pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian pembudayaan stem
B.Ed in Technology with Education (Civil Engineering) from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (2009) M.Ph in Technical and Vocational Education from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (2013)
PhD in Engineering Education from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (2022)
norzaharah ab hamid, fathiyah mohd kamaruzaman, mohamad sattar rasul. (2024). exploring dominant approach for teaching circular economy. - international journal of academic research in progressive education and development. 1375-1386.
norzaharah ab hamid, mohamad sattar rasul, fathiyah mohd kamaruzaman. (2024). pelupusan sisa makanan berdasarkan ekonomi kitaran dalam pendidikan dan latihan teknikal dan vokasional. - international journal of future education and advances. 317-323.
ahmad mursyidun nidhom, fathiyah mohd kamaruzaman, ruhizan mohamad yassin. (2024). enhancing animation learning through integration of self-directed approach in indonesian vocational schools. - international journal of modern education. 283-293.
marlissa omar, dayana farzeeha ali, fathiyah mohd kamaruzaman. (2024). visualization skills among tvet first year pre-service teachers. - international journal of academic research in business and social sciences. 1522-1528.
nik norlaili jamilah nik othman, fathiyah mohd kamaruzaman, mohamad sattar rasul. (2024). a pilot study on the perception of special educations' students towards work ability and suitability job profile. - international journal of modern education. 217-228.
norzaharah ab hamid, fathiyah mohd kamaruzaman, mohamad sattar rasul. (2024). exploring dominant approach for teaching circular economy. - international journal of academic research in progressive education and development. 1375-1386.
marlissa omar, dayana farzeeha ali, fathiyah mohd kamaruzaman. (2024). visualization skills among tvet first year pre-service teachers. - international journal of academic research in business and social sciences. 1522-1528.
fathiyah mohd kamaruzaman, roszilah hamid, mohamad sattar rasul, marlissa omar. (2024). addressing generic skills gap for future civil engineers in the 4th industrial revolution. - international journal of academic research in progressive education & development. 2646-2656.
norzaharah ab hamid, fathiyah mohd kamaruzaman, mohamad sattar rasul. (2024). concept of circular economy in technical and vocational education: a systematic literature review. - international journal of evaluation and research in education. 2251-2258.
marlissa omar, fathiyah mohd kamaruzaman. (2024). technical and vocational education training and industry collaboration: a bibliometric review. - journal of education and learning (edulearn). 1582-1592.
marlissa omar, fathiyah mohd kamaruzaman, nurazidawati mohamad arsad, ibnatul jalilah yusof. (2023). bibliometric review on tvet and industry collaboration. - international conference on research in education and science (icres2023). 1514-1527.
mohd kamaruzaman, f., hamid,r., mutalib, a.a., rasul, m.s.. (2019). pengurusan & kepimpinan siri 2 (management & leadership series 2). - . 7.
marlissa omar, fathiyah mohd kamaruzaman, mohamad sattar rasul, dayana farzeeha ali. (2022). lesson study practices among undergraduate students using augmented reality apps in engineering drawing course. - lesson study practices among undergraduate students using augmented reality apps in engineering drawing course. 1.
fathiyah mohd kamaruzaman, siti azwanee abdullah, marlissa omar, zanaton hj iksan, mohamad sattar rasul. (2022). challenges on implementing lesson studies in teaching and learning: an overview. - . 1.
fathiyah mohd kamaruzaman. (2022). statistik deskriptif. - . 1-58.
fathiyah mohd kamaruzaman. (2022). normal distribution. - . 1-29.
marlissa omar, fathiyah mohd kamaruzaman, mohamad sattar rasul, dayana farzeeha ali. (2022). lesson study practices among undergraduate students using augmented reality apps in engineering drawing course. - international conference 2022 (wals). 257.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
INVESTIGATING THE ROLE OF AI-POWERED EDUCATIONAL GAME IN SHAPING MALAYSIAN YOUTHS INTO FUTURE BUSINESS LEADERS | infusion information technology sdn bhd | 63.7% (2023-12-01 sehingga 2025-11-30) |
KERANGKA KOMPETENSI PEMBELAJARAN JARAK JAUH BAGI PELAJAR JURUSAN STEM DI IPTA BAGI KELANGSUNGAN PEMBELAJARAN YANG BERKESAN | pertubuhan penyelidikan dan pendidikan pendidik malaysia (ppppm) | 97.7% (2022-10-01 sehingga 2025-03-31) |
KERANGKA KOMPETENSI PEMBELAJARAN JARAK JAUH BAGI PELAJAR JURUSAN STEM DI IPTA BAGI KELANGSUNGAN PEMBELAJARAN YANG BERKESAN | pusat stem negara, bahagian perancangan dan penyelidikan dasar pendidikan kementerian pendidikan malaysia | 97.7% (2022-10-01 sehingga 2025-03-31) |