pensyarah universiti
institut perubahan iklim (ipi)
Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque is an Associate Professor at Space Science Centre of the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). From July 2000 to until 2007, he worked as a lecturer at Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET), Chittagong, From June 2007 to November 2008; he was an Assistant Professor at University of Information Technology and Sciences (UITS), Chittagong. He has authored or co-authored approximately 390 referred journals, 21 book chapters, 65 conference papers. He has more than 18980 citations and h-index of 42 in Google Scholar. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Faruque also won the excellent publication award from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia for four consecutive years from 2017-2020, as well received the Malaysian Research Assessment (MyRA) excellent award 2023 (2021/2022). To-date, Assoc. Professor Faruque has supervised more than 40 postgraduate students and has secured and managed more than RM6.5 million in research grants in Malaysia as Co-investigator or Principal Investigator. He is awarded as a top 2% Scientists Lists 2021, 2022 & 2023 by Elseveir & Stanford University. His research interests include the antenna, RF, electromagnetic field and propagation, FDTD analysis, electromagnetic radiation, metamaterials applications, nanomaterials and electromagnetic compatibility. Assoc. Prof. Faruque currently serves as the Associate Editor of Frontiers in Materials Journal, Editorial Board Member of Scientific Reports, guest editor of Materials and some other famous journal as an editorial board member. He is a member of the IEEE, Applied Computational Electromagnetic Society (ACES), International Radiation Physics Society and ACS Photonic Society.
Research Interests: Metamaterials, Nanomaterials, RF, EM wave & Propagation, EM radiation, EMC compatibility, Materials Synthesis & characterization.
badariah binti bais;mohammad tariqul islam;mohammad rashed iqbal faruque;kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran. (2025). geometrically congruent meta atom for nanoantenna efficiency enhancement in rf energy scavenging. - . .
md bellal hossain, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, sabirin abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam, k s al mugren. (2024). a coding based metasurface absorber with triple circular ring resonator for broadband rcs reduction and high emi shielding effectiveness. - results in engineering. 1-12.
md salah uddin afsar, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, sabirin abdullah. (2024). swastika-shaped rotationally symmetric quadruple-structured near-infrared metamaterial absorber for absorbing solar energy. - optical materials. 1-7.
mehdi hassanpour, mohammadreza rezaie, marzieh hassanpour, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mayeen uddin khandaker, sabirin abdullah. (2024). monte carlo simulation of spallation fragments cross sections and yield for proton beam interaction with 222rn. - alexandria engineering journal. 652-661.
tayaallen ramachandran, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, k s al mugren. (2024). low thermal srr metamaterial design with multi layered structured for terahertz frequency applications. - results in engineering. 1-10.
mst ishrat jahan,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, k s al mugren. (2024). polarization incident angle independent metamaterial wave absorber for enhanced electromagnetic energy harvesting in ultraviolet b visible spectrum and near infrared frequency range. - materials today communications. 1-12.
md salah uddin afsar, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, sabirin abdullah. (2024). swastika-shaped rotationally symmetric quadruple-structured near-infrared metamaterial absorber for absorbing solar energy. - optical materials. 1-7.
mehdi hassanpour, mohammadreza rezaie, marzieh hassanpour, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mayeen uddin khandaker, sabirin abdullah. (2024). monte carlo simulation of spallation fragments cross sections and yield for proton beam interaction with 222rn. - alexandria engineering journal. 652-661.
mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, air mohammad siddiky, rasheduzzaman sifat, mardina abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam, sabirin abdullah. (2024). crossed arm based quad t shaped metallic arm with a circular loop resonator with wider bandwidth for high frequency based wireless communication. - applied physics a-materials science & processing. 1-14.
rasheduzzaman sifat, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, tayaallen ramachandran, mardina abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam, k s al mugren. (2024). srr inspired inversion symmetry shaped left handed metamaterial with a high effective medium ratio for asr and wlan applications. - heliyon. 1-17.
kaisun nesa lesa, nazir ahmad, yunika mayangsari, mayeen uddin khandaker, faruque mohammad rashed iqbal,dwi larasatie nur fibri, md mehedi hassan. (2023). health benefits of okara for the management of diabetes mellitus. - journal of food quality. 1-11.
mst ishrat jahan, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, md bellal hossain. (2023). flower-shape resonator-based triple-band metamaterial wave absorbers to find the dispersion relation utilizing one dimensional (1-d) periodic waveguide. - journal of magnetism and magnetic materials. 1-10.
md salah uddin afsar, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, md bellal hossain, mohammad tariqul islam. (2023). srr inspired modified psi shaped perfect metamaterial absorber for c-band application. - journal of magnetism and magnetic materials. 1-12.
yahaya saadu itas,abdussalam balarabe suleiman,chifu e ndikilar, abdullahi lawal, razif razali,ismail ibrahim idowu,mayeen uddin khandaker, amina muhammad danmadami,pervaiz ahmad, talha bin emran,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque. (2023). first-principle studies of the structural, electronic, and optical properties of double-walled carbon boron nitride nanostructures heterosystem under various interwall distances. - journal of chemistry. 1-12.
mst ishrat jahan, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, md bellal hossain. (2023). an x-shaped triple split ring resonator-based metamaterial perfect absorber with quad-band incident and polarization angle insensitivity for c, x, and ku band applications. - journal of magnetism and magnetic materials. 1-11.
mst ishrat jahan,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, k s al mugren. (2024). polarization incident angle independent metamaterial wave absorber for enhanced electromagnetic energy harvesting in ultraviolet b visible spectrum and near infrared frequency range. - materials today communications. 1-12.
md bellal hossain, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, sabirin abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam, k s al mugren. (2024). a coding based metasurface absorber with triple circular ring resonator for broadband rcs reduction and high emi shielding effectiveness. - results in engineering. 1-12.
md salah uddin afsar, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, sabirin abdullah. (2024). swastika-shaped rotationally symmetric quadruple-structured near-infrared metamaterial absorber for absorbing solar energy. - optical materials. 1-7.
mehdi hassanpour, mohammadreza rezaie, marzieh hassanpour, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mayeen uddin khandaker, sabirin abdullah. (2024). monte carlo simulation of spallation fragments cross sections and yield for proton beam interaction with 222rn. - alexandria engineering journal. 652-661.
tayaallen ramachandran, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, k s al mugren. (2024). low thermal srr metamaterial design with multi layered structured for terahertz frequency applications. - results in engineering. 1-10.
md bellal hossain, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, muhamad roszaini roslan. (2023). a quad band negative permittivity microwave metamaterial design for satellite applications with wider bandwidth. - proceeding of 5th international conference on advances in manufacturing and materials engineering. 547-554.
m b hossain, m r i faruque, s abdullah. (2023). modified combination of triple split ring resonator based triple band single negative metamaterial for satellite applications. - the 2022 international conference on science & technology applications in climate change (staclim 2022). 1-9.
tayaallen ramachandran,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,sabirin abdullah,mohammad tariqul islam,muhammad roszaini roslan. (2021). left-handed compact multi-band circular metamaterial for s-, c- and ku-band applications. - materials today: proceedings (second international conference on advances in intelligent systems, soft computing and optimization techniques 2020 (icaisco 2020). 1374-1381.
mohammad tawsiful islam, sikder sunbeam islam, abu sajed rocky, asraful alam, mehidi hossen chy, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque. (2021). design of a microstrip patch sensor antenna for the measurement of permittivity. - second international conference on advances in intelligent systems, soft computing and optimization techniques 2020 (icaisco 2020). 1341-1344.
tayaallen ramachandran,mohammad rashed iqbal faruque,mohammad tariqul islam. (2020). left-handed circular-shaped compact metamaterial for x- and ku-band applications. - journal of physics:conference series. 1-8.
touhidul alam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam. (2015). advanced computer and communication engineering technology. - . 21: 205-212.
t. alam, m. r. i. faruque, m. t. islam. (2015). theory and applications of applied electromagnetics. - . 31:287-294.
m.i. hossain, m.r.i. faruque and m.t. islam. (2015). theory and applications of applied electromagnetics (springer). - . 18:167-174.
m. samsuzzaman, m. t. islam, m. r. i. faruque. (2014). advanced computer and communication engineering technology. - . 3:29-35.
touhidul alam, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam. (2015). advanced computer and communication engineering technology. - . 21: 205-212.
t. alam, m. r. i. faruque, m. t. islam. (2015). theory and applications of applied electromagnetics. - . 31:287-294.
m.i. hossain, m.r.i. faruque and m.t. islam. (2015). theory and applications of applied electromagnetics (springer). - . 18:167-174.
m. samsuzzaman, m. t. islam, m. r. i. faruque. (2014). advanced computer and communication engineering technology. - . 3:29-35.
badariah binti bais;mohammad tariqul islam;mohammad rashed iqbal faruque;kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran. (2025). geometrically congruent meta atom for nanoantenna efficiency enhancement in rf energy scavenging. - . .
mohammad rashed iqbal faruque;ahmad fudholi bin jurlius;teh wai leong;puvaneswaran a/l chelvanathan. (2023). highly sensitive double negative metamaterial tunneled structure development for obstacle sensing application. - . .
norsuzlin binti mohd sahar;norbahiah binti misran;mohammad tariqul islam;mohammad rashed iqbal faruque. (2023). development of high accuracy gps receiving antenna for sensing climate change.. - . .
mohammad rashed iqbal faruque;norbahiah binti misran;mohd fais bin mansor;sabirin bin abdullah. (2022). a new split-triangular metamaterial for electromagnetic radiation reduction in human body . - . .
mohammad rashed iqbal faruque;mohammad tariqul islam;sabirin bin abdullah. (2022). functional graded nickel based nanocomposite coatings for oil and gas industry. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
METAMATERIAL ABSORBER BASED TOXIC GAS SENSOR FOR INDOOR AIR QUALITY MONITORING SYSTEM | nas communications (002939756-a) | 13.9% (2024-12-24 sehingga 2026-06-23) |