pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian inovasi pembelajaran & pengajaran
HARWATI HASHIM, PhD., is an associate professor at the Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning, Faculty of Education, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). Her areas of concentration are mobile learning, Mobile-assisted Language Learning (MALL), technology acceptance as well as innovative pedagogy and the use of technology in teaching and learning English as a Second Language (ESL).
christina anak albert, melor md yunus, harwati hashim. (2024). blended learning in secondary english classrooms: teachers perceptions. - international journal of academic research in progressive education & development. 1-18.
emily abd rahman, melor md yunus, harwati hashim, nur khadirah ab. rahman. (2024). a digital approach to teach synthesis writing for a defence university: a needs analysis. - arab world english journal (awej). 327-351.
nursyuhada ab wahab, melor md yunus, harwati hashim. (2024). blended language learning strategies used among religious school leavers in an english language course. - international journal of religion. 1-11.
alvianna thrazender anak unjah, melor md yunus, karmila rafiqah m. rafiq, harwati hashim. (2024). sustainable education in higher education: a systematic review on reflective and cooperative learning. - international journal of academic research in business and social sciences. 681-706.
hanita hanim binti ismail;norizah @ norazah binti mohd nordin;azlina binti abdul aziz;nor hafizah binti adnan;harwati binti hashim. (2024). development of augmented reality app (ar-lite-maginator) in teaching english literature . - . .
hengzhi hu, nur ehsan mohd said, harwati hashim. (2023). sustaining content and language integrated learning in china: a systematic review. - sustainability. 1-20.
emily lau yen yen, harwati hashim, melor md yunus. (2023). development and validation of an instrument to evaluate technology-enhanced learning and teaching sustainability in teaching spelling. - sustainability. 1-19.
nur syafiqah yaccob, melor md. yunus, harwati hashim. (2022). globally competent teachers: english as a second language teachers perceptions on global competence in english lessons. - frontiers in psychology. 1-10.
karmila rafiqah m. rafiq, harwati hashim, melor md yunus. (2022). new qualitative perspective in human-computer interaction (hci): designing mobile english for stem. - frontiers in psychology. 1-7.
emily abd rahman, melor md yunus, harwati hashim, nur khadirah ab. rahman. (2022). learner autonomy between students and teachers at a defence university: perception vs. expectation. - sustainability. 1-13.
harwati hashim, karmila rafiqah m. rafiq, melor md. yunus. (2019). improving esl learners grammar with gamified-learning. - arab world english journal. 41-50.
harwati hashim, noorhafizah rubaai,melor md. yunus. (2019). identifying english language learning strategies used by polytechnic students. - reeligacion- revista de ciencias sociales y humanidades. 275-280.
melor md yunus, haida umiera hashim, harwati hashim. (2019). massive open online courses : en route to communication skills acquisition. - arab world english journal. 98-109.
siti fatimah abd rahman, melor md yunus, harwati hashim. (2019). an overview of flipped learning studies in malaysia. - arab world english journal. 194-203.
maslawati mohamad, naiman ghazali, harwati hashim. (2018). secondary school students' perceptions on the use of google+ towards improving esl writing skills. - international journal of emerging technologies. .
christina anak albert, melor md yunus, harwati hashim. (2024). blended learning in secondary english classrooms: teachers perceptions. - international journal of academic research in progressive education & development. 1-18.
geoffrey f. c. lim, harwati hashim. (2024). digital storytelling a catalyst to enhance english language learning in malaysia. - international journal of academic research in business and social sciences. 3246-3260.
fetylyana nor pazilah, harwati hashim, melor md yunus, karmila rafiqah m. rafiq. (2024). exploring malaysian esl pre-service teachers perceptions on knowledge of learners, digital literacy and 21st century competency. - international journal of learning, teaching and educational research. 300-317.
nor syazliana sharifuddin, harwati hashim. (2024). benefits and challenges in implementing artificial intelligence in education (aied) in esl classroom: a systematic review (2019-2022). - international journal of academic research in business and social sciences. 146-164.
nursyuhada ab wahab, melor md yunus, harwati hashim. (2024). blended language learning strategies used among religious school leavers in an english language course. - international journal of religion. 1-11.
sangeeth ramalingam, harwati hashim, melor md yunus. (2021). revised community of inquiry as a theoretical foundation for understanding students blended learning experiences. - 2nd progress in social science, humanities and education research symposium (pshers 2020). 206-210.
melor md yunus, harwati hashim, siti mistima maat, fetylyana nor pazilah. (2020). strategic approaches to high impact research publication among young academic staff. - proceedings of the third workshop on multidisciplinary and its applications, wma-3 2019, 11-14 december 2019, medan, indonesia. 1-5.
lim lai wah, harwati hashim, melor md yunus. (2020). synchronous approach in improving students speaking competency. - proceedings of the third workshop on multidisciplinary and its applications, wma-3 2019, 11-14 december 2019, medan, indonesia. 1-7.
nur yasmin khairani zakaria, hafiz zaini, saedah siraj, melor md yunus, harwati hashim. (2019). learning of medicinal herbs using qr codes. - journal of physics: conference series. 1-6.
nurakhma shabani jasni, harwati hashim, melor md yunus and siti fatimah abd rahman. (2019). distance learning via moocs improving esl learners' writing skills. - journal of physics: conference series. 1-6.
siti fatimah abd rahman, melor md yunus, harwati hashim. (2020). flipped learning for higher education. - . 217.
karmila rafiqah m. rafiq, harwati hashim, melor md. yunus. (2020). ispeak_an online learning course to learn english for the workplace. - . 65.
harwati hashim, melor md yunus, mohamed amin embi. (2019). mobile learning in an esl context. - . 172.
helmi norman, norazah nordin, melor md yunus, harwati hashim, nor hafizah adnan. (2019). the impact of moocs on online education in malaysia and beyond. - . 7.
karmila rafiqah m. rafiq, fetylyana nor pazilah, goh ying tong, melor md yunus, harwati hashim. (2019). leading towards creativity & innovation. - . 8.
hengzhi hu, harwati hashim, nur ehsan mohd said. (2024). innovative instructional design methods and tools for improves teaching. - potential of content and language integrated learning in cipe. 363-382.
karmila rafiqah m. rafiq, fetylyana nor pazilah, goh ying tong, melor md yunus, harwati hashim. (2019). leading towards creativity & innovation. - . 8.
helmi norman, norazah nordin, melor md yunus, harwati hashim, nor hafizah adnan. (2019). the impact of moocs on online education in malaysia and beyond. - . 7.
rusreena rusli, haida umiera hashim, harwati hashim, melor md yunus & syar meeze mohd rashid. (2018). transformasi sekolah 2025 : memacu kemenjadian murid. - . 8.
mohamad siri muslimin, norazah mohd nordin, ahmad zamri mansor, harwati hashim & melor md yunus. (2017). creative innovation without boundaries. - . 5.
siti fatimah abd rahman, melor md yunus, harwati hashim. (2020). flipped learning for higher education. - . 217.
karmila rafiqah m. rafiq, harwati hashim, melor md. yunus. (2020). ispeak_an online learning course to learn english for the workplace. - . 65.
harwati hashim, melor md yunus, mohamed amin embi. (2019). mobile learning in an esl context. - . 172.
mohd mahzan awang, abdul razaq ahmad, harwati hashim, sheerad sahid, faridah mohamed zain, nor'aini mohamed, siti aishah othman. (2018). kompilasi kajian tindakan - pembudayaan kajian tindakan untuk kecemerlangan pendidikan abad ke-21. - . 967.
hanita hanim binti ismail;norizah @ norazah binti mohd nordin;azlina binti abdul aziz;nor hafizah binti adnan;harwati binti hashim. (2024). development of augmented reality app (ar-lite-maginator) in teaching english literature . - . .
harwati binti hashim;melor binti md yunus;syar meeze bin mohd rashid. (2023). exploring hearing-impaired students’ acceptance for using mobile technologies in learning english as a second language (esl). - . .
lam meng chun;nazatul aini binti abd majid;nurul izzaty binti hassan;nadhratun naiim binti mobarak;harwati binti hashim;tan siok yee. (2023). mobile augmented reality application for chemistry experiment as a learning tool. - . .
ismail bin mohd. saiboon;amirudin bin sanip;mohd hisham bin mohd isa;harwati binti hashim;alias bin mahmud. (2023). online remote-based immersive simulation training with debriefing using debrief technique (orbits-debrief). - . .
nazatul aini binti abd majid;noorazean binti mohd ali;hazrati binti husnin;lam meng chun;harwati binti hashim. (2023). modul pendigitalan bahan pembelajaran berasaskan augmentasi realiti mudah alih. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
KERANGKA KOMPETENSI PEMBELAJARAN JARAK JAUH BAGI PELAJAR JURUSAN STEM DI IPTA BAGI KELANGSUNGAN PEMBELAJARAN YANG BERKESAN | pertubuhan penyelidikan dan pendidikan pendidik malaysia (ppppm) | 97.7% (2022-10-01 sehingga 2025-03-31) |
KERANGKA KOMPETENSI PEMBELAJARAN JARAK JAUH BAGI PELAJAR JURUSAN STEM DI IPTA BAGI KELANGSUNGAN PEMBELAJARAN YANG BERKESAN | pusat stem negara, bahagian perancangan dan penyelidikan dasar pendidikan kementerian pendidikan malaysia | 97.7% (2022-10-01 sehingga 2025-03-31) |