prof. madya dr. rosmah binti mat isa

pensyarah universiti

pusat kajian penciptaan nilai & kesejahteraan insan (insan)

   Biografi/ Biography :

  • Rosmah Mat Isa memperolehi ijazah sarjana muda Pengurusan Perniagaan dari Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia pada tahun 1992. Beliau mula berkhidmat di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia pada tahun yang sama di Fakulti Pengurusan Perniagaan. Beliau berjaya memperolehi ijazah sarjana dalam Sistem Maklumat Perniagaan dari Strathclyde Business School, Scotland pada tahun 1995. Beliau memperolehi ijazah kedoktoran dalam bidang kelakuan organisasi daripada Aston Business School, Aston University, United Kingdom. Bidang kepakaran beliau ialah kelakuan organisasi, teknologi maklumat dan pengantarabangsaan perniagaan kecil dan sederhana.
    Rosmah Mat Isa obtained her BBA from the International Islamic University of Malaysia in 1992. She started working at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in the same year at the Faculty of Business Management. She successfully obtained a master`s degree in Business Information Technology Systems from Strathclyde Business School, Scotland in 1995. She obtained a doctorate in organizational behavior from Aston Business School, Aston University, United Kingdom. Her areas of expertise are organizational behavior, knowledge management, information technology, and the internationalization of small and medium businesses.

  • ida rosnita binti ismail;rosmah binti mat isa;norzalita binti abd aziz;roshayati binti abdul hamid.  (2025).  cyber incivility and social culture in digital workplace: a case of malaysian service sectors.  -


    ida rosnita ismail, farah aishah kamaruddin & rosmah mat isa.  (2024).  exploring cyber incivility characteristics among malaysian employees in service industry.  - international journal of academic research in business & social sciences.  1374-1391. 


    noor azuan binti hashim;rosmah bt. mat isa;hawati binti janor;norazila binti mat;farhana binti sidek.  (2024).  adoption of digital technologies for information dissemination on palm oil among smallholders.  -


    nor liza bt. abdullah;noradiva bt. hamzah;rosmah bt. mat isa;rasidah binti arshad;liew chei siang;noor azuan binti hashim;hazrul izuan bin shahiri.  (2024).  a new framework for human capital mobility: brain gain from professional expatriates in malaysia.  -


    nur sa`adah binti muhamad;rosmah bt. mat isa.  (2023).  kpj healthcare berhad: braving the covid-19 pandemic.  -


    sabrinah adam; nursyazwani mohd fuzi; mohamad rohieszan ramdan; rosmah mat isa; albert feisal muhd feisal ismail; mohd yussni hashim; sharon yong yee ong; shah iskandar fahmie ramlee.  (2022).  entrepreneurial orientation and organizational performance of online business in malaysia: the mediating role of the knowledge management process.  - sustainability.  1-19. 


    khairul akmaliah adham, hasmiah kasimin, rosmah mat isa, fatimah othman, faizah ahmad.  (2015).  developing a framework for a viable research university.  - systematic practice and action research.  503-525. 


    ida rosnita ismail, farah aishah kamaruddin & rosmah mat isa.  (2024).  exploring cyber incivility characteristics among malaysian employees in service industry.  - international journal of academic research in business & social sciences.  1374-1391. 


    mohd hizam-hanafiah , mohd faizal abdul ghani, rosmah mat isa, hamizah abd hamid.  (2023).  critical success factors of franchising firms: a study on franchisors and franchisees.  - administrative sciences.  1-16. 


    zuliana zulkifli, norazila mat, rosmah mat isa.  (2023).  human resource management in retention of older workers psychology: synthesis of conclusions.  - journal for re attach therapy and developmental diversities.  80-100. 


    sabrinah adam; nursyazwani mohd fuzi; mohamad rohieszan ramdan; rosmah mat isa; albert feisal muhd feisal ismail; mohd yussni hashim; sharon yong yee ong; shah iskandar fahmie ramlee.  (2022).  entrepreneurial orientation and organizational performance of online business in malaysia: the mediating role of the knowledge management process.  - sustainability.  1-19. 


    rusliza yahaya, mohamad rohieszan ramdan, nor lela ahmad, rosmini ismail, khalizul khalid, mohd abdullah jusoh, rosmah mat isa.  (2022).  educators' motivation and intention within the utaut model to adopt the flipped classroom: a scoping review.  - international journal of learning, teaching and educational research.  285-302. 


    khawar naheed & rosmah mat isa.  (2018).  islamic work ethics and tacit knowledge sharing: autonomous motivation as mediator.  - the european proceedings of social & behavioural sciences epsbs. 


    farhana sidek, rosmah mat isa, abu hanifah ayob.  (2022).  world scientific encyclopedia of business sustainability, ethics and entrepreneurship. volume3: spirituality, entrepreneurship and social change.  - 18. 


    rosmah mat isa, kannaki s. narayansany, mohamad nizam asmuni, mohamad roshieszan ramdan.  (2021).  leadership in a wave of change.  - 16. 


    rosmah mat isa, rasidah arshad, nor liza abdullah.  (2021).  pengaruh revolusi industri 4.0 dan generasi milenial terhadap pekerjaan masa hadapan.  - 159. 


    rosmah mat isa.  (2021).  pengaruh revolusi industri 4.0 dan generasi milenial terhadap pekerjaan masa hadapan.  - 19. 


    rosmah mat isa, rasidah arshad, nor liza abdullah.  (2021).  pengaruh revolusi industri 4.0 dan generasi milenial terhadap pekerjaan masa hadapan.  - 12. 


    farhana sidek, rosmah mat isa, abu hanifah ayob.  (2022).  world scientific encyclopedia of business sustainability, ethics and entrepreneurship. volume3: spirituality, entrepreneurship and social change.  - 18. 


    mohamad rohieszan ramdan, norulhuda tajuddin, rasidah arshad, rosmah mat isa.  (2022).  green human resource management.  - 12. 


    rosmah mat isa, kannaki s. narayansany, mohamad nizam asmuni, mohamad roshieszan ramdan.  (2021).  leadership in a wave of change.  - 16. 


    rosmah mat isa.  (2021).  pengaruh revolusi industri 4.0 dan generasi milenial terhadap pekerjaan masa hadapan.  - 19. 


    rosmah mat isa, rasidah arshad, nor liza abdullah.  (2021).  pengaruh revolusi industri 4.0 dan generasi milenial terhadap pekerjaan masa hadapan.  - 12. 


    rosmah mat isa, rasidah arshad, nor liza abdullah.  (2021).  pengaruh revolusi industri 4.0 dan generasi milenial terhadap pekerjaan masa hadapan.  - 159. 


    zafir mohd makhbul, rasidah arshad, rosmah mat isa.  (2018).  kesejahteraan insan seimbang dalam organisasi berdaya saing.  - 126. 


    zafir mohd makhbul, rosmah mat isa, rasidah arshad.  (2018).  pembangunan modal insan lestari.  - 200. 


    rasidah arshad & rosmah mat isa.  (2017).  pemerkasaan modal insan di malaysia.  - 80. 


    ida rosnita binti ismail;rosmah binti mat isa;norzalita binti abd aziz;roshayati binti abdul hamid.  (2025).  cyber incivility and social culture in digital workplace: a case of malaysian service sectors.  -


    noor azuan binti hashim;rosmah bt. mat isa;hawati binti janor;norazila binti mat;farhana binti sidek.  (2024).  adoption of digital technologies for information dissemination on palm oil among smallholders.  -


    nor liza bt. abdullah;noradiva bt. hamzah;rosmah bt. mat isa;rasidah binti arshad;liew chei siang;noor azuan binti hashim;hazrul izuan bin shahiri.  (2024).  a new framework for human capital mobility: brain gain from professional expatriates in malaysia.  -


    nur sa`adah binti muhamad;rosmah bt. mat isa.  (2023).  kpj healthcare berhad: braving the covid-19 pandemic.  -


    noor azuan hashim, rosmah mat isa, hawati janor, norazila mat, farhana sidek.  (2023).  adoption of digital technologies for information dissemination on palm oil among smallholders.  - 1-10.