pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian penuaan sihat & kesejahteraan (h-care)
Dr Hasnah merupakan penyelidik kanan di Pusat Kesejahteraan dan Penuaan Sihat (H-Care), Fakulti Sains Kesihatan, UKM. Beliau merupakan Penganalisis Makanan Berdaftar (MJMM 001611), Pakar Teknologi Profesional (PT24070321) dan Pakar Pemakanan (MAHPC(NUTR)00523). Penyelidikannya merangkumi bidang seperti analisis makanan, kesan kesihatan penggunaan soya, penggunaan isotop stabil untuk mengkaji kesihatan tulang, serta membangunkan produk makanan berkhasiat. Fellowship yang diterima daripada Agensi Tenaga Atom Antarabangsa membolehkannya menjalankan kajian penyerapan kalsium menggunakan isotop stabil di Universiti Cornell, Amerika Syarikat. Kolaborasi ini membolehkan beliau mengembangkan bidang tersebut. Beliau juga memperolehi Fellowship Penyelidik Muda dari Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia untuk menjalankan penyelidikan di Pusat Kanser Fred Hutchinson di Seattle, Amerika Syarikat. Beliau juga memainkan peranan utama dalam Asia Pacific Food Analysis Network sebagai wakil Malaysia. Dr. Hasnah merupakan ahli kumpulan kerja teknikal yang terlibat dengan Pangkalan Data Komposisi Makanan dan Garis Panduan Pemakanan Malaysia sejak 2011. Affiliasi profesionalnya termasuk sebagai ahli seumur hidup dengan Persatuan Pemakanan Malaysia, dan ahli Institut Makanan Malaysia. Kepakaran: Analisis Komposisi Makanan, Soya dan Kesihatan, dan Pembangunan Produk Makanan yang sihat.
Dr. Hasnah is a senior researcher at the Centre for Healthy Ageing and Wellness (H-Care), Faculty of Health Sciences, UKM. She is a Registered Food Analyst (MJMM 001611), Professional Technologist (PT24070321), and Nutritionist (MAHPC(NUTR)00523). Her research spans fields such as food analysis, the health effects of soy consumption, using stable isotopes to study bone health, and developing nutritious food products. A fellowship from the International Atomic Energy Agency enabled her to research calcium absorption using stable isotopes at Cornell University in the US. This collaboration contributed to her expansion into the field. Furthermore, she secured a Young Researcher Fellowship from the National University of Malaysia to work with the renowned Fred Hutchinson Cancer Centre Research in Seattle, US. She is also key in the Asia Pacific Food Analysis Network as Malaysia`s representative. Dr. Hasnah has been part of the technical working group that created Malaysia`s Food Composition Database and Dietary Guidelines since 2011. Her professional affiliations include being a life member with the Nutrition Society of Malaysia, and a member of the Malaysia Food Institute. Expertise: Soy and Health, Food Composition Analysis, and Food Product Development.
muhammad asyraf ismail, hasnah haron, suzana shahar. (2024). knowledge, attitude and practice on monosodium glutamate among staff in kuala lumpur and putrajaya health department. - malaysian journal of medicine and health sciences. 249-257.
hasnah haron. (2024). kkm anjur program sambutan hari hipertensi dan minggu kesedaran garam sedunia tahun 2024. - dewan kosmik: jendela dbp. 1-15.
zainorain natasha zainal arifen, suzana shahar, kathy trieu, hazreen abdul majid, mohd fairulnizal md noh, hasnah haron. (2024). individual and total sugar contents of street foods in malaysia-should we be concerned?. - food chemistry. 1-11.
zaliha harun [et al.]. (2024). salt reduction policy for out of home sectors: a supplementary document for the salt reduction strategy to prevent and control non-communicable diseases (ncds) in malaysia 2021-2025. - health research policy and systems. 1-13.
zainorain natasha zainal arifen, hasnah haron,suzana shahar,zaliha harun, viola michael, yee xing you, zahara abdul manaf, hazreen abdul majid, yook chin chia, feng j he,mhairi karen brown and graham a macgregor. (2024). perceptions, barriers and enablers on salt reduction in the out-of-home sectors in malaysia (mysaltoh) from the perspective of street food vendors, caterers and consumers. - public health nutrition. 1-20.
zainorain natasha zainal arifen, suzana shahar, kathy trieu, hazreen abdul majid, mohd fairulnizal md noh, hasnah haron. (2024). individual and total sugar contents of street foods in malaysia-should we be concerned?. - food chemistry. 1-11.
zaliha harun [et al.]. (2024). salt reduction policy for out of home sectors: a supplementary document for the salt reduction strategy to prevent and control non-communicable diseases (ncds) in malaysia 2021-2025. - health research policy and systems. 1-13.
mohd shah kamarudin, mohd razif shahril, hasnah haron, masne kadar, nik shanita safii, nur hana hamzaid. (2023). interventions for picky eaters among typically developed children - a scoping review. - nutrients. 1-18.
zainorain natasha zainal arifen [and sixteen others].. (2023). fatty acid composition of selected street foods commonly available in malaysia. - foods. 1-18.
zaliha harun, suzana shahar , yee xing you, zahara abdul manaf, hazreen abdul majid, yook chin chia, hasnah haron, viola michael, noor shahida sukiman, aida farzana mohamad taib, feng j. he & mhairi k. brown. (2023). perceptions, barriers and enablers of salt reduction in malaysian out-of-home sectors (mysaltoh): from the point of view of policy-makers and food industries. - health research policy and systems. 1-16.
zainorain natasha zainal arifen, hasnah haron,suzana shahar,zaliha harun, viola michael, yee xing you, zahara abdul manaf, hazreen abdul majid, yook chin chia, feng j he,mhairi karen brown and graham a macgregor. (2024). perceptions, barriers and enablers on salt reduction in the out-of-home sectors in malaysia (mysaltoh) from the perspective of street food vendors, caterers and consumers. - public health nutrition. 1-20.
lim sy, rosmawati d, yatiman nh, wong je, haron h, poh bk. (2022). evaluation of physical characteristics and sensory acceptance of newly developed vegetable-based soups. - progress in nutrition. 1-12.
sim yee lim, dora rosmawati, noor hafizah yatiman, jyh eiin wong, hasnah haron, bee koon poh. (2022). umami detection threshold among children of different ethnicities and its correlation with various indices of obesity and blood pressure. - current research in food science. 2204-2210.
fatimah othman, rashidah ambak, mohd azahadi omar, suzana shahar, noor safiza mohd nor, mohamad hasnan ahmad, muhammad fadhli mohd yusoff, hasnah haron, mohd fairulnizal md noh4 and tahir aris. (2021). development and double cross-validation of new spot urine sodium equation to predict 24-h urine sodium in the malaysian population. - journal of health, population and nutrition. 1-8.
yee xing you, suzana shahar, hasnah haron, hanis mastura yahya, normah che din. (2020). high traditional asian vegetables(ulam) intake relates to better nutritional status, cognition and mood among aging adults from low-income residential areas. - british food journal. 3179-3191.
zainorain natasha zainal arifen, suzana shahar, kathy trieu, hazreen abdul majid, mohd fairulnizal md noh, hasnah haron. (2024). individual and total sugar contents of street foods in malaysia-should we be concerned?. - food chemistry. 1-11.
muhammad asyraf ismail, hasnah haron, suzana shahar. (2024). knowledge, attitude and practice on monosodium glutamate among staff in kuala lumpur and putrajaya health department. - malaysian journal of medicine and health sciences. 249-257.
zainorain natasha zainal arifen, hasnah haron,suzana shahar,zaliha harun, viola michael, yee xing you, zahara abdul manaf, hazreen abdul majid, yook chin chia, feng j he,mhairi karen brown and graham a macgregor. (2024). perceptions, barriers and enablers on salt reduction in the out-of-home sectors in malaysia (mysaltoh) from the perspective of street food vendors, caterers and consumers. - public health nutrition. 1-20.
zaliha harun [et al.]. (2024). salt reduction policy for out of home sectors: a supplementary document for the salt reduction strategy to prevent and control non-communicable diseases (ncds) in malaysia 2021-2025. - health research policy and systems. 1-13.
zainorain natasha zainal arifen [and sixteen others].. (2023). fatty acid composition of selected street foods commonly available in malaysia. - foods. 1-18.
nur hana hamzaid, hasnah haron, haziqah ismail. (2019). acceptance of high-fiber cookies among children with autism spectrum disorder. - annals of nutrition and metabolism: abstract of asian congress of nutrition 2019. 165.
lim sy, noor hafizah y, wong je, hasnah h and poh bk. (2017). study on the effect of glutamate on satiety and perceived hunger among primary school children in malaysia. - 1st southeast asia public health nutrition conference. 128.
hasnah h, norfasihah r, nauwal fatihah ag and nurul umi aiza ma. (2017). tempecal : the innovative product based on tempeh. - 1st southeast asia public health nutrition conference. 122.
you yee xing, suzana shahar, hasnah haron. (2023). malaysian ulam the natural brain food. - . 134.
hasnah haron. (2020). penuaan sihat dan kesejahteraan. - . 10.
hasnah haron. (2018). meneroka khasiat tempe. - . 159.
hasnah haron. (2020). penuaan sihat dan kesejahteraan. - . 10.
you yee xing, suzana shahar, hasnah haron. (2023). malaysian ulam the natural brain food. - . 134.
hasnah binti haron, norlida binti mat daud, noor soffalina binti sofian seng. (2019). kamus makanan. - . 83.
hasnah haron. (2018). meneroka khasiat tempe. - . 159.
suzana shahar, nik shanita safii, zahara abdul manaf & hasnah haron. (2015). atlas makanan: saiz pertukaran & porsi. - atlas of food exchanges and portion sizes. 151.
hasnah haron. (2024). kkm anjur program sambutan hari hipertensi dan minggu kesedaran garam sedunia tahun 2024. - dewan kosmik: jendela dbp. 1-15.
hasnah haron. (2024). berapa banyakkah kandungan garam dalam makanan jalanan di malaysia?. - dewan kosmik. 10-13.
hasnah haron, suzana shahar dan muhammad asyraf ismail. (2023). knowledge, attitude and practice on monosodium glutamate among staff in kuala lumpur and putrajaya health department. - . 1-8.
hasnah haron, suzana shahar, mohd razif shahril dan zainorain natasha zainal abidin. (2023). report on study of salt level in street food (2020-2022) to strengthen salt reduction strategy in malaysia. part ii fatty acid profile. - . 1-37.
zainorain natasha za, hasnah h, suzana s, zaliha h, viola m, you yx, zahara am, hazreen am, chia yc, feng jh, brown mk and macgregor ga. (2023). perceptions, barriers, and enablers on the salt reduction policy in the out-of-home sectors in malaysia (myoh): from the outlook of street food vendors, caterers, and consumers. - 38th scientific conference nutrition society of malaysia. 63.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
STRENGTHENING SALT REDUCTION POLICY FOR MALAYSIA THROUGH MAXIMUM SALT TARGETS | malaysian agricultural research and development institute (mardi) | 68.6% (2024-05-01 sehingga 2025-07-31) |
STRENGTHENING SALT REDUCTION POLICY FOR MALAYSIA THROUGH MAXIMUM SALT TARGETS | kementerian kesihatan malaysia | 68.6% (2024-05-01 sehingga 2025-07-31) |
STRENGTHENING SALT REDUCTION POLICY FOR MALAYSIA THROUGH MAXIMUM SALT TARGETS | world action on salt, sugar and health (wassh) | 68.6% (2024-05-01 sehingga 2025-07-31) |