pensyarah universiti
institut penyelidikan tenaga suria (seri)
Excellent abilities in the areas of analysis, communication, and technical work. There is great interest in research and development in innovative and environmentally friendly product development, particularly in solar thermal, solar energy technology, photovoltaic systems, and industrial engineering processes. Published in Scopus and ISI index journals and won numerous awards in environmental and energy science competitions held locally and internationally.
ihsan okta harmailil, sakhr m. sultan, c.p. tso, ahmad fudholi, masita mohammad, adnan ibrahim. (2024). a review on recent photovoltaic module cooling techniques: types and assessment methods. - results in engineering. 1-27.
adnan ibrahim, muhammad amir aziat ishak. (2024). renewable energy system and technology. - . 194.
ihsan okta harmailil, sakhr m. sultan, chih ping tso, ahmad fudholi, masita mohammad and adnan ibrahim. (2024). the state of the art of photovoltaic module cooling techniques and performance assessment methods. - symmetry. 1-35.
adnan ibrahim, abdul sahib m hussein. (2024). renewable energy system and technology. - . 194.
raheem k. ajeel, saba n. fayyadh, adnan ibrahim, sakhr m. sultan, taoufik najeh. (2024). comprehensive analysis of heat transfer and pressure drop in square multiple impingement jets employing innovative hybrid nanofluids. - results in engineering. 1-18.
ihsan okta harmailil, sakhr m. sultan, chih ping tso, ahmad fudholi, masita mohammad and adnan ibrahim. (2024). the state of the art of photovoltaic module cooling techniques and performance assessment methods. - symmetry. 1-35.
sahibzada imad ud din, adnan ibrahim, raheem k. ajeel, ahmad fazlizan, amir aziat ishak, anwer b. al-aasam. (2024). thermal performance analysis of a double-pass solar air heater with lava rock as porous and sensible heat storage material. - journal of energy storage. 1-15.
nurul jannah yusaidi, mohd faizal fauzan, ahmad fazlizan abdullah, adnan ibrahim, amir aziat ishak. (2024). theoretical and experimental investigations on the effect of double pass solar air heater with staggered-diamond shaped fins arrangement. - case studies in thermal engineering. 1-15.
muhammad amir aziat bin ishak, adnan ibrahim, mohd faizal fauzan, ahmad fazlizan, win eng ewe, hussein a. kazem. (2023). the effect of a reversed circular jet impingement on a bifacial module pvt collector energy performance. - case studies in thermal engineering. 1-9.
asmail a.m. abdalkarem, roaa ansaf, wan khairul muzammil, adnan ibrahim, zambri harun, ahmad fazlizan. (2023). preliminary assessment of the naca0021 trailing edge wedge for wind turbine application. - heliyon. 1-21.
ali. f. muftah, kamaruzzaman sopian, adnan ibrahim, abdulnasser elbreki, azher m abed. (2023). design and evaluation of a modified basin- type stepped solar- still under malaysia climate conditions. - energy sources, part a: recovery, utilization, and environmental effects. 6756-6771.
amar fahmi ismail, ag sufiyan abd hamid, adnan ibrahim , hasila jarimi, kamaruzzaman sopian. (2022). performance analysis of a double pass solar air thermal collector with porous media using lava rock. - energies. 1-19.
hasila jarimi, devrim aydin, mohd nazari abu bakar, adnan ibrahim, ahmad fazlizan, ahmad afif safwan and kamaruzzaman sopian. (2021). exergy based sustainability analysis of a dual fluid hybrid photovoltaic/thermal (pv/t) solar collector. - international journal of exergy. 358-373.
ag sufiyan abd hamid, adnan ibrahim, sohif mat, kamaruzzaman sopian. (2019). experimental evaluation on large scale solar dryer for drying natural fiber in malaysia. - international journal of renewable energy research. 598-604.
ammar m. abdulateef, jasim abdulateef, kamaruzzaman sopian, sohif mat, adnan ibrahim. (2019). optimal fin parameters used for enhancing the melting and solidification of phase-change material in a heat exchanger unite. - case studies in thermal engineering. 1-12.
ihsan okta harmailil, sakhr m. sultan, c.p. tso, ahmad fudholi, masita mohammad, adnan ibrahim. (2024). a review on recent photovoltaic module cooling techniques: types and assessment methods. - results in engineering. 1-27.
ihsan okta harmailil, sakhr m. sultan, chih ping tso, ahmad fudholi, masita mohammad and adnan ibrahim. (2024). the state of the art of photovoltaic module cooling techniques and performance assessment methods. - symmetry. 1-35.
sahibzada imad ud din, adnan ibrahim, raheem k. ajeel, ahmad fazlizan, amir aziat ishak, anwer b. al-aasam. (2024). thermal performance analysis of a double-pass solar air heater with lava rock as porous and sensible heat storage material. - journal of energy storage. 1-15.
raheem k. ajeel, saba n. fayyadh, adnan ibrahim, sakhr m. sultan, taoufik najeh. (2024). comprehensive analysis of heat transfer and pressure drop in square multiple impingement jets employing innovative hybrid nanofluids. - results in engineering. 1-18.
nurul jannah yusaidi, mohd faizal fauzan, ahmad fazlizan abdullah, adnan ibrahim, amir aziat ishak. (2024). theoretical and experimental investigations on the effect of double pass solar air heater with staggered-diamond shaped fins arrangement. - case studies in thermal engineering. 1-15.
muhamad fadhli ramlee, adnan ibrahim, hasila jarimi, noorliyana ramlee, ahmad fazlizan. (2023). numerical evaluation of thermal performance of two-phased closed thermosyphon for solar applications. - international conference on sustainable, renewable & energy efficiency 2022. 1-9.
faisal nawab, adnan ibrahim, shaikh zeeshan suheel, adamu ahmed goje. (2023). comparison of ann global horizontal irradiation predictions with satellite global horizontal irradiation using statistical evaluation. - 4th international conference on computing, mathematics and engineering technologies (icomet). 1-5.
muhammad safwan asyraf ramli, suhaimi misha, nor faizah haminudin, mohd afzanizam mohd rosli, ahmad anas yusof, kamaruzzaman sopian, adnan ibrahim, ahmad fazlizan abdullah. (2022). dehumidification of recirculation air from solar dryer using silica gel for food product drying. - proceedings of mechanical engineering research day 2022. 170-171.
k. sopian, g. y. abusaibaa, r. abdullah, h. jarimi, a. ibrahim, a. f. abdullah, and a. b. al-aasam. (2022). performance of solar assisted dual condenser heat pump drying system. - proceedings of the 7th international conference and exhibition on sustainable energy and advanced materials (ice-seam 2021). 254-258.
a. braik, a. makhalfih, k. sopian, h. jarimi, a. ibrahim. (2021). review of agrivoltaics systems potential in palestine. - 2021 ieee jordan international joint conference on electrical engineering and information technology (jeeit). 176-180.
adnan ibrahim, abdul sahib m hussein. (2024). renewable energy system and technology. - . 194.
adnan ibrahim, muhammad amir aziat ishak. (2024). renewable energy system and technology. - . 194.
adnan ibrahim. (2023). photovoltaic-thermal panel based on reversed circular flow jet impingement. - pv magazine. 1-2.
adnan ibrahim. (2023). photovoltaic-thermal system based on pcm cooling. - pv magazine. 1-2.
adnan bin ibrahim;kamaruzzaman bin sopian;ahmad fazlizan bin abdullah;hasila binti jarimi. (2023). passively cool high performance photovoltaic panel. - . .
adnan ibrahim. (2023). photovoltaic-thermal panel based on twisted absorber tubes, nanoparticle-enhanced pcm. - pv magazine. 1-6.
adnan bin ibrahim;kamaruzzaman bin sopian;ahmad fudholi bin jurlius;ahmad fazlizan bin abdullah;hasila binti jarimi. (2023). heat transfer augmentation in spiral flow absorber enclosure incorporating phase change material (pcm) and nanofluid. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
END OF LIFE (EOL) MANAGEMENT OF SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULE: TECHNICAL, ENVIRONMENTAL AND ECONOMIC ANALYSES | zenviro solar panel recycling sdn. bhd. | 12.9% (2024-12-02 sehingga 2026-12-31) |
PHOTOVOLTAIC THERMAL-THERMOELECTRIC SYSTEMS WITH STAGGERED FIN AND BINARY NANOFLUID: MATHEMATICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDY. | kuantan sunny scientific collaboration sdn bhd | 17.7% (2024-11-01 sehingga 2026-10-31) |