dr. hafizah binti omar zaki

pensyarah universiti

pusat kajian perniagaan global & ekonomi digital (globde)


   Biografi/ Biography :

  • Dr. Hafizah is a Senior Lecturer in Marketing at the Faculty of Economics and Management (FEP), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), where she also serves as the Assistant Dean for Teaching and Learning, and a Student Advisor for the Management Club. She is also the External Advisory Board Member for the Sunway University MBA programme. She has contributed to international academia as an Adjunct and Visiting Professor at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI), and brings valuable industry experience from her tenure as Executive Manager at Telekom Malaysia Berhad, where she specialized in Sales and Media Data Analytics.
    Dr. Hafizah holds a Ph.D. in Marketing, with a focus on digital advertising and branding, from the University of Malaya (UM), an MBA in Human Resource Management from UKM, and a degree in Multimedia Management from Multimedia University (MMU). Her research interests lie in advertising, branding, digital marketing, and digital business, with expertise in Quantitative Experimental Research and Survey Research Methods. Throughout her career, Dr. Hafizah has been recognized for her contributions to academia and industry, receiving honors such as the Harvard Business School Scholarship Award (2012), the Apple Teacher Award (2021), the Excellent Service Award (2022), Best Teaching and Learning Award (2023), Research Innovation Award (2023), MyRA Research Innovation Award (2024), PAMS Case Study Award (2024), and Top Cited Research Paper Award by Emerald Publishing (2024).

  • syaima`binti adznan;kamarul baraini binti keliwon;hafizah binti omar zaki;suzana binti muhamad said.  (2024).  identifying effective tools to be used in virtual classroom: a bibliometric analysis.  -


    siti ngayesah binti ab. hamid;che aniza binti che wel;hafizah binti omar zaki.  (2024).  the influence of zakat institutions’ corporate brand image towards the intention to contribute zakat.  -


    dahlia fernandez bt mohd farid fernandez;hafizah binti omar zaki;nurul atasha binti jamaludin;soliha binti sanusi.  (2024).  factors influencing students` behavioral intentions towards the use of e-learning in malaysia during covid-19.  -


    hafizah binti omar zaki;nor asiah binti omar;syaima`binti adznan;nurul atasha binti jamaludin.  (2024).  the impact of coloured social media advertising on gen alpha’s intention to purchase.  -


    mohamed bouteraa, saeed awadh bin-nashwan, meshari al-daihani, khadar ahmed dirie, abderrahim benlahcene, mouad sadallah, hafizah omar zaki, suddin lada, rudy ansar, lim ming fook, brahim chekima..  (2024).  understanding the diffusion of ai-generative (chatgpt) in higher education: does students' integrity matter?.  - computers in human behavior reports.  1-11. 


    dahlia fernandez, omkar dastane, hafizah omar zaki, aini aman.  (2024).  robotic process automation: bibliometric reflection and future opportunities.  - european journal of innovation management.  692-712. 


    rong hou, xu ye, hafizah omar zaki, nor asiah omar.  (2023).  marketing decision support system based on data mining technology.  - applied sciences.  1-14. 


    hafizah omar zaki, dahlia fernandez, omkar dastane, aini aman, soliha sanusi.  (2023).  virtual reality in digital marketing: research agenda based on bibliometric reflection.  - marketing intelligence and planning.  1-20. 


    hafizah omar zaki, yusniza kamarulzaman, mozard mohtar.  (2020).  humour advertising: a review and a bibliometrics citation analysis.  - geografia-malaysian journal of society and space.  164-178. 


    hafizah omar zaki, yusniza kamarulzaman, mozard mohtar.  (2019).  does the need for cognition, need for affect and perceived humour influence consumers attitude towards the advertised brand?.  - international journal of management studies.  1-20. 


    hafizah omar zaki; nadzirah rosli.  (2024).  a bibliometric citation analysis on green marketing and waste management.  - international journal of management studies.  235-268. 


    dahlia fernandez, omkar dastane, hafizah omar zaki, aini aman.  (2024).  robotic process automation: bibliometric reflection and future opportunities.  - european journal of innovation management.  692-712. 


    mohamed bouteraa, saeed awadh bin-nashwan, meshari al-daihani, khadar ahmed dirie, abderrahim benlahcene, mouad sadallah, hafizah omar zaki, suddin lada, rudy ansar, lim ming fook, brahim chekima..  (2024).  understanding the diffusion of ai-generative (chatgpt) in higher education: does students' integrity matter?.  - computers in human behavior reports.  1-11. 


    fika fitriasari, noor azryani auzairy, ruzita abdul rahim, hafizah omar zaki.  (2024).  a systematic review of the behavior intention on mobile banking and stock trading..  - multidisciplinary reviews.  1-10. 


    rong hou, xu ye, hafizah omar zaki, nor asiah omar.  (2023).  marketing decision support system based on data mining technology.  - applied sciences.  1-14. 


    hafizah omar zaki, dahlia fernandez.  (2023).  digital natives as a disruptive force in asian businesses and societies.  - 11. 


    hafizah omar zaki, nurul atasha jamaludin, aziatul waznah ghazali.  (2023).  digital natives as a disruptive force in asian businesses and societies.  - 10. 


    hafizah omar zaki, yusniza kamarulzaman, mozard mohtar.  (2022).  consumers cognitive and emotional response to humour advertising and brand in malaysia.  - 129. 


    hafizah omar zaki, dahlia fernandez.  (2023).  digital natives as a disruptive force in asian businesses and societies.  - 11. 


    hafizah omar zaki, nurul atasha jamaludin, aziatul waznah ghazali.  (2023).  digital natives as a disruptive force in asian businesses and societies.  - 10. 


    hafizah omar zaki, syaima' adznan.  (2022).  pengurusan mapan minyak sawit malaysia.  - 8. 


    hafizah omar zaki, siti ngayesah ab hamid.  (2021).  keusahawanan mendepani pandemik covid-19.  - 9. 


    siti ngayesah ab hamid, hafizah omar zaki.  (2021).  keusahawanan mendepani pandemik covid-19.  - 12. 


    hafizah omar zaki, yusniza kamarulzaman, mozard mohtar.  (2022).  consumers cognitive and emotional response to humour advertising and brand in malaysia.  - 129. 


    syaima`binti adznan;kamarul baraini binti keliwon;hafizah binti omar zaki;suzana binti muhamad said.  (2024).  identifying effective tools to be used in virtual classroom: a bibliometric analysis.  -


    siti ngayesah binti ab. hamid;che aniza binti che wel;hafizah binti omar zaki.  (2024).  the influence of zakat institutions’ corporate brand image towards the intention to contribute zakat.  -


    hafizah binti omar zaki;nor asiah binti omar;syaima`binti adznan;nurul atasha binti jamaludin.  (2024).  the impact of coloured social media advertising on gen alpha’s intention to purchase.  -


    dahlia fernandez bt mohd farid fernandez;hafizah binti omar zaki;nurul atasha binti jamaludin;soliha binti sanusi.  (2024).  factors influencing students` behavioral intentions towards the use of e-learning in malaysia during covid-19.  -


    hafizah binti omar zaki;kamarul baraini binti keliwon;siti ngayesah binti ab. hamid;syaima`binti adznan;suzana binti muhamad said;dahlia fernandez bt mohd farid fernandez;nurul atasha binti jamaludin.  (2023).  pembelian kompulsif atas talian dikalangan pelajar universiti semasa pandemik covid-19: kebaikan atau kecelaruan?.  -