dr. hawa binti hishamuddin

pensyarah universiti

jabatan kejuruteraan mekanikal & pembuatan


   Biografi/ Biography :

  • Hawa Hishamuddin is a senior lecturer at the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). She earned her B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering from Purdue University, USA in 2003 and Ph.D in Computer Science from the University of New South Wales, Australia in 2013. She started her career as an engineer at Panasonic Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. and AHI Roofing Sdn. Bhd. for 3 years before pursuing her academic career. Her research interests include inventory modelling in supply chain management, disruption management, sustainable supply chains and operations research.

  • rizauddin bin ramli;jaharah binti a.ghani;sallehuddin bin mohamed haris;hawa binti hishamuddin.  (2025).  radial basis functional network(rbfn) based adaptive neural-fuzzy controller for multi-joint rehabilitation device.  -


    muhammad idham sabtu, hawa hishamuddin, nizaroyani saibani, mohd nizam ab rahman.  (2024).  towards energy efficiency in integrated inventory supply chain models: a review.  - jurnal kejuruteraan.  345-356. 


    hawa hishamuddin, cheng jia yan, noorhelyna razali, nizaroyani saibani and mohd nizam ab rahman.  (2024).  a simulation-optimisation approach to assess the impact of covid-19 movement control orders on supply chain resiliency.  - proceedings of the international conference on industrial engineering and operations management.  1-11. 


    hawa hishamuddin, cheng jia yan, noorhelynarazali, nizaroyanisaibani, mohd nizam ab rahman.  (2024).  a simulation-optimisationapproach to assess the impact of covid-19 movement control orders on supply chain resiliency.  - 14th international conference on industrial engineering and operations management.  1-17. 


    dzuraidah binti abd wahab;ahmad kamal ariffin bin mohd ihsan;shahrum bin abdullah;rizauddin bin ramli;hawa binti hishamuddin;abdul hadi bin azman.  (2023).  analysis of geometric complexities and design configuration for restoration of remanufacturable components using additive manufacturing..  -


    nuramilawahida mat ropi, hawa hishamuddin, dzuraidah abd wahab, wakhid ahmad jauhari, fatin amrina a. rashid, nor kamaliana khamis, intan fadhlina mohamed, mohd anas mohd sabri, mohd radzi abu mansor.  (2023).  optimal lot-sizing decisions for a remanufacturing production system under spare parts supply disruption.  - mathematics.  4053-4072. 


    wakhid ahmad jauhari, shabrina chairunnisa novia ramadhany, cucuk nur rosyidi, umakanta mishra, hawa hishamuddin.  (2023).  pricing and green inventory decisions for a supply chain system with green investment and carbon tax regulation.  - journal of cleaner production.  13889-13891. 


    muhammad syafiq sulaiman, dzuraidah abd wahab, zambri harun, hawa hishamuddin, nor kamaliana khamis, mohd radzi abu mansor.  (2023).  preliminary study on end-of-life vehicles recycling rate for malaysia.  - energy reports.  235-246. 


    hilal shams, altaf hossain molla, mohd nizam ab rahman, hawa hishamuddin, zambri harun, nallapaneni manoj kumar.  (2023).  exploring industry-specific research themes on e-waste: a literature review.  - sustainability.  1-22. 


    altaf hossain molla, hilal shams, zambri harun, mohd nizam ab rahman and hawa hishamuddin.  (2022).  an assessment of drivers and barriers to implementation of circular economy in the end-of-life vehicle recycling sector in india.  - sustainability.  1-26. 


    hawa hishamuddin, ruhul a. sarker, daryl essam.  (2014).  a recovery mechanism for a two echelon supply chain system under supply disruption.  - economic modelling.  555-563. 


    nuramilawahida mat ropi, hawa hishamuddin, dzuraidah abd wahab, wakhid ahmad jauhari, fatin amrina a. rashid, nor kamaliana khamis, intan fadhlina mohamed, mohd anas mohd sabri, mohd radzi abu mansor.  (2023).  optimal lot-sizing decisions for a remanufacturing production system under spare parts supply disruption.  - mathematics.  4053-4072. 


    wakhid ahmad jauhari, ivan darma wangsa, hawa hishamuddin, novrianty rizky.  (2023).  a sustainable vendor-buyer inventory model with incentives, green investment and energy usage under stochastic demand.  - cogent business & management.  1-26. 


    muhammad syafiq sulaiman, dzuraidah abd wahab, zambri harun, hawa hishamuddin, nor kamaliana khamis, mohd radzi abu mansor.  (2023).  preliminary study on end-of-life vehicles recycling rate for malaysia.  - energy reports.  235-246. 


    hilal shams, altaf hossain molla, mohd nizam ab rahman, hawa hishamuddin, zambri harun, nallapaneni manoj kumar.  (2023).  exploring industry-specific research themes on e-waste: a literature review.  - sustainability.  1-22. 


    wakhid ahmad jauhari, shabrina chairunnisa novia ramadhany, cucuk nur rosyidi, umakanta mishra, hawa hishamuddin.  (2023).  pricing and green inventory decisions for a supply chain system with green investment and carbon tax regulation.  - journal of cleaner production.  13889-13891. 


    nursyafina zulkefli, nizaroyani saibani, mohd nizam ab rahman, hawa hishamuddin.  (2023).  environmental sustainability of electronic industry in supply chain management in malaysia: practices and efficiency of a case study.  - 1st international conference on manufacturing engineering technology (iconmet 2021).  50011-50018. 


    fatin amrina a. rashid, hawa hishamuddin, mohd radzi abu mansor, nizaroyani saibani.  (2021).  supply chain optimization for end-of-life vehicle recycling: a preliminary review.  - proceedings of the 11th annual international conference on industrial engineering and operations management.  6807-6814. 


    a h azman, s abdullah, s s k singh, m r m yazid, w a w ghopa, h hisamuddin, a h shahrir, a k ariffin, d a wahab, a azhar and m s solah.  (2020).  assessing the safety of express bus from passengers' perspective.  - iop conference series: materials science and engineering.  1-8. 


    muhammad idham sabtu, hawa hishamuddin, nizaroyani saibani, mohd nizam ab rahman.  (2020).  a review of environmental assessment on different levels of manufacturer-retailer relationship for integrated supply chain models.  - proceedings of mechanical engineering research day 2020.  35-36. 


    s s k singh, s abdullah, a h azman, n n m nasir, m r m yazid, h hishamuddin, w a w ghopa, a k ariffin, d a wahab, a h shahrir, a azhar and m s solah.  (2020).  responsibility of the bus operator in terms of safety and health: a malaysian case study.  - iop conference series: materials science and engineering.  1-8. 


    go tze fong, dzuraidah abd wahab, hawa hishamuddin.  (2021).  reka bentuk produk untuk kitar hayat berbilang.  - 276. 


    hawa hishamuddin, mohd azizi abd aziz, noraida azura md darom, mohd nizam ab rahman, dzuraidah abd wahab.  (2020).  dynamics in logistics.  - proceedings of the 7th international conference ldic 2020, bremen, germany.  10. 


    faiz daud, hawa hishamuddin, abdul hadi azman, natrah abd rani, muhammad amruha md zan.  (2019).  national innovation invention in engineering & built environment.  - 75. 


    noraida azura darom, hawa hishamuddin.  (2023).  supply chain risk and disruption managementv.  - 13. 


    go t.f., wahab d.a., hishamuddin h., moey l.k.  (2021).  advances in material science and engineering.  - 6. 


    hawa hishamuddin, mohd azizi abd aziz, noraida azura md darom, mohd nizam ab rahman, dzuraidah abd wahab.  (2020).  dynamics in logistics.  - proceedings of the 7th international conference ldic 2020, bremen, germany.  10. 


    faiz daud, hawa hishamuddin, abdul hadi azman, natrah abd rani, muhammad amruha md zan.  (2019).  national innovation invention in engineering & built environment.  - 75. 


    go tze fong, dzuraidah abd wahab, hawa hishamuddin.  (2021).  reka bentuk produk untuk kitar hayat berbilang.  - 276. 


    m.j. ghazali, a. muchtar, t.i. mohamad, w.a.w. ghopa, w.f.h.w. zamri, m.f.m. tahir, m.a.m. sabri, h. hishamuddin, z. wahid, n.k. khamis.  (2009).  annual report 08 department of mechanical & materials engineering.  - 75. 


    rizauddin bin ramli;jaharah binti a.ghani;sallehuddin bin mohamed haris;hawa binti hishamuddin.  (2025).  radial basis functional network(rbfn) based adaptive neural-fuzzy controller for multi-joint rehabilitation device.  -


    hawa hishamuddin, cheng jia yan, noorhelynarazali, nizaroyanisaibani, mohd nizam ab rahman.  (2024).  a simulation-optimisationapproach to assess the impact of covid-19 movement control orders on supply chain resiliency.  - 14th international conference on industrial engineering and operations management.  1-17. 


    dzuraidah binti abd wahab;ahmad kamal ariffin bin mohd ihsan;shahrum bin abdullah;rizauddin bin ramli;hawa binti hishamuddin;abdul hadi bin azman.  (2023).  analysis of geometric complexities and design configuration for restoration of remanufacturable components using additive manufacturing..  -


    ahmad kamal ariffin bin mohd ihsan;shahrum bin abdullah;dzuraidah binti abd wahab;rizauddin bin ramli;zainuddin bin sajuri;hawa binti hishamuddin;mohammad rasidi bin mohammad rasani;wan fathul hakim bin w. zamri;wan aizon bin w ghopa;abdul hadi bin azman;.  (2023).  reliability and safety engineering and technology for large maritime engineering systems (reset).  -


    nor kamaliana khamis, mohd faizal mat tahir, mohd anas mohd sabri, meor iqram meor ahmad, hawa hishamuddin, zaliha wahid, norhidayah mat taib.  (2023).  i-sihat beta pembelajaran reflektif berasaskan komuniti melibatkan penilaian risiko pengcahayaan.  - knovasi 2023.  1-21.