prof. madya dr. nor fadzilah binti abdullah

pensyarah universiti

jabatan kejuruteraan elektrik, elektronik & sistem

   Biografi/ Biography :

  • Nor Fadzilah Abdullah received the BSc in Electrical and Electronics from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) in 2001, the MSc (Hons.) in Communications Engineering from the University of Manchester, UK in 2003, and the PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of Bristol, UK in 2012. She has worked in major telecommunication companies, such as Ericsson Malaysia and mobile operator Maxis Communications Berhad Malaysia, from 2003 to 2008. She was a Researcher and an Honorary Staff with the Communication System and Network Group, University of Bristol, UK, from 2012 to 2017, where she was involved in a number of projects with First Great Western Rail, Jaguar Land Rover Research, and BluWireless Ltd. She was also a Visiting Reader at the University of Sussex, UK, from 2023 to 2025. She is currently an Associate Professor at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Bangi. She was involved in a number of collaborations between the university and industries on various national and international projects related to her research area. Her research interests include 5G, IoT (Internet of Things), vehicular networks, cybersecurity, information and coding theory, as well as artificial intelligence. She has been an IEEE member since March 2008.

  • nor fadzilah binti abdullah;asma` binti abu samah;mehran behjati.  (2025).  air-to-ground wireless communications with multiple objective paths planning for swarm aerial drone base stations.  -


    mostafizur rahman, noorfazila kamal, nor fadzilah abdullah.  (2024).  edt-stack: a stacking ensemble-based decision trees algorithm for tire tread depth condition classification.  - results in engineering.  1-12. 


    nor fadzilah abdullah, asma abu samah.  (2024).  pantai putih mikroplastik jadi tarikan pelancong?.  - majalah sains.  1-2. 


    nor fadzilah abdullah.  (2024).  the luci project - connecting the remote chini lake area, malaysia.  - apnic (asia pacific network information centre) blog.  1-4. 


    mohammed sani adam, rosdiadee nordin, nor fadzilah abdullah, asma abu-samah, oluwatosin ahmed amodu, mohammed h. alsharif.  (2024).  optimizing disaster response through efficient path planning of mobile aerial base station with genetic algorithm.  - drones.  1-28. 


    mohammed sani adam, rosdiadee nordin, nor fadzilah abdullah, asma abu-samah, oluwatosin ahmed amodu, mohammed h. alsharif.  (2024).  optimizing disaster response through efficient path planning of mobile aerial base station with genetic algorithm.  - drones.  1-28. 


    hussein al-omaisi, elankovan a sundararajan, raed alsaqour, nor fadzilah abdullah, khairul azmi abu bakar.  (2023).  geoisa: a new road-topology-assisted geo-based content discovery scheme for vehicular named data networking.  - vehicular communications.  10057-10083. 


    hussein al omaisi, elankovan a. sundararajan, raed alsaqour, nor fadzilah abdullah, khairul azmi abu bakar, maha abdelhaq.  (2023).  idtracs: an interest-data-flow tracking-based forwarding scheme for vehicular named data networks.  - journal of supercomputing.  16580-16615. 


    ammar riadh kairaldeen, nor fadzilah abdullah, asma abu-samah, rosdiadee nordin.  (2023).  peer-to-peer user identity verification time optimization in iot blockchain network.  - sensors.  1-17. 


    vigneswara r gannapathy, rosdiadee nordin, asma abu-samah, nor fadzilah abdullah, mahamod ismail.  (2023).  an adaptive ttt handover (ath) mechanism for dual connectivity (5g mmwave lte advanced) during unpredictable wireless channel behavior.  - mdpi sensors.  1-22. 


    saddam alraih, rosdiadee nordin, ibraheem shayea, nor fadzilah abdullah, asma abu-samah, and abdulraqeb alhammadi.  (2022).  effectiveness of handover control parameters on handover performance in 5g and beyond mobile networks.  - wireless communications and mobile computing.  1-12. 


    mohammed fadhil, anabi hilary kelechi, rosdiadee nordin, nor fadzilah abdullah and mahamod ismail.  (2022).  game theory-based power allocation strategy for noma in 5g cooperative beamforming.  - wireless personal communications.  1101-1128. 


    athirah mohd ramly, rosdiadee nordin and nor fadzilah abdullah.  (2022).  application layer-forward error correction raptor q codes in 5g mobile networks for factory of the future.  - wireless communications and mobile computing.  1-19. 


    zaid albataineh, admoon andrawes, nor fadzilah abdullah, rosdiadee nordin.  (2022).  energy-efficient beyond 5g multiple access technique with simultaneous wireless information and power transfer for the factory of the future.  - energies.  1-26. 


    aqeel mahmood jawad, rosdiadee nordin, haider mahmood jawad, sadik kamel gharghan, asma abu-samah, mahmood jawad abu-alshaeer and nor fadzilah abdullah.  (2022).  wireless drone charging station using class-e power amplifier in vertical alignment and lateral misalignment conditions.  - energies.  1-29. 


    mostafizur rahman, noorfazila kamal, nor fadzilah abdullah.  (2024).  edt-stack: a stacking ensemble-based decision trees algorithm for tire tread depth condition classification.  - results in engineering.  1-12. 


    mohammed sani adam, rosdiadee nordin, nor fadzilah abdullah, asma abu-samah, oluwatosin ahmed amodu, mohammed h. alsharif.  (2024).  optimizing disaster response through efficient path planning of mobile aerial base station with genetic algorithm.  - drones.  1-28. 


    vigneswara r gannapathy, rosdiadee nordin, asma abu-samah, nor fadzilah abdullah, mahamod ismail.  (2023).  an adaptive ttt handover (ath) mechanism for dual connectivity (5g mmwave lte advanced) during unpredictable wireless channel behavior.  - mdpi sensors.  1-22. 


    hussein al-omaisi, elankovan a sundararajan, raed alsaqour, nor fadzilah abdullah, khairul azmi abu bakar.  (2023).  geoisa: a new road-topology-assisted geo-based content discovery scheme for vehicular named data networking.  - vehicular communications.  10057-10083. 


    hussein al omaisi, elankovan a. sundararajan, raed alsaqour, nor fadzilah abdullah, khairul azmi abu bakar, maha abdelhaq.  (2023).  idtracs: an interest-data-flow tracking-based forwarding scheme for vehicular named data networks.  - journal of supercomputing.  16580-16615. 


    muhammad nur aqmal khatiman, asma abu-samah, muhammad amin azman, rosdiadee nordin, nor fadzilah abdullah.  (2023).  generation of synthetic 5g network dataset using generative adversarial network (gan).  - 2023 ieee 16th malaysia international conference on communication (micc).  141-145. 


    azril haniz, takeshi matsumura, haider a.h. alobaidy, mehran behjati, rosdiadee nordin, nor fadzilah abdullah, j.s. mandeep, nordin ramli.  (2022).  hybrid sun-lora network on a low altitude platform for remote water quality monitoring.  - 2022 25th international symposium on wireless personal multimedia communications (wpmc).  363-368. 


    shujat ali, asma abu-samah, nor fadzilah abdullah, nadhiya liyana mohd kamal.  (2022).  a review of 6g enabler: vertical heterogeneous network (v-hetnet).  - scored 2022.  180-184. 


    nor fadzilah abdullah, haider a.h. alobaidy and rosdiadee nordin.  (2022).  wireless airborne iot network for rural water quality monitoring.  - 2022 ieee 20th student conference on research and development (scored).  190-194. 


    hussein al-omaisi ; elankovan a sundararajan ; nor fadzilah abdullah.  (2020).  towards vanet-ndn: a framework for an efficient data dissemination design scheme.  - 2019 international conference on electrical engineering and informatics (iceei).  412-417. 


    haider al obaidy, nor fadzilah abdullah, rosdiadee nordin, mandeep singh jit singh.  (2023).  aerial wireless communication for rural connectivity.  - 244. 


    athirah mohd ramly, nor fadzilah abdullah, rosdiadee nordin.  (2022).  komunikasi tanpa wayar terkehadapan untuk revolusi industri 4.0.  - 188. 


    nor fadzilah abdullah.  (2020).  internet of vehicles: coding techniques for safety and infotainment.  - 208. 


    sadik kamel gharghan, rosdiadee nordin, nor fadzilah abdullah & kelechi anabi.  (2018).  the internet of things : foundation for smart cities, ehealth, and ubiquitous computing.  - 21. 


    sadik kamel gharghan, rosdiadee nordin, nor fadzilah abdullah & kelechi anabi.  (2018).  the internet of things : foundation for smart cities, ehealth, and ubiquitous computing.  - 21. 


    haider al obaidy, nor fadzilah abdullah, rosdiadee nordin, mandeep singh jit singh.  (2023).  aerial wireless communication for rural connectivity.  - 244. 


    athirah mohd ramly, nor fadzilah abdullah, rosdiadee nordin.  (2022).  komunikasi tanpa wayar terkehadapan untuk revolusi industri 4.0.  - 188. 


    nor fadzilah abdullah.  (2020).  internet of vehicles: coding techniques for safety and infotainment.  - 208. 


    nor fadzilah binti abdullah;asma` binti abu samah;mehran behjati.  (2025).  air-to-ground wireless communications with multiple objective paths planning for swarm aerial drone base stations.  -


    nor fadzilah abdullah, rosdiadee nordin, asma abu samah, haider alobaidy, rozita ibrahim, nur amelia abas.  (2024).  hybrid lora network for underserved community internet (luci).  - 1-12. 


    nor fadzilah abdullah.  (2024).  the luci project - connecting the remote chini lake area, malaysia.  - apnic (asia pacific network information centre) blog.  1-4. 


    nor fadzilah abdullah.  (2024).  bridging the digital divide: how lora can connect the unconnected.  - malaysia network operations group (mynog)-11 conference.  1-33. 


    nor fadzilah abdullah, asma abu samah.  (2024).  pantai putih mikroplastik jadi tarikan pelancong?.  - majalah sains.  1-2.