunus. (2022). battling loneliness in older malaysian living with dementia during pandemic: the take the purple pledge project. - alzheimers's disease foundation, malaysia: sharing: newsletter. 4-5.
susheel joginder singh. (2022). augmentative and alternative communication (aac) in malaysia: a research update. - grace house. 12-13.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
EYE-TRACKING AS A MEASURE OF RECEPTIVE VOCABULARY IN NON-VERBAL CHILDREN WITH CEREBRAL PALSY | hospital rehabilitasi cheras | 81.4% (2022-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |
EYE-TRACKING AS A MEASURE OF RECEPTIVE VOCABULARY IN NON-VERBAL CHILDREN WITH CEREBRAL PALSY | spastic childrens association of selangor and the federal territory (scasft) | 81.4% (2022-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |