dr. maria binti abu bakar

pensyarah universiti

institut kejuruteraan mikro & nanoelektronik (imen)


   Biografi/ Biography :

  • Dr. Maria Abu Bakar merupakan pensyarah kanan/felo penyelidik dalam bidang mikroelektronik dan teknologi semikonduktor. Beliau menerima PhD dalam kejuruteraan mikro dan nanoelektronik dan ijazah sarjana dalam sains bahan. Projek penyelidikan PhD beliau memberi tumpuan kepada bahan antarasambungan untuk pempakejan elektronik terutama dari segi kualiti sambungan pateri pada kemasan permukaan yang berbeza. Bidang penyelidikan beliau adalah berkaitan dengan pempakejan semikonduktor elektronik dan bahan terutamanya pada hubungkait antara struktur-sifat-prestasi. Beliau telah berpengalaman selama 10 tahun berkolaborasi dengan pihak industri semikonduktor elektronik di Malaysia. Selain itu, kerjaya beliau sebagai ahli akademik telah membolehkan beliau untuk aktif membimbing pekerja industri dan menggalakkan mereka untuk melanjutkan pengajian peringkat sarjana dan PhD dalam teknologi mikroelektronik dan semikonduktor. Dr. Maria melihat peluang yang baik untuk membentuk masa depan mikroelektronik semikonduktor di Malaysia dengan membentuk kolaborasi penyelidikan antara pihak akademik dan pihak industri elektronik semikonduktor di Malaysia.
    Dr. Maria Abu Bakar is a senior lecturer and research fellow in the field of microelectronics and semiconductor technology. She received her PhD in microengineering and nanoelectronics and master’s degree in materials science. Her PhD research project focused on the interconnection material for electronic packaging, especially on the solder joint quality on different surface finishes. Her research interests include semiconductor electronic packaging and materials, especially the structure-properties-performance relationship. She has 10 years’ experience in collaborating with the semiconductor and electronics industries in Malaysia. In addition, her job as an academician has enabled her to actively mentor industrial workers, encouraging them to pursue a master`s or PhD in microelectronics and semiconductor technology. Dr. Maria notices her great opportunities to shape the future of semiconductor microelectronics in Malaysia by establishing good research collaboration between academia and the semiconductor electronics industries in Malaysia.

  • norinsan kamil bin othman;maria binti abu bakar.  (2025).  perencat kakisan hijau daripada ekstrak etlingera elatior untuk aplikasi sistem perpaipan minyak dan gas.  -


    maria abu bakar, azman jalar, anuar alias.  (2024).  linear growth behaviour of intermetallic compound layer in electronic interconnections.  - science and technology of welding and joining.  1-9. 


    mohamad solehin mohamed sunar, maria abu bakar, atiqah a., azman jalar, muhamed abdul fatah muhamed mukhtar, fakhrozi che ani.  (2024).  effect of pvd-coated wall aperture roughness on the life span of fine-pitch stencil printing.  - soldering & surface mount technology.  51-59. 


    atiqah binti mohd afdzaluddin;azman bin jalar @ jalil;maria binti abu bakar;lim kar keng.  (2024).  study on fiber treatment process of oil-palm based nanocellulose reinforced thermoplastic polyurethane for plastic encapsulation of biomedical sensor devices.  -


    adlil aizat ismail, maria abu bakar, azman jalar, fakhrozi che ani, zol effendi zolkefli, erwan basiron.  (2024).  undissolved gold in fine-pitch bga solder joint under thermal cycling test.  - journal of materials science: materials in electronics.  1-9. 


    mohamad solehin mohamed sunar, maria abu bakar, atiqah a., azman jalar, muhamed abdul fatah muhamed mukhtar, fakhrozi che ani.  (2024).  effect of pvd-coated wall aperture roughness on the life span of fine-pitch stencil printing.  - soldering & surface mount technology.  51-59. 


    maria abu bakar, azman jalar, anuar alias.  (2024).  linear growth behaviour of intermetallic compound layer in electronic interconnections.  - science and technology of welding and joining.  1-9. 


    adlil aizat ismail, maria abu bakar, azman jalar, fakhrozi che ani, zol effendi zolkefli, erwan basiron.  (2024).  undissolved gold in fine-pitch bga solder joint under thermal cycling test.  - journal of materials science: materials in electronics.  1-9. 


    maria abu bakar, atiqah mohd afdzaluddin, azman jalar.  (2022).  review on corrosion in electronic packaging trends of collaborative between academia-industry.  - sustainability.  1-33. 


    adlil aizat ismail, maria abu bakar, abang annuar ehsan, azman jalar, john burke, zol effendi zolkefli, erwan basiron.  (2022).  effect of heat shield locations on rework-induced thermal management in ball grid array solder joint.  - scientific reports.  1-12. 


    maria abu bakar, mohamad solehin mohamed sunar, azman jalar, a atiqah, fakhrozi che ani, ibrahym ahmad, zol effendi zolkefli.  (2023).  effect of sn plating thickness on wettability, solderability, and electrical connections of electronic lead connectors for surface mount technology applications.  - sains malaysiana.  3247-3258. 


    abdul a omar, azman jalar, maria a bakar, khirullah a hamid.  (2022).  sulfur ingression on encapsulated leadframe of discrete semiconductor package.  - ieee transactions on components, packaging and manufacturing technology.  544-550. 


    adlil aizat ismail, maria abu bakar, abang annuar ehsan, azman jalar, erwan basiron, fakhrozi che ani.  (2022).  cardinal and ordinal directions approach in investigating arrayed solder joints crack propagation of ball grid array semiconductor packages.  - ieee transactions on components packaging and manufacturing technology.  1492-1501. 


    fateh amera mohd yusoff, maria abu bakar, azman jalar.  (2022).  temperature-induced thickness reduction of micromechanical properties of sn-0.7cu solder alloy.  - materiali in tehnologije, materials and technology.  373-379. 


    fateh amera mohd yusoff, maria abu bakar, azman jalar.  (2022).  kesan rawatan termomekanik dengan mampatan tunggal terhadap mikrostruktur dan sifat mikromekanik aloi pateri sn-0.7cu.  - sains malaysiana.  3775-3784. 


    mohamad solehin mohamed sunar, maria abu bakar, atiqah a., azman jalar, muhamed abdul fatah muhamed mukhtar, fakhrozi che ani.  (2024).  effect of pvd-coated wall aperture roughness on the life span of fine-pitch stencil printing.  - soldering & surface mount technology.  51-59. 


    maria abu bakar, azman jalar, anuar alias.  (2024).  linear growth behaviour of intermetallic compound layer in electronic interconnections.  - science and technology of welding and joining.  1-9. 


    adlil aizat ismail, maria abu bakar, azman jalar, fakhrozi che ani, zol effendi zolkefli, erwan basiron.  (2024).  undissolved gold in fine-pitch bga solder joint under thermal cycling test.  - journal of materials science: materials in electronics.  1-9. 


    saraswathy supramaniam, maria abu bakar, a. atiqah, azman jalar, mohd zulhakimi ab. razak.  (2023).  moisture content and early corrosion detection of cu wire bonding in a semiconductor package.  - journal of failure analysis and prevention.  2362-2369. 


    maria abu bakar, mohamad solehin mohamed sunar, azman jalar, a atiqah, fakhrozi che ani, ibrahym ahmad, zol effendi zolkefli.  (2023).  effect of sn plating thickness on wettability, solderability, and electrical connections of electronic lead connectors for surface mount technology applications.  - sains malaysiana.  3247-3258. 


    adlil aizat ismail, maria abu bakar, abang annuar ehsan, azman jalar, zol effendi zolkefli, erwan basiron.  (2023).  thermal management on the solder joints of adjacent ball grid array (bga) rework components using laser soldering.  - green materials and electronic packaging interconnect technology symposium (epits 2022).  103-113. 


    fateh amera mohd yusoff, maria abu bakar, azman jalar.  (2023).  effect of thermomechanical treatment on microstructural and localized micromechanical properties of sn0.7cu solder alloy.  - green materials and electronic packaging interconnect technology symposium (epits 2022).  133-144. 


    sabarina abdul hamid, muhammad nubli zulkifli, azman jalar, maria abu bakar, wan nursheila wan jusoh, hassan basher, michael daenen.  (2023).  effect of ultrasonic process parameter on resistance and plastic deformation of the aluminum ribbon bond on molybdenum layer.  - 8th ieee region 10 conference, tencon 2023.  1288-1292. 


    khirullah abdul hamid, aiman hakim badarisman, azman jalar, maria abu bakar.  (2022).  investigation of integrated factors in the occurrence of copper wire bonding corrosion of semiconductor packages.  - international conference on electronic and advanced materials 2021 (iceam 2021).  1-5. 


    aiman hakim badarisman, khirullah abdul hamid, hamizan ideris, maria abu bakar, azman jalar.  (2022).  effects of molding temperature on delamination of small outline transistor (sot).  - international conference on electronic and advanced materials (iceam 2021).  1-7. 


    maria abu bakar, azman jalar, fakhrozi che ani.  (2023).  pematerian gelombang pin menerusi lubang.  - 191. 


    n. ismail, a. jalar, m.a. bakar, a. atiqah.  (2022).  recent progress in lead-free solder technology.  - 21. 


    m.a. bakar, a. jalar, a. atiqah, n. ismail.  (2022).  recent progress in lead-free solder technology.  - 332. 


    a atiqah, fa sabaruddin, n ismail, a jalar, ma bakar, aa hamzah, ra ilyas, m asrofi.  (2022).  industrial applications of nanocellulose and its nanocomposites.  - 22. 


    a atiqah, a. jalar, m.a. bakar, n. ismail.  (2022).  recent progress in lead-free solder technology.  - 332. 


    a. atiqah, n. ismail, k.k. lim, a. jalar, m.a. bakar, m.a. maleque, r.a. ilyas, a.b.m. supian.  (2022).  recycling of plastics, metals, and their composites.  - 15. 


    a atiqah, fa sabaruddin, n ismail, a jalar, ma bakar, aa hamzah, ra ilyas, m asrofi.  (2022).  industrial applications of nanocellulose and its nanocomposites.  - 22. 


    a atiqah, a. jalar, m.a. bakar, n. ismail.  (2022).  recent progress in lead-free solder technology.  - 332. 


    n. ismail, a. jalar, m.a. bakar, a. atiqah.  (2022).  recent progress in lead-free solder technology.  - 21. 


    m.a. bakar, a. jalar, a. atiqah, n. ismail.  (2022).  recent progress in lead-free solder technology.  - 332. 


    maria abu bakar, azman jalar, fakhrozi che ani.  (2023).  pematerian gelombang pin menerusi lubang.  - 191. 


    norliza ismail, azman jalar, maria abu bakar.  (2021).  pematerian bahan pateri bebas plumbum berpengisi karbon nanotiub.  - 121. 


    norinsan kamil bin othman;maria binti abu bakar.  (2025).  perencat kakisan hijau daripada ekstrak etlingera elatior untuk aplikasi sistem perpaipan minyak dan gas.  -


    azman bin jalar @ jalil;maria binti abu bakar.  (2024).  development of high reliability and high performance of interconnection technology and materials in electronic packaging.  -


    atiqah binti mohd afdzaluddin;azman bin jalar @ jalil;maria binti abu bakar;lim kar keng.  (2024).  study on fiber treatment process of oil-palm based nanocellulose reinforced thermoplastic polyurethane for plastic encapsulation of biomedical sensor devices.  -


    maria binti abu bakar;azman bin jalar @ jalil;siow kim shyong;ahmad ghadafi bin ismail.  (2023).  development of high ductility metallurgical interconnection in sn-based lead-free solder joint via superplastic-like approach.  -


    azman bin jalar @ jalil;norinsan kamil bin othman;maria binti abu bakar.  (2023).  corrosion prevention mechanism for automotive semiconductor devices packaging via de-sulphuring process.  -