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Dr. Nur Sa’adah Muhamad is a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Management, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. She received her Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Laws (Shari‘ah) from International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) in 2005 and 2006 respectively. She was enrolled to the Bar and briefly practised the law before she pursued her graduate studies. She graduated with an MBA in 2008 and later Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) in 2016 from UKM-Graduate School of Business. Her doctoral qualitative thesis was on the topic of Transformative Social Service of Organizations. Her research interests include strategic/organizational management, social innovation, service management, values-based management, Islamic-based services and qualitative studies.
nur sa`adah binti muhamad;mohd. ezani bin mat hassan. (2024). understanding the evolution of transformative social service: a framework of sustainable social organizations. - . .
khairul akmaliah adham, nur sa'adah muhamad, adlin masood & alina abdul rahim. (2024). diagnosing a halal certification system for cosmetics: the viable system model approach. - systemic practice and action research. 139-159.
hamizah binti abd hamid;zizah binti che senik;farhana binti sidek;abu hanifah bin ayob;nur sa`adah binti muhamad;teng huei chun. (2023). a context-sensitive model of transnational entrepreneurship for malaysian transnational entrepreneurs . - . .
nur sa`adah binti muhamad;zizah binti che senik. (2023). diagnosing the viability of halal industry in a transition economy: case study of uzbekistan. - . .
nur sa`adah binti muhamad;rosmah bt. mat isa. (2023). kpj healthcare berhad: braving the covid-19 pandemic. - . .
khairul akmaliah adham, nur sa'adah muhamad, adlin masood & alina abdul rahim. (2024). diagnosing a halal certification system for cosmetics: the viable system model approach. - systemic practice and action research. 139-159.
laila yanai, zizah che senik, nur sa'adah muhamad, hamizah abd hamid, nurul atasha jamaludin. (2020). push and pull factors influencing thai immigrant entrepreneurs conducting business in malaysia. - journal of nusantara studies. 19-47.
khairul akmaliah adham, nur sa'adah muhamad, mohd fuaad said, shahrizin abdul sarhadat, habib asaril ismail, mohd fareez assrul mohd nasir. (2019). diagnosing business incubation for social purpose: a viable system model approach. - systemic practice and action research. .
nur sa'adah muhamad, syahnaz sulaiman, khairul akmaliah adham, mohd fuaad said. (2019). halal tourism: literature synthesis and direction for future research. - pertanika journal of social sciences and humanities. 729-745.
khairul akmaliah adham, nur sa'adah muhamad, adlin masood & alina abdul rahim. (2024). diagnosing a halal certification system for cosmetics: the viable system model approach. - systemic practice and action research. 139-159.
khairul akmaliah adham, mohd fuaad said, nur sa'adah muhamad, mahadir ibrahim, shahrizin abdul sarhadat. (2023). pelaksanaan strategi berasaskan inovasi ke arah transformasi organisasi dan masyarakat: kajian kes majlis amanah rakyat. - jurnal pengurusan. 1-15.
roshayati abdul hamid, ida rosnita ismail, hidayah ahmad azam, nur sa'adah muhamad. (2023). the underlying mechanisms between customer incivility and employee's response: a systematic literature review. - international journal of academic research in business and social sciences. 219-240.
azman ismail, nur sa'adah muhamad, nursaadatun nisak ahmad, nesrin ozcan akdag, agah basdegirmen, mustafa zihni tunca. (2023). correlation between managers' facilitation skills, employees' self-efficacy and employees' job motivation. - journal of southwest jiaotong university. 134-147.
azman ismail, nur sa'adah muhamad, mustafa zihni tunca, yasmine nasution, ardian adhiatma. (2022). two-way communication in pay system and job satisfaction: mediating effect of fairness perceptions. - journal of southwest jiaotong university. 353-367.
nur sa'adah muhamad, khairul akmaliah adham. (2023). answering the call: establishing a transformative social service. - . 138.
nor liza abdullah, mohd radzuan rahid, nur saadah muhamad, nor syamaliah ngah. (2022). social entrepreneurs:developments in corporate governance and responsibility. - . 18.
khairul akmaliah adham, mohd fuaad said, nur sa'adah muhamad. (2021). halal taiwan: emerging player in the global halal industry. - . 142.
adlin masood, khairul akmaliah adham, nur sa'adah muhamad, mohd fuaad said. (2021). responding to the covid-19 pandemic: case studies on managing organisations in crisis. - . 263.
nor liza abdullah, mohd radzuan rahid, nur saadah muhamad, nor syamaliah ngah. (2022). social entrepreneurs:developments in corporate governance and responsibility. - . 18.
adlin masood, khairul akmaliah adham, nur sa'adah muhamad, mohd fuaad said. (2021). responding to the covid-19 pandemic: case studies on managing organisations in crisis. - . 263.
khairul akmaliah adham, mohd fuaad said, saida farhanah sarkam & nur sa'adah muhamad. (2018). becoming a qualitative researcher: narratives of doctoral studies in management. - . 29.
khairul akmaliah adham, mohd fuaad said, nadiah mahmad nasir & nur sa'adah muhamad. (2018). becoming a qualitative researcher : narratives of doctoral studies in management. - . 22.
nur sa`adah muhamad & khairul akmaliah adham. (2017). kewangan sosial islam : inovasi ke arah pembangunan ummah. - . 15.
nur sa'adah muhamad, khairul akmaliah adham. (2023). answering the call: establishing a transformative social service. - . 138.
khairul akmaliah adham, mohd fuaad said, nur sa'adah muhamad. (2021). halal taiwan: emerging player in the global halal industry. - . 142.
nur sa`adah binti muhamad;mohd. ezani bin mat hassan. (2024). understanding the evolution of transformative social service: a framework of sustainable social organizations. - . .
shifa binti mohd nor;sharina binti abdul halim;nur sa`adah binti muhamad. (2023). sustainable community development in malaysia palm oil industry. - . .
hamizah binti abd hamid;zizah binti che senik;farhana binti sidek;abu hanifah bin ayob;nur sa`adah binti muhamad;teng huei chun. (2023). a context-sensitive model of transnational entrepreneurship for malaysian transnational entrepreneurs . - . .
roshayati binti abdul hamid;ida rosnita binti ismail;nur sa`adah binti muhamad. (2023). the framework of positive and negative chain of customer incivility on employee innovative behaviour. - . .
nur sa`adah binti muhamad;zizah binti che senik. (2023). diagnosing the viability of halal industry in a transition economy: case study of uzbekistan. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
DEVELOPING A VIABLE SYSTEM MODEL ON ISLAMIC-BASED SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ON NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN MALAYSIA AND NEGARA BRUNEI DARUSSALAM | malaysian agricultural research and development institute (mardi) cawangan kuala terengganu | 72.1% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |
DEVELOPING A VIABLE SYSTEM MODEL ON ISLAMIC-BASED SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ON NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN MALAYSIA AND NEGARA BRUNEI DARUSSALAM | universiti islam sultan sharif ali (unissa) negara brunei darussalam | 72.1% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |