pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian pembudayaan stem
Beliau telah memperolehi Ijazah Doktor Falsafah dalam bidang Pendidikan Matematik dari Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia pada tahun 2011 dan berkelulusan Sarjana Sains dari Universiti Putra Malaysia pada tahun 2003 dalam bidang Matematik Tulen selepas tamat dalam Ijazah Sarjana Muda Kepujian dari Universiti Pertanian Malaysia dalam bidang Matematik pada tahun 1996. Memulakan kerjaya sebagai pensyarah Matematik Kejuruteraan di Taylors College sebelum berhijrah ke Universiti Kuala Lumpur pada tahun 2001. Seterusnya beliau berkhidmat dengan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia bermula pada 2015.
Dr. Siti Mistima is a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Education, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. She specialized in mathematics education, which focuses on pedagogical content knowledge, teachers` professional development, mathematics process skills, STEM education, and statistical analysis for social sciences.
haryanti binti mohd affandi;nor ba`yah binti abdul kadir;noorhelyna binti razali;siti mistima binti maat;tengku elmi azlina binti tengku muda;mohd effendi @ ewan bin mohd matore. (2024). pembinaan pengujian alternatif bagi kemahiran berfikir dan kemahiran penyelesaian masalah inventif menerusi pendekatan pembelajaran heutagogi, paragogy & cybergogy. - . .
afiq fikrie mohmad, siti mistima maat. (2024). implementation of computational thinking activities in teaching and learning of mathematics primary schools. - international journal of academic research in business and social sciences. 1048-1056.
kanageswary rethnam, siti mistima maat. (2024). kecenderungan pemilihan kursus stem dalam kalangan pelajar sekolah menengah sorotan literatur bersistematik. - jurnal dunia pendidikan. 387-399.
thelma edision thony, siti mistima maat. (2024). kajian analisis literatur bersistematik penglibatan dan pencapaian matematik pelajar. - 5th international conference on business, education, social and technology (icbest2024). 489-500.
low weng sheng, mohd mokhtar tahar, siti mistima maat, mohd syazwan zainal. (2024). remedial teachers needs for developing new basic numeracy teaching aids a needs analysis. - e-bangi journal of social sciences & humanities. 299-313.
azad iqram nadmilail, mohd effendi ewan mohd matore, siti mistima maat, lynn sheridan. (2023). broad vs. narrow traits: a scoping review of measuring personality traits in teacher selection using the situational judgment test. - frontiers in psychology. 1-15.
darmaraj sakaria, siti mistima maat, mohd effendi ewan mohd matore. (2023). examining the optimal choice of sem statistical software packages for sustainable mathematics education a systematic review. - sustainability. 1-25.
martina maamin, siti mistima maat , zanaton h. iksan. (2022). the influence of student engagement on mathematical achievement among secondary school students. - mathematics. 1-14.
muhammad sofwan mahmud, siti mistima maat, roslinda rosli, nur ainil sulaiman, shahrul badriyah mohamed. (2022). the application of entrepreneurial elements in mathematics teaching: challenges for primary school mathematics teachers. - frontiers in psychology. 1-9.
mohd razip bajuri, suzieleez syrene abdul rahim, edy hafizan mohd shahali, siti mistima maat. (2021). influence of spirituality in the career and stem-based research approach of scientists for sustainable development: a study on the perspective of scientists from a public research university in malays. - sustainability. 1-24.
zatul iradah abdul karim, siti mistima maat. (2019). employability skills model for engineering technology students. - journal of technical education and training. 79-87.
lilia ellany mohtar, lilia halim, norshariani abd rahman, siti mistima maat, zanaton h. iksan, kamisah osman. (2019). a model of interest in stem careers among secondary school students. - journal of baltic science education. 404-416.
siti mistima maat, mohd effendi ewan mohd matore, haryanti mohd affandi, suziyani mohamed. (2018). psychometric evidence of statistical self-efficacy instrument based on postgraduate. - international journal of advanced and applied sciences. .
mohd effendi @ ewan mohd matore, ahmad zamri khairani, siti mistima maat, nor adila ahmad, effa rina mohd matore. (2018). the influence of intellectual quotient (iq), emotional quotient (eq) and spiritual quotient (sq) against adversity quotient (aq) on polytechnic students in malaysia. - journal of engineering science and technology. 83-91.
noizzie tah jutin, siti mistima maat. (2024). the effectiveness of gamification in teaching and learning mathematics a systematic literature review. - international journal of academic research in progressive education and development. 1290-1309.
abdul fattah mat nang, siti mistima maat, muhammad sofwan mahmud. (2024). revolutionizing education: navigating the new landscape post-covid-19 a scoping review. - international journal of educational methodology. 819-833.
vanessa ivan, siti mistima maat. (2024). the relationship between learning styles and math anxiety among secondary school students. - international journal of academic research in progressive education and development. 1855-1866.
vanessa ivan, siti mistima maat. (2024). the usage of augmented reality technology in mathematics education a systematic literature review. - international journal of academic research in progressive education and development. 99-113.
afiq fikrie mohmad, siti mistima maat. (2024). implementation of computational thinking activities in teaching and learning of mathematics primary schools. - international journal of academic research in business and social sciences. 1048-1056.
melor md yunus, harwati hashim, siti mistima maat, fetylyana nor pazilah. (2020). strategic approaches to high impact research publication among young academic staff. - proceedings of the third workshop on multidisciplinary and its applications, wma-3 2019, 11-14 december 2019, medan, indonesia. 1-5.
wanda nugroho yanuarto, siti mistima maat, hazrati husnin. (2020). a measurement model of technological pedagogical content knowledge (tpack) in indonesian senior mathematics teachers scenario. - 5th seminar nasional matematika dan pendidikan matematika (senatik) 2020. 1-10.
mohd effendi @ ewan mohd matore, ahmad zamri khairani, nordin abd razak & siti mistima maat. (2018). assessing the quality of items measuring adversity quotient among mechanical engineering students using rasch model. - proceedings of mechanical engineering research day 2018. .
nurshahira alwani mohd taufik & siti mistima maat. (2017). perception of mathematics teachers on cooperative learning method in the 21st century. - international conference on education, mathematics and science 2016 (icems2016) in conjunction with international postgraduate conference on science and mathematics 2016 (ipcsm2016), aip conference pr. 051-055.
mira khalisa rosli & siti mistima maat. (2017). attitude towards statistics and performance among post-graduate students. - proceedings of the international conference on education, mathematics and science 2016 (icems2016) in conjunction with 4th international postgraduate conference on science and mathematics 2016 (ipcsm2. 401-406.
azad iqram nadmilail, mohd effendi ewan mohd matore, siti mistima maat. (2024). recent research advances in arts and social studies vol. 4. - . 13.
siti mistima maat, syed azman syed ismail. (2022). learning and technology. - . 144.
hamidah yamat, siti mistima maat. (2022). learning and technology. - . 144.
hamidah yamat, siti mistima maat. (2022). learning and technology. - . 144.
izzat syahir mohd ramli, siti mistima maat, fariza khalid. (2022). aplikasi permainan dalam pembelajaran matematik. - . 174.
azad iqram nadmilail, mohd effendi ewan mohd matore, siti mistima maat. (2024). recent research advances in arts and social studies vol. 4. - . 13.
nurul shahhida abu bakar, siti mistima maat. (2022). learning and technology. - . 144.
hamidah yamat, siti mistima maat. (2022). learning and technology. - . 144.
siti mistima maat, syed azman syed ismail. (2022). learning and technology. - . 144.
nurul shahhida abdullah, siti mistima maat. (2020). teori dalam sains sosial kotemporari kritikan dan aplikasi. - . 16.
hamidah yamat, siti mistima maat. (2022). learning and technology. - . 144.
izzat syahir mohd ramli, siti mistima maat, fariza khalid. (2022). aplikasi permainan dalam pembelajaran matematik. - . 174.
nazirah mohamad abdullah, siti mistima maat, rusyda helma mohd. (2020). teori dalam sains sosial kontemporari: kritikan dan aplikasi. - . 213.
h.m. nur mustafa, mahdum adnan, abdul razak ahmad, siti mistima maat, suziyani mohamed & haryanti mohd affandi. (2017). educational community & cultural diversity. - . 169.
h.m. nur mustafa, mahdum adnan, abdul razak ahmad, siti mistima maat, suziyani mohamed & haryanti mohd affandi. (2017). komuniti pendidikan & kepelbagaian budaya. - . 209.
muhammad sofwan bin mahmud;nik mohd rahimi bin nik yusoff;siti mistima binti maat. (2024). meneroka pelaksanaan penyoalan lisan dalam pengajaran matematik guru cemerlang di sekolah menengah. - . .
haryanti binti mohd affandi;nor ba`yah binti abdul kadir;noorhelyna binti razali;siti mistima binti maat;tengku elmi azlina binti tengku muda;mohd effendi @ ewan bin mohd matore. (2024). pembinaan pengujian alternatif bagi kemahiran berfikir dan kemahiran penyelesaian masalah inventif menerusi pendekatan pembelajaran heutagogi, paragogy & cybergogy. - . .
azad iqram nadmilail, mohd effendi ewan mohd matore, siti mistima maat. (2023). development of situational judgment tests items using the fuzzy delphi method. - international competition and exhibition of research and innovation on islamic studies and human sciences (iconishs 2023). 1.
siti mistima maat. (2023). elak terlalu obses guna chatgpt hingga hilang tujuan cari ilmu. - berita harian. 1-2.
azad iqram nadmilail, mohd effendi ewan mohd matore, siti mistima maat. (2022). situational judgement test for trainee teacher (sjt3). - international invention & innovative competition (iniic) series 1/2022. 14.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
KERANGKA KOMPETENSI PEMBELAJARAN JARAK JAUH BAGI PELAJAR JURUSAN STEM DI IPTA BAGI KELANGSUNGAN PEMBELAJARAN YANG BERKESAN | pertubuhan penyelidikan dan pendidikan pendidik malaysia (ppppm) | 97.7% (2022-10-01 sehingga 2025-03-31) |
KERANGKA KOMPETENSI PEMBELAJARAN JARAK JAUH BAGI PELAJAR JURUSAN STEM DI IPTA BAGI KELANGSUNGAN PEMBELAJARAN YANG BERKESAN | pusat stem negara, bahagian perancangan dan penyelidikan dasar pendidikan kementerian pendidikan malaysia | 97.7% (2022-10-01 sehingga 2025-03-31) |