pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian rehabilitasi & keperluan khas (icarehab)
FARAHIYAH WAN YUNUS, PhD., Pensyarah Kanan di Program Terapi Carakerja, Fakulti Sains Kesihatan (FSK), dan juga merupakan ahli penyelidik di Pusat Kajian Rehabilitasi dan Keperluan Khas, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM).Beliau berpengetahuan di dalam Terapi Carakerja untuk kanak-kanak berkeperluan khas, terutamnaya kanak-kanak dengan autisme. Beliau juga mempunyai minat yang mendalam mengenai intervensi yang melibatkan gangguan pemprosesan sensori, bermain, masalah tingkah-laku dan juga kaedah intervensi pembelajaran kendiri (self-regulated learning intervention).
FARAHIYAH WAN YUNUS, PhD., Senior Lecturer in the Occupational Therapy Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, and is also a researcher at the Center for Rehabilitation and Special Needs Studies, National University of Malaysia. She specializes in Occupational Therapy for children, particularly those with special needs and autism. She also has a deep interest in interventions involving sensory-based interventions, play, behavioral problems, and self-regulated learning interventions.
farahiyah binti wan yunus;masne binti kadar;noor ibrahim bin mohamed sakian;nor afifi binti razaob @ razab;gan chun hong. (2024). kajian rintis pembangunan dan kebolehsanaan program intervensi awal latihan di rumah bagi kanak-kanak autisme. - . .
teo nian chie, farahiyah wan yunus. (2023). a qualitative study on the attitudes and challenges towards research among occupational therapy students. - e-simposium prasiswazah, program terapi carakerja, sesi 2022/2023. 19.
nurul aimi fahima halim khan, farahiyah wan yunus. (2023). attitudes towards research among undergraduate health sciences students: a cross-sectional study. - e-symposium prasiswazah, program terapi carakerja sesi 2022/2023. 12.
muhammad hibatullah romli, farahiyah wan yunus, siti aishah hamzah, razif abas, ,chan choong foong. (2023). self-regulated learning of nursing students: a cross-sectional study. - education in medicine journal. 15-27.
masne binti kadar;noor ibrahim bin mohamed sakian;dzalani binti harun;nor afifi binti razaob @ razab;hanif farhan bin mohd rasdi;farahiyah binti wan yunus. (2023). pembinaan modul latihan rakan bimbing dalam meningkatkan fungsi kehidupan harian, penglibatan sosial dan status emosi penghuni rumah jagaan warga emas.. - . .
farahiyah wan yunus, muhammad hibatullah romli, hanif farhan mohd rasdi, dzalani harun, masne kadar. (2022). an innovation on clinical placement for occupational therapy mental health during the covid-19: a mixed-methods feasibility study. - frontiers in medicine. 1-13.
muhammad hibatullah romli, chan choong foong, wei han hong, paramesevary subramaniam, farahiyah wan yunus. (2022). restructuring education activities for full online learning findings from a qualitative study with malaysian nursing students during covid 19 pandemic. - bmc medical education. 1-17.
farahiyah wan yunus, michelle bissett, stefania penkala, masne kadar, karen py liu. (2021). self regulated learning versus activity based intervention to reduce challenging behaviors and enhance school related function for children with autism spectrum disorders: randomized controlled trial. - research in developmental disabilities. 1-11.
farahiyah wan yunus, xiu zhen tan, muhammad hibatullah romli. (2020). investigating the feasibility of exergame on sleep and emotion among university students. - games for health journal. 415-424.
muhammad hibatullah romli, farahiyah wan yunus, lynette mackenzie. (2019). overview of reviews of standardised occupation-based instruments for use in occupational therapy practice. - australian occupational therapy journal. 428-445.
farahiyah wan yunus, nuralia fatiha ahmad ridhuwan, muhammad hibatullah romli. (2022). the perception of allied health professionals on occupational therapy. - occupational therapy international. 1-8.
muhammad zairul rezal zainol abidin, farahiyah wan yunus, hanif farhan mohd rasdi, masne kadar. (2021). employment programmes for schizophrenia and other severe mental illness in psychosocial rehabilitation: a systematic review. - british journal of occupational therapy. 605-619.
masne kadar, farahiyah wan yunus, tan eileen, chai siaw chui, nor afifi razaob@razab, durratul husna mohamat kasim.. (2020). a systematic review of occupational therapy intervention for handwriting skills in 4-6 year old children. - australian occupational therapy journal. 3-12.
muhammad hibatullah romli, farahiyah wan yunus. (2020). a systematic review on clinimetric properties of play instruments for occupational therapy practice. - occupational therapy international. 1-19.
muhammad hibatullah romli, farahiyah wan yunus, siti aishah hamzah, razif abas, ,chan choong foong. (2023). self-regulated learning of nursing students: a cross-sectional study. - education in medicine journal. 15-27.
mahfuzah zainol, masne kadar, nor afifi razaob@razab, farahiyah wan yunus.. (2023). the need for a handwriting intervention guideline for occupational therapists in the malaysian context.. - journal of occupational therapy, schools, & early intervention. 382-403.
jie yi p'ng, masne kadar, farahiyah wan yunus, yang wai wai, yazmin ahmad rusli, jamilah hanum abdul khaiyom. (2023). translation, validity and reliability of a malay version of the toddler sensory profile 2. - journal of occupational therapy, schools, & early intervention.. 225-237.
mahfuzah zainol, masne kadar, nor afifi razaob, farahiyah wan yunus. (2023). face and content validity of a handwriting program for children with handwriting difficulties. - malaysian journal of medicine and health sciences. 262-271.
farahiyah wan yunus, muhammad hibatullah romli, hanif farhan mohd rasdi, dzalani harun, masne kadar. (2022). an innovation on clinical placement for occupational therapy mental health during the covid-19: a mixed-methods feasibility study. - frontiers in medicine. 1-13.
masne kadar, farahiyah wan yunus. (2020). gangguan pemprosesan sensori: pendekatan sensorimotor. - . 78.
nor afifi razaob @razab dan farahiyah wan yunus. (2023). covid-19: anda tanya, kami jawab. - . 16.
mahfuzah zainol, masne kadar, nor afifi razaob@razab, farahiyah wan yunus.. (2022). strategi dan aktiviti kemahiran tulisan tangan: panduan guru di sekolah. - . 117.
masne kadar, farahiyah wan yunus. (2020). gangguan pemprosesan sensori: pendekatan sensorimotor. - . 78.
farahiyah binti wan yunus;masne binti kadar;noor ibrahim bin mohamed sakian;nor afifi binti razaob @ razab;gan chun hong. (2024). kajian rintis pembangunan dan kebolehsanaan program intervensi awal latihan di rumah bagi kanak-kanak autisme. - . .
teo nian chie, farahiyah wan yunus. (2023). a qualitative study on the attitudes and challenges towards research among occupational therapy students. - e-simposium prasiswazah, program terapi carakerja, sesi 2022/2023. 19.
nurul aimi fahima halim khan, farahiyah wan yunus. (2023). attitudes towards research among undergraduate health sciences students: a cross-sectional study. - e-symposium prasiswazah, program terapi carakerja sesi 2022/2023. 12.
yang wai wai, melia wong yuin suen, masne kadar, farahiyah wan yunus, yazmin ahmad rusli, jamilah hanum abdul khaiyom, norazlin kamal nor. (2023). utility of developmental assessment for early intervention in young children with asd. - 35th annual meeting european academy of childhood disability. 1.
masne kadar, zati izni achmy, nor afifi razaob & farahiyah wan yunus. (2023). validity and reliability of otulis among children ages 4 to 6 years old. - malaysian occupational therapists national conference 2023. 76.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
A SEXUALITY EDUCATION TEACHING GUIDELINES AND ACTIVITY KIT FOR CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS AGED 4-12 YEARS OLD | banyan rehabilitation centre nilai | 72.1% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |